
Chapter 225 Intersection of Yin and Yang

Fengtian drilled out of the window and stepped on the hood. At a glance, he saw Kuo Feifan standing in front of him, as if he was staring down, but his body was motionless. There was already a space in front of him, but when he was stunned, many paper people gathered on both sides.

"What's wrong?" Feng Tian shouted and asked.

Hearing his voice, he turned around with a hesitant look and asked, "Are you sure it's flat to jump down?"

Fengtian ran over and looked at it, and then he understood what he meant. Although the surroundings were dyed with a miserable green, and with this green light, he could barely see the situation around him, it was only a part of his side, including the two people and the car below, and there was still endless darkness in the outer space. So much so that he stood on the hood and looked down from the front of the car, as if the car was suspended in the dark mid-air.

"Jump, I can't control so much." Fengtian raised his voice, and there was obviously no wind around, but the rag robes on those paper people floated around, making a hunting sound. Only talking loudly can cover the disturbing noise.

As soon as he raised his hand, another flame spewed out, burning several paper people who had just come together into ashes. Then he crossed his heart and jumped from the front of the car.

In fact, Fengtian doesn't know whether the darkness around him is empty or on the ground. Just in case, he even grabbed the rope around his waist. I'm afraid that this jump jumped into the dark nothingness.

It's okay. In addition, it fell directly in front of the car. It seems that although it is too dark to see anything around, at least it is still on the ground.

To be honest, they actually have to be lucky that no matter what this ghostland is, the air can still be breathed.

Although there were paper people turning into ashes under the gas cylinder in Kuang Feifan's hand, it is obvious that these things do not know what fear is. As Kuang Feifan jumped off the car, they also changed their direction and drifted from being around the car to the situation Feifan standing in front of the car.

Fengtian saw that the paper man was gradually changing the target of attack, and his heart was also awe-broking. He hurriedly followed him and jumped out of the car. At this time, there was no possibility to distinguish the direction. The only thing he could do was to open a way out of escape.

Moreover, Feifan turned around and saw that the wind and sky were also coming down. Knowing that this was the critical moment, the two had no time to discuss at all. Out of instinct, they directly ran to the front of the car to the gap that the paper man had not surrounded.

With the ropes tied to each other around their waists, they knew one direction and ran down. Anyway, at a glance, the front was dark, and they did not know the east, west, north and south, and behind them, a series of paper people with green eyes drifted to catch up.

At this moment, Kuo Feifan suddenly slowed down and said to Fengtian without looking back, "You lead the way in front, and I will break the back."

Feng Tian didn't say anything and rushed to the front of the extraordinary situation.

The situation suddenly returned, and the gas cylinder in his hand spewed out another flame, ignited the two paper people closest to them, and then accelerated their pace away from the two paper people who were being swallowed by the flames.

In fact, a problem has been found in this extraordinary situation and Fengtian. Although this group of paper people look strange, it can only be regarded as ordinary and not as difficult to deal with as imagined.

And the speed at which they ran wildly with their legs was not what the swaying paper people could match. After a while, a pair of green eyes were thrown behind by them.

But the next question came again. They fell back into the boundless darkness. Not only could they not see the scenery around them, but even as long as they were as they were as far apart, they could no longer see each other's facial features. If they hadn't been connected by ropes around their waist, they would probably be able to disperse in a while.

Moreover, the flashlight carried by Feifan before was lost at the bottom of the lake. Fortunately, one was prepared in the Fengtian bag, and finally there was no need to rely on the combustible gas in the gas cylinder to illuminate it. Relatively speaking, Kuang Feifan felt that the gas cylinder in his hand was the best defensive weapon at present.

The bright white light from the strong flashlight finally tore a cut open in the darkness around them, but it could only barely illuminate some of the places around them, and nothing could be seen outside the bright light.

"What should I do now?" Moreover, Feifan paid attention to the surroundings while asking. At this time, there was no way to distinguish the direction, and I didn't know whether those paper people would still catch up from the position behind him.

Fengtian actually doesn't know the way out. Besides, when it comes to the "ghost realm", he has only heard of it and has never really seen it. Is this a "ghost realm"? It's just his guess.

Moreover, Feifan didn't quite understand what "ghost domain" was. He didn't pay attention to this term before. At that time, he was mainly concerned about how to escape from the car.

Now, except for what they are stepping on, the rest can be said to be that there is no store in front of the village and behind, and they can't touch the sky. Instead of bumping around, it's better to find some spiders from the rumors.

Fengtian frowned and shook his head. He was not sure about the extraordinary proposal. After all, it was just a rumor, but there was nothing to hide when he wanted to hear it. The so-called "ghost domain" is said to be located between yin and yang, belonging to a separate space. Those who wander in the "ghost realm" are all ghosts and evil spirits, but no one I don't know what it is, because even if someone can enter the "ghost realm", there seems to be no second way except to become a member of the "ghost realm".

Hu Feifan rolled his eyes. It is true that this rumor is unreliable. If someone really enters the "ghost realm" and can't get out, then who can spread this rumor and how can he find an escape?

Of course, Fengtian also understands this truth, but it is a dark space, and he has never seen those paper people with green eyes, so he remembered this rumor.

A light suddenly flashed in Feifan's mind. Thinking of something he had experienced with Bai Ru some time ago, he couldn't help asking, "Are we on the road of yin and yang?"

Fengtian hesitated for a moment and shook his head: "No, this is not the road of yin and yang, but no matter what it is, there will definitely be one or several places where yin and yang meet, that is, the exit that can escape. This is what we need to find."

Moreover, Feifan believed that he nodded to agree. Fengtian raised a flashlight in one hand and took out a compass with the other. According to his theory, as long as it is a place where yin and yang intersect, whether it is a point or a surface, it should emit different energy information from the surroundings.

In order to prove his theory, Feng Tian turned around with the compass to see if he could see which direction was unusual from the compass.

Moreover, Feifan is thinking about another thing. The fundamental reason why they will be trapped here is Ji Ping. If it weren't for him, it would be impossible for Fengtian to drive around, but there is a problem that he can't figure out. If he doesn't want to know the situation of the person in charge of the gas station surnamed Lu, he may not be able to mention the brigade to work for Ji Ping. It is even more unlikely to turn into that intersection.

That is to say, if they were not ready to ask the person in charge at that time, would the current situation be very different?

Just when he had not figured it out, suddenly, there was a faint sound of "everything" in the dark around him, as if something was crawling. Soon, he felt the smell of rotten meat floating into his nose in the air.

Before waiting for the extraordinary sound reminder, I suddenly heard Fengtian shouting not far away: "Oh, my God, it's not good..."