
Chapter 242 is back?

What's more, he fainted because of the pain. Similarly, he woke up because of bursts of pain. However, when he woke up, he couldn't be sure what had happened to him for a moment. He only felt that half of his body was attacked by waves of pain. After feeling it carefully, he realized that he seemed to be piercing by bursts of cold. The cold wind blew through the body.

He slowly opened his eyes, and the pale yellow wall gradually came into his eyes. He looked at it with a wrong look. Then he found that in front of the window not far from one side, the curtains fluttered messy in the gust of wind. The cold wind seemed to blow through the window. Although his body was covered with a not too thick quilt, it could still be able when the wind swept through his body. I clearly felt the coldness of half of my body blown by the wind into my bones, and four words flashed in the chaotic thoughts: the wind through the bone.

Immediately, he remembered doubtfully, where is this place?

He wanted to move, but found that his whole body was like a loss of strength. He reluctantly turned his head and looked at his room. The simple furnishings, single beds and pale yellow walls gave him a sense of familiarity. Many experiences made him not shout "Is there anyone?" One kind of words, but forced himself to calm down and struggled to pursue the familiar feeling in his mind. Suddenly, he remembered and couldn't help smiling bitterly in his heart. Isn't this the room he was assigned to in the villa where Xu Hui lived?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but be surprised and happy, but immediately, another bigger question hit his heart, which made the joy just born in his heart disappear. How could he get here?

With the emergence of this question, more doubts surged out. At this moment, even if his head was still heavy, he still recalled many fragments before, and also recalled some situations in the backyard of He Fengtian's Taoist temple. An idea flashed through his mind. Did Fengtian send him back?

Maybe only this possibility is more reasonable, but what about people nowadays?

From opening his eyes to now, he always had a feeling that something was wrong, but he had not been able to figure out what was wrong. He looked at the closed door and looked around the room. He was lucky and sat up slowly. Suddenly, he couldn't help staring in surprise.

The wrong place is the window.

The cold wind and dancing curtains blowing from the window on the other side could be seen clearly because his body was sitting straight, and the window was actually closed.

At this time, I felt more clearly that the cold wind was swirling around the house, and the pale white fog was almost invisible in the whole room. If you look carefully, you can see the fog flowing in the wind, waves, in the cold room.

Involuntarily, he took a slow breath and spit out. He was trying to restore his body. On the contrary, too many questions made him understand that he was in a strange and inexplicable situation. Only by trying his best to figure out the situation first can he find a countermeasure.

He felt it and found that his hands and feet were basically moving freely, and then he raised his hand and would be lifted. Although he had realized that he had nothing to wear except a pair of shorts, he couldn't care about it at this time. What's more, he just glanced around and didn't have his own clothes. Now he looked at the bedside, even his shoes. I can't see one.

He stepped on the floor barefoot, cold, although it was almost the same as stepping on the ice.

When he stood up, he looked at his body and vaguely remembered that he was dizzy because of his back pain after being blown by the whirlwind, but he turned his head and looked. There was nothing strange about his back, not to mention trauma, not even a trace of redness and swelling.

But then his heart sank. He found that the rosary beads on his wrist were missing. Only a circle of light red strang marks reminded him of the existence of the rosary beads.

Wang Feifan gritted his teeth. Although he had realized that losing the rosary was equivalent to losing the power to protect himself, he also understood that even if he huddled in **, he would definitely not be able to run away.

After thinking about it, he walked straight to the closed door. As long as he could open the door, he would know more about his current environment.

Unfortunately, many things are well planned, but it will be another situation to implement.

When he unscrewed the door handle and pulled it back, the door did not move, and the door seemed to be welded to death. This change made Kuo Feifan's face change involuntarily. He subconsciously let go of his hand. Before pulling the door handle, even if he realized that the situation in the room was strange, he had always thought that since this was Xu Hui's villa and Bai Ru and Gu Yi were sitting in town, nothing terrible would happen.

But the current situation does not seem to be what he wants. Moreover, Feifan squinted at the door and couldn't help swallowing his saliva. He nervously reached out and held the door handle again. He hesitated for a moment and pressed down the door handle again.

The door was unexpectedly opened by him. Outside the door was the corridor on the second floor of the villa.

Standing at the door, Kuo Feifan stared at it for a long time. He looked at the door and looked outside. For a moment, he only felt that his brain was blank. He really couldn't figure out why he couldn't open the door just now.

But he was just stunned, but his whole attention was attracted by the situation outside and completely forgot that the door could not be opened.

The situation of the villa outside the room is a little strange, the light is dim, and even a little dark. Just now, when it was **, the light through the window made people feel that it was day outside, but now it seems that the lights were not turned on at night.

He didn't look back. In fact, there was no need to look back. At this time, he could feel it without turning his head. The light in the room behind him dimmed at some time. It seemed that when he opened the door, or when he opened the door, it suddenly darked.

Although he was already prepared to deal with strange things, he couldn't help shivering after realizing this series of situations.

