
Chapter 198 Check

It's easy to end, but it's completely different from what I thought.

First of all, only at this time did I know that no one really understood what the room without doors and windows looked like. According to the old Taoist priest, it was built by his master. At that time, he was not old and did not know anything about the ritual of suppressing the soul. Later, when he learned all kinds of mysterious magic, I found that what I learned was not the same or even similar to the way of suppressing the soul in front of me.

Over the years, he sometimes looked at the room and wondered, but nothing had happened, so he did not delve into the details.

However, in my memory, this house was built around the soul-suppression ceremony, with walls built on all sides in turn, and then capped above.

No doors and windows are obviously to keep people from entering, but now it seems that if you really want to enter the house to see what's going on, there is nothing you can do. Just go down from the roof.

This method was conceived by Fengtian and Kuo Feifan together. Seeing the tiles on the roof, they couldn't help grabbing their chin and laughing. They couldn't help but start discussing various martial arts novels they read at the beginning. Among them, there are many plots describing night visits to the house, knights or thieves in night clothes, who often fly to the roof. The piece uncovered the tile and made a hole to drill into the house. If you remember correctly, it should be called "swan laying eggs".

But the method they came up with was rejected by the old Taoist priest, because no one can say whether there is any danger or not. It is unknown whether it will endanger life or affect the suppression of ghosts if they rush into it.

Although the old Taoist priest's worries are reasonable, he can't figure out the situation in the house, so he can't understand which method was used to suppress ghosts in those years.

Moreover, Feifan circled the room two times across the distance, looked at the roof on tiptoe, and suddenly said, "Do you think there are any portable cameras in the town's traffic brigade?"

Hearing what he said, Feng Tian couldn't help but hesitate. According to the extraordinary idea, whether they had it or not, they must be shocked. His original intention was that he did not want too many people to participate in this matter.

However, the development of the matter quickly surprised him. At this moment, a Taoist priest quickly walked into the backyard and told the old Taoist priest that someone outside wanted to see him, and also wanted to ask if there were Mr. Fengtian and Mr. Kuang Feifan staying in the Taoist temple.

Fengtian casually said, "Who is coming?"

The Taoist priest was stunned, and Feng Tian smiled shyly. He closed his mouth and flashed aside.

The old Taoist priest also asked, and the Taoist priest replied, "His name is Ji Ping."

Moreover, Feifan looked at Fengtian, and the two immediately smiled bitterly. It seemed that Officer Ji probably did not fully accept what Fengtian had told them before.

Sure enough, when Ji Ping came to the backyard to see the old Taoist priest and the extraordinary situation, the first question thrown was to doubt Fengtian's explanation at that time.

Fengtian spread his hands: "Let's talk about this question later. Didn't you come just to question me?"

Ji Ping "hum" and then sighed, with a look of desire to talk on his face, as if he was in trouble.

After a long silence, he said, "Actually, after seeing Wang Hai and the others did not go back to the team, but went to the white community they saw before, trying to see the paper car again. As a result, after arriving, I happened to see the family coming to the crematorium, so I also Drive along."

Kuang Feifan raised his eyebrows: "Will you go to the crematorium with me? What are you doing? Afraid of fraudulent corpses?"

Ji Ping shook his head: "Of course not. I want to see the paper car burned, otherwise I always feel uneasy."

The extraordinary nodded: "Oh, is it burning?"

Ji Ping frowned and said as if he didn't believe himself, "Maybe... burned."

"But..." He took a sentence.

Ji Ping smiled bitterly: "I didn't really see it. I always felt that there seemed to be a trance at that time. Other flowers and blue wreaths and paper people could be sure that their house was burned. That's the car, looking at it next to it, disappeared in a blink of an eye, but at that time, there were a lot of things burned, and I was away. It's not close, so I'm not sure."

Kuang Feifan shook his head: "It seems that you think it's possible that the car not only hasn't been burned, but also disappeared."

Ji Ping stared at him and Fengtian, as if hoping that they could help him affirm it.

Fengtian couldn't help but be a little strange: "Isn't this over yet?"

Besides, Feifan looked at Feng Tian's thoughtful appearance, so he simply pulled Ji Ping aside and asked, "Is there such a small pinhole camera in your team that can reach into the room to check."

Ji Ping looked at him alertly: "What do you want to do?"

Bang Feifan pointed to the strange house concisely and said, "Do you see? There is a ghost in there. I'm going to check the situation inside with the camera."

Ji Ping began to hear him say this and thought it was a joke, but when he saw his serious face, he couldn't help but be stunned: "Are you serious?"

"Nonsense, who is in the mood to joke now?" Moreover, Feifan said angrily.

Ji Ping pulled his face and thought for a while and said, "There is no that thing in the team, but I have a place to get it. When do you want it?"

"Of course, the sooner the better. Find a way to solve it as soon as possible." What's more, he said impatiently.

Ji Ping shrugged his shoulders helplessly: "Okay, I'll go now and come back in an hour or two."

After he left, Kuo Feifan couldn't help asking Fengtian, "What do you think about the paper tying the car?"

Feng Tian shook his head: "I have no clue and can't think of it, but I'm not too worried. No matter how much it changes, it is also a paper car that won't kill people."

What if Feifan's mind turned around and suddenly said, "What if it just appears scary?"

"Uh..." Fengtian has to admit that this situation may happen, and if it is encountered, it is also a troublesome thing.

Because of Ji Ping's appearance, he had never paid attention to the situation of the old Taoist priest. At this time, he found that he was not in the courtyard, so he asked Fengtian where he was going.

"The old Taoist priest went to check the notes of that year." Fengtian told him.

Moreover, there is a feeling that even if he investigates, he probably won't find any inside information. Looking at the room, his mood became heavier and heavier. In vaguely, he felt that there was a very high possibility that an unknown situation would happen in the suppression of ghosts.

The door of the old Taoist priest's room was closed, obviously not to be disturbed. The two simply sat in the yard, leaning against a tree, staring at the room not far away, thinking nonsense.

I don't know how long it took, but they suddenly heard the sound of objects rubbing against the ground. Looking back, they saw that the old Taoist priest was dragging out a wooden box from the house. The style of the box should have been some years.

The two hurried over to help, and Feifan couldn't help but blurt out a question: "No way, are all the notes of that year?"

The old Taoist priest shook his head: "The notes have been finished, and there is no detailed record. This box is some magic weapons used by the master in those years. Let me find out and see what can be used now."

Moreover, Feifan has never seen a real magic weapon, but before he and Feng Tian can satisfy his newborn curiosity, Ji Ping came in with a bag on his back.

This made them temporarily give up checking the things in the box and prepare to attack the strange room first.