Fox as a concubine: mistakenly provoked the bloodthirsty tyrant

The demon phoen interprets the "abuse" plot in the recent article

When writing this recent "abuse" plot, the demon phoenix has been very powerful, because the demon phoenix knows that everyone wants Yimeng to be happy, but the demon huang feels that Yimeng and Beichen Yeli are not mature enough. Only by experiencing something can they understand the value of true love and become stronger.

Beichen Yeli, an emperor who wanders between imperial power and love, obviously wants both, but because his strength is not enough, he can only constantly compromise with his foreign relative Wang family and unconsciously hurt his beloved woman Hu Yimeng. And Hu Yimeng's love is not mature. She blindly believes that Beichen Yeli is her only emotional sustenance in another world, which is destined to be hurt.

The demon huang hopes to use the recent "abuse" plot to make them grow up and let Beichen Yeli understand that his indulgence and compromise is not the stability of imperial power, but ultimately makes him lose his happiness and love. For Hu Yimeng, after experiencing this pain, she will be forced to grow up. She will no longer be a little woman who depends on her lover, but gradually become strong and independent from psychology to dealing with people. The ultimate reason why bad people can do evil is that the protagonist is not strong enough, and the strong motivation of the protagonist is to recognize the cruelty of reality. Let the scum emperor rise up! Yimeng also becomes strong and find your own life value!

PS: Finally, I would like to explain some small questions raised by readers recently about the article.

Why did Hu Yimeng suddenly lose his power?

Answer: Hu Yimeng was pregnant. After the war with Yanwu, he lost too much spiritual power. In order to seize the spiritual power for his growth, the baby in his stomach sealed all the spiritual power in Hu Yimeng's body and prevented him from using it. ( This is the reason why Yimeng was bullied by bad people and couldn't resist.)

Why did the emperor disappear?

Answer: It only took three days from Hu Yimeng's imprisonment to being rescued, but the plot is relatively concentrated (and the update time of the demon phoenix code word is delayed for a long time [I'm wrong]), so everyone has the illusion that the emperor has disappeared...

What's the next plot development?

Answer: The heroine's experience is enough for her to grow up, so it's time to make the emperor feel distressed. It's time to let him understand that he must choose between the imperial power and the heroine. If he indulges the bad woman of the Wang family so much, he can't live! So, uh-huh, you know.

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