
Chapter 174 Taoist, Taoist, Old Taoist

The place marked by the red line on the map is a town more than 100 miles away from the city. In addition, he drove into the entrance of the town and asked at a slower speed, "Where are you going now?"

Fengtian looked at the direction, took the back of the front seat of the car, and reached out to show him the direction.

When he drove to the location according to Fengtian's instructions, he suddenly found that there was a not-large Taoist temple not far ahead.

Looking at the people coming in and out of the gate from time to time, he asked Fengtian curiously, "Is this it?"

Feng Tian said "um".

Wang Feifan asked doubtfully, "I thought that the transcendence was carried out in the temple. Can the Taoist temple also be transcended?"

Feng Tian smiled and said, "It's different. The old Taoist priest here and I are friends, so you and I can rest assured here."

He sank. He seemed to be afraid of extraordinary situations and said, "Don't think this Taoist temple is not big, but the Taoist priests inside are really capable."

In addition, he nodded and didn't say anything. In this regard, he still believed in Fengtian.

Park the car and follow the wind and sky to the Taoist gate.

Before entering the door, Fengtian told a few precautions. After entering the Taoist temple, don't mention the meat. Don't ask the age of the Taoist Taoist priest. Don't put your hands together when greeting. You should hold your fists with your chest together as a gift. It is worth noting that you must hold your right palm. In addition, if you want to burn incense, you must Keep an eye on where others burn.

Kuang Feifan curled his lips: "Don't worry, I'm not so bored to ask people's age. In addition, I'm not going to burn incense when I go in. Don't forget, I'm following you."

It is indeed like what Fengtian said. Although this Taoist temple is not big, it also adheres to the main theme of Taoism, sitting in the north-south layout, with the meridian as the central axis. After entering the gate, the main hall is located on the central axis, with a side hall on each side, and behind it is a dining hall and a house for the Taoist priest to eat and rest.

Although it is not very grand, the whole is simple and elegant, and it seems that the building is extremely well-maintained. Although this Taoist concept is also old, there is no dilapidated place at all.

Several Taoist priests in the view were busy, and Feng Tian did not intend to pay attention to them, and walked directly to the back with the extraordinary situation.

Before they got to the backyard room, several Taoist priests in blue robes stopped them.

Feng Tian hugged his fist, smiled and said, "I'm looking for the old Taoist priest."

When several Taoist priests heard what he said, their faces immediately changed to a respectful look, but what's more, they could feel that they did not respect Fengtian, but paid tribute to him for the three words "old Taoist priest".

The Taoist priest who stopped them flashed to both sides and made a way for them. Fengtian nodded at them and continued to walk back.

In a very ordinary room, Kuang Feifan finally met this mysterious old Taoist priest.

To be honest, I was misled by their various performances before, and Feifan thought that the old Taoist priest might have many bones and fairy styles, and his every move was indescribably elegant and chic.

But at first sight, I was more or less disappointed.

The old Taoist priest, like ordinary people, has a wrinkled face and three wisps of white beard under his jaw, can definitely be called "old", and does not imagine the childlike appearance of a crane hair at all. Like those Taoist priests outside, he wears a blue robe, which can only be described as clean.

In addition, remember not to ask people's age precautions, just hugging the old Taoist priest, and naturally the respect that should be missed.

The old Taoist priest looked light and clear. Seeing the wind and conditions, he greeted them, reached out and motioned them to sit casually, and then recruited a young Taoist boy at the door to make a pot of tea.

After the tea came up, the old Taoist priest twisted his beard and asked Fengtian, "Xiaofeng, what's the matter today?"

Fengtian scratched his head and smiled shyly. As he stretched out his hand to open his bag, he said, "As the saying goes, I'm going to the Three Treasures Hall. Naturally, I'm going to bother you."

With that, he took out the four jars from his bag and put them on the Eight Immortals table beside the old Taoist priest.

"This is a family of three, plus a foreign victim. Please take care of it yourself." The wind and sky give a deep bow.

Seeing this, he also stood up from the chair and bowed deeply to the old Taoist priest.

Seeing the two like this, the old Taoist priest knew that they were serious about it, so he nodded and said, "Well, I can do this, but let's talk about the reason first."

Fengtian told the story of the murderous house. After listening to this, the old Taoist priest slowly unfolded his slightly frown, sighed gently and said, "The murderous soul, it seems that... I will open the altar tomorrow night."

When Feifan heard the old Taoist priest say that he was going to open the altar, he couldn't help but be curious and really wanted to watch it with his own eyes, but when he thought that he could go back with himself now, he hesitated for a moment and still didn't say his idea.

Fengtian raised the corners of his mouth. Seeing that he was eager to try just now, then hesitated for a moment and returned to his normal expression. He knew what Kuo Feifan was thinking.

After thinking about it, he asked, "Do you have to do it tomorrow night? Will it work tonight?"

The old Taoist priest suddenly smiled and said, "If you open the forum and cooperate with the appropriate time, you will get twice the result with half the effort. The time tomorrow night is just right. In addition, since Xiaofeng is here, if it's not troublesome, I also need you to help me do something."

Hearing what he said, Feifan couldn't help sinking. It seemed that it was impossible to pull Fengtian and leave immediately. Fengtian didn't care. He curled his lips and said to the old Taoist priest, "I knew that a trip would not be easy to leave, but you also have almost 20 apprentices and grandchildren now, and you still need it. Me?"

The old Taoist priest did not answer his question, but suddenly asked, "Do you have anything else?"

Feng Tian took a look at Kuo Feifan and asked him with his eyes. Kuang Feifan nodded with a wry smile. He did not object to helping the old Taoist priest. After all, he promised to help the four ghosts first.

Seeing the extraordinary nod, Fengtian shrugged his shoulder to the old Taoist priest and said, "If you have something to do, you can let it go first. Just say it. What do you need me to do?"

The old Taoist priest got up and walked to a desk placed by the wall, picked up the book from the table, turned around and handed it to Feng Tian, saying, "Give this book to a person."

"Who is it?" Feng Tian took the book and looked through it casually. Then he found that there were several drawn charms in it.

When Fengtian saw the charm, he couldn't help but be stunned.

The old Taoist priest reached out and closed the book opened by Fengtian and said, "This is for Mr. Hou."

"Which Mr. Hou?" Feng Tian was stunned for a moment and asked doubtfully. Then he suddenly opened his mouth and said in an aggravated tone, "Are you talking about Mr. Hou?"

PS: Something happened today, but I just wrote more than 2,000 points. In order to update before 12 o'clock, I uploaded it first...