Fox as a concubine: mistakenly provoked the bloodthirsty tyrant

Chapter 36 Dive into the Palace

As a fox and a bird, the little fox and Huahua can easily find a hidden dog hole in a corner of the palace wall.

Dive into the palace from the dog hole, Huahua and the little fox gently slipped along the wall to the Ganquan Palace in the target.

Unfortunately, this bird and beast obviously do not have the professional quality of being an assassin and a thief. After a few steps, it was attracted by the novel beauty and various clever structures in the palace.

"The palace