
Chapter 192 Everything for the dead

The light suddenly flashed outside, attracting the attention of several people in the room. The extraordinary situation sitting in front of the computer first reacted, jumped up, and rushed to the door of the house in a few steps, and Ji Ping followed him closely.

But when they rushed to the outer room and looked through the glass window, they found that there was no sign of vehicles passing in the driveway outside the house.

Wang Feifan was stunned and subconsciously looked at Ji Ping next to him. Coincidentally, he also looked over, and his eyes were also a little confused.

"It can't be anything else. It should be the headlights shining in." What's more, he said.

Ji Ping couldn't help nodding: "Unless you and I are mistaken..." Later, he didn't know how to continue. He hadn't come up with a reasonable explanation.

At this time, Fengtian came to the extraordinary side and frowned without saying a word.

Hu Feifan raised his eyebrows and asked him, "Don't you have any idea? It must have been we were dazzling together just now. Obviously, there were headlights dangling. Obviously, there was a car entering the gas station, but now there is nothing.

With that, he pointed out of the window.

"Could it be the light on the road outside?" Wang Hai interrupted, but he looked carefully and couldn't help closing his mouth. The distance between the road and the commissary was not close, and it was impossible for the lights there to shine on the wall of the commissary.

Ji Ping quickly walked to the gate, stretched out to open the door, stepped out to check around, and even ran to the lane to check.

Wang Feifan did not follow him. He knew that Ji Ping was suspecting something, but judging from the distance from the entrance to the exit of the gas station vehicle, it is impossible for a car to drive in and out in such a short time.

Sure enough, Ji Ping shook his head at several people after returning to the house. Obviously, he found nothing.

"Don't think about this and watch the video." Moreover, Feifan tilted his head in the inner room.

Ji Ping nodded.

Several people returned to the monitoring room and watched the noteworthy surveillance videos in the gas station from beginning to end, especially when the car drove away from the gas station after refueling. To prove that the whole thing is full of supernatural elements.

Moreover, Feifan noticed that Ji Ping couldn't help wiping the sweat on his cheek after watching the video, and his expression was extremely strange. I guess he didn't believe in this kind of thing before. As for now, I'm afraid it's hard to say.

"What do you think?" What's more, Feifan asked Ji Ping.

Ji Ping was shocked. He had been immersed in the pictures he had seen. He was asked by Kuang Feifan before he realized it. He raised his hand and rubbed his cheeks and said tiredly, "So, Luo Jingjing's death was not an ordinary car accident, but was killed by this strange car? What is this? Ghost car?"

Xang Feifan smiled: "Or it's called a ghost car..."

Before he finished speaking, his heart suddenly moved, and it seemed that an idea flashed through his mind, but he couldn't catch it for a while.

At this moment, Feng Tian suddenly said, "Rejust the picture of that car."

Moreover, Feifan hurriedly adjusted the picture according to his request. Fengtian approached the screen and tilted his head to observe carefully. Moreover, Feifan did not stare at the screen, but kept looking at Fengtian. Obviously, his request showed that he had found something.

Ji Ping noticed Feng Tian's behavior and did not prohibit his expected eyes from staring at him. After watching the surveillance video at the intersection, he had a feeling that the car accident case was not an ordinary kind of hit-and-run, but everyone in the team thought there was something wrong with the video. Even if he saw it, he thought it was a broken camera, which made him a little depressed, and when he learned that the case could become an unsolved case after no one was found, he finally couldn't sit still.

At the beginning of encountering extraordinary circumstances, Ji Ping did not want him to participate in the investigation of the case. After all, the video is an undisclosed secret. The fewer people know, the better, so as to avoid anyone using this kind of thing to mess up legends. In the end, it is easy to make trouble in the city and panic, but soon he found that whether it is extraordinary or extraordinary Fengtian must know more about this kind of unexplained thing, so he decided to hand over the video to them.

Ji Ping never thought that these people had much more information and understanding than he personally investigated. In such a short moment, he even had a sense of frustration.

Strangely, he has changed his mind now, hoping that they can help him solve this case, whether it's ghosts or ghosts, at least there must be a break.

At this time, Feng Tian suddenly raised his legs and kicked the legs of the sitting chair a few times and said, "Get up, I'll sit down. I'm going to check it on the Internet."

"Uh..." Moreover, Feifan wanted to ask Feng Tian what he wanted to check and was ready to help, but when he saw Feng Tian's eyes shining, he obviously had something to think.

He shrugged his shoulders and stood up from his chair.

Fengtian took the opportunity to squeeze him away, sit up, and then began to play the computer.

For a while, no one in the room spoke except for the sound of the keyboard.

For a long time, Kuang Feifan suddenly turned his head and asked Ji Ping, "Why are you so careful about this case?"

Ji Ping was silent for a while before whispering, "For the sake of the dead, because Luo Jingjing has no family members, she can't even find a distant relative. Her death has not been paid enough attention to. The longer it takes, the lower the chance of solving the case. I don't want a lonely person to remain unat care after death."

Kuang Feifan was stunned for a moment and then nodded.

Suddenly, Fengtian, who was still competing with the computer keyboard, turned around and asked Ji Ping, "by the way, can you check if there was anyone in the nearby residential community the day before yesterday who was doing nothing and wanted that kind of white thing."

Ji Ping was stunned, looked at him inexplicably and asked, "What does this have to do with the car accident?"

Fengtian meditated for a moment, shook his head and said, "I can't say yet, because some things have not been straightened out, and I still need to check something. By the way, should the deceased Luo Jingjing have any personal belongings in the hands of your police?"

Ji Ping nodded.

"Is there any way to take out her computer?" Fengtian asked.

Moreover, Feifan coughed twice. He could feel that Ji Ping was the kind of official policeman. This kind of privately taking out evidence was obviously not his style.

To his surprise, Ji Ping just thought about it and nodded: "I can take it out tomorrow during the investigation."

Feng Tian said with satisfaction, clapped his hands and said, "Well, let's do whatever we should do now. Let's talk about it after dawn. Officer Ji can come to us tomorrow when he gets the computer. Anyway, you know the hotel we live in."

Seeing that he didn't understand, he was in a hurry to tell Ji Ping the hotel where they stayed.

Ji Ping's expression was stunned: "It seems that you have also found the witness."

Wang Feifan smiled and glanced at Wang Hai intentionally or unintentionally, but did not explain it clearly to Ji Ping.

Ji Ping suddenly changed his face, stared at Kuang Feifan and asked, "Do you know what happened in the morgue?"

It's extraordinary to nod.

Ji Ping reached out and grabbed his wrist and asked in a quick voice, "Tell me why Luo Jingjing's body became like that? The hospital explained that it was because it was stained with corrosive chemicals, and this excuse was really bad.

The extraordinary wrist turned over and broke away from his hand and said in a low voice, "Relax. I'll tell you on the road later. Did you drive here?"

Without waiting for Ji Ping's answer, he turned his head and asked Fengtian, "Shall we go back to the hotel?"

Feng Tian said without thinking, "No, go to the hospital now."