He knew that he was really scared at this time. So far, he has been unable to sort out the current situation. His brain is just a mess. He doesn't know how he came back, let alone what happened. The unknown situation is the biggest source of fear.

What's more strange is that through the limited space of the corridor railing not far in front of you, it can be clearly seen that the light illuminating the villa is only a few candles lit in the living room on the first floor.

The candle is white, and the candlelight seems to sway in the wind, making the villa light and dark, making the shadows produced by various furniture furnishings in the hall deform and shake in the light.

This visual effect made him feel extremely uncomfortable, and his heart couldn't help lifting up.

At this moment, there was a sudden "bang" downstairs, and the sound sounded as if someone had accidentally hit somewhere. The sudden sound made Kuo Feifan's whole body tremble, but it also moved his heart. There were other people in the villa besides him.

Thinking of this, he rushed to the front of the corridor railing in front of him and leaned down.

He leaned half of his body and glanced down at the hall. He saw a figure flashing behind the double leather sofa in the hall, but because the candlelight could not illuminate all the place, he could only see that it was a person, but he could not see who the person was.

Out of instinct, he leaned forward and planned to shout: "Who is below?"

But as soon as he opened his mouth and didn't wait for the sound to shout, he suddenly froze, because suddenly, he felt a chill in the back of his neck, as if someone blew gently behind him, that is, this breath made him almost lose any ability to act again.

But the stop of the action can't stop his mental activity. What's more, he even has an idea. The next second, there will be a strong force to push him downstairs.

This idea did not come out of thin air, because he knew that there should be someone behind him. Even if he didn't look back, the afterglow of his eyes was also found that there was a figure standing behind him, almost right behind him.

His body was motionless, and his eyes subconsciously glanced back as far as possible, but he found something he was familiar with, the corners of his clothes and the corners of the windbreaker.

Is the figure behind him Gu Yi?

In the extraordinary impression, the style of the corner of the clothes is exactly the one that Gu Yi has been wearing.

This discovery made the extraordinary doubt more intense. Why did Gu Yi appear behind him and why did he breathe in on him? From the time he found that there was someone behind him, he had a lot of thoughts in his heart, but it was only a few seconds, and then he made a decision to deal with it. Whether it was Gu Yi or not, he stretched his arms, straightened his body, and bumped his head to the back fiercely.

Moreover, the position where the head bumped should be the door behind him, but what is disappointing is that his head hit empty. Obviously, he had just seen the corner of the man's clothes behind him, but now there was no one behind him. If he hadn't grasped the railing with both hands, I'm afraid the force of this collision would have hit him directly against the back wall.

But before he could figure out what was going on, suddenly, his hands and wrists holding the railing were suddenly caught. A downward force suddenly pulled his hands out of the railing and rushed forward. This change surprised him almost instinctively. He subconsciously He raised his foot and stretched out the railing to hook it hard, but the force of grasping his wrist was so strong that he still pulled more than half of his body involuntarily lean out of the railing. Fortunately, his reaction was not bad. He not only hooked the railing with his feet in time, but also adjusted his whole body strength to his waist and legs and sink his body with all his strength, which could resist pulling forward.

At this time, Feifan didn't have time to think that there was no one behind him. While fighting against the power that wanted to pull him out of the second floor, he looked up in front of him. Although the light was limited, he still suddenly saw the situation outside the front railing, and this look made his heart tremble so suddenly, so that his heartbeat seemed to be After a pause, his whole body seemed to be shocked by an electric shock and subconsciously screamed.

It was a man's hands pulling his wrists, and the man was so familiar that even if he couldn't see the man's face clearly, he could be sure that it was He Shaoqing who wanted to pull him out from the second floor.

At this time, He Shaoqing's whole body hung in mid-air, holding the extraordinary wrist like iron pliers. It seemed that he was ready to pull the extraordinary from behind the railing on the second floor, but strangely, the extraordinary could feel the strength to pull him forward, but he could not see that He Shaoqing was working hard, just relying on pulling his wrist. The force hangs motionless in the air.

Moreover, his extraordinary brain was disturbed by this series of changes and lost his ability to think, but he tried his whole body to maintain the falling force to compete with it, but he knew from the bottom of his heart that He Shaoqing, who was about to pull him downstairs, was not He Shaoqing he knew, but he couldn't help but make his mouth and made his debut: "He Shao, you still It's not crazy enough."

I don't know if his words stimulated the other party. He Shaoqing, who had been hanging his head, slowly raised his head after hearing his roar.

Wang Feifan couldn't help but be terrified. With the help of the dim candlelight, he saw He Shaoqing's face. That's not He Shaoqing he knew, or although he still looked at He Shaoqing, the ferocious smile and cold eyes at the corners of his mouth really made it impossible for Bi Feifan to believe that it was He Shao who had been mixed together since childhood.

And the sharp pain from the wrist also made Kuo Feifan have no time to make any reaction. The pair of steel-hard hands pinched the wrist bones, as if the bones would break at any time. The pain made Kuo Feifan unable to think of any way to deal with it. The only clenched his teeth and tried his best to hook the railing with his feet. , the body falls back to offset the power of the front pull.

He Shaoqing felt the desperate resistance of the extraordinary. His cold eyes kept flashing with vicious light, and his face reflected a strange and gloomy cyan in the candlelight. Moreover, he seemed to hear a hum full of unwillingness and anger. Suddenly, the power of pulling forward suddenly increased, so that the upper body of the extraordinary was almost completely He leaned out, and the foot that had hooked the railing was almost pulled away, so shocked that he couldn't help screaming.

At this moment, there was an inexplicable sense of fatigue, and a feeling of fatigue slowly gushed out from the depths of my heart. There was only one idea left in his mind. He gave up resistance and let He Shaoqing pull him downstairs.

In a flash of thought, his body was pulled out of the railing on the second floor again, and he was about to fall downstairs. Far from him, He Shaoqing smiled gloomyly.

Because he saw this smiling face, for no reason, a burst of anger ignited from his heart, which made Kuo Feifan roar extremely unwillingly. Almost at the same time, he suddenly felt a pair of arms behind his waist, and then a great force pulled him back.

This sudden power unexpectedly called back from the chaotic state of thinking. Immediately, he realized what had happened. At this time, he didn't have time to study what was going on behind, but he could feel that the power was helping him get rid of He Shaoqing's "magic claws".

Sure enough, with the addition of the new force, the extraordinary body began to retract little by little, and he also began to try his best to retract his hands. Suddenly, a rather annoying cold hum came to his ears, but in the blink of an eye, He Shaoqing, who pulled him, disappeared without warning.

This change was really unexpected. Under the action of the force of being pulled forward, my head hit the back wall, and my brain suddenly went blank, and everything in front of me immediately darkened.

And after extraordinary regained consciousness again, he slowly opened his eyes and found that he was lying on a **, looking around, and his heart suddenly moved. He saw that he was in a room with only one bed at this time. To be correct, it was not a bed, but a bed.

Something is wrong, and the extraordinary doubts are great. However, this time, with only a brief memory, what happened before flashed through my mind like a movie, and even the tug-of-war with He Shaoqing in the villa clearly appeared in my memory.

"Yo, are you awake?" Suddenly, there was a man's voice in the room.

Moreover, Feifan reluctantly got up and looked sideways, and couldn't help asking in surprise, "Fengtian? Is that you?"

Then, he hurriedly asked his doubts: "Where am I?"

He can recall the villa and also recall what he experienced in the backyard of the Taoist temple, but these make his thoughts more confused. At this time, he doesn't know whether what he has experienced is reality or dreamy.

Feng Tian couldn't help but be a little confused: "Are you in the Taoist temple? After being attacked by the evil wind last night, you fainted happily. You have slept for more than a long time, so that the old Taoist priest and I will treat you after dealing with the evil wind..."

Before Fengtian finished complaining, he interrupted him and said, "Don't you find anything abnormal about me?" With that, he raised a hand with great effort, and there was a black purple bruise on his wrist.

Fengtian couldn't help but change his face. He rushed to Kuo Feifan's side in a few steps, bent down to carefully examine the scars on his wrist, and asked in surprise, "What's going on?" Yesterday...what the hell are you..."

Without him asking, Kuo Feifan moved his palm, signaling him not to ask, and then said, "I seemed to have had a dream after being injured and unconscious."

Then he told Feng Tian that he had been in the villa and was attacked by He Shaoqing.

He tried to be more detailed, so that he was still a little weak after the injury and had to stop for a short rest. At this time, he could also feel the pain in his back. Fortunately, Fengtian and the old Taoist did not know what medicine he used. This pain was extraordinary and could still be tolerated.

Fengtian frowned and listened carefully without interrupting his narrative. Until he finished speaking, Fengtian nodded thoughtfully and explained, "Obviously, you have fallen into the 'soul dream killing', but..."

He stopped talking halfway.

Moreover, Feifan was adjusting his lying posture. Seeing that he didn't say anything, he hurriedly asked, "But what is it?"

Feng Tian took a deep breath and continued to explain: "Well, according to the situation you told me, 90% of me can be sure of 'soul dream killing', but the problem is that this is a kind of evil art, but it must be performed by human beings who can do this evil art. That is to say, you entered this dream not because I met a ghost, but someone used magic on you.

Hu Feifan was stunned and asked hesitantly, "You mean, I was not hit because of ghosts, but because of people. What kind of evil person can do against me? How is this possible? I saw He Shaoqing there. Could it be him? Otherwise, it's Ji Ping? By the way, have you dealt with Ji Ping with the old Taoist priest?

So many things happened in a short period of time, and there is an extraordinary confusion that I don't know what to know first.

Feng Tian thought for a moment: "This... The problem you encountered is a mystery for the time being. It should have nothing to do with your friend He Shaoqing, and it has nothing to do with Ji Ping. Why don't I tell you what happened after you fainted first?

With that, he reached out and took out a handful of beads from his pocket and put them in front of Kuang Feifan: "Thanks to your beads, we won the battle with Ji Ping last night."

Moreover, he looked down and couldn't help but wide his eyes in surprise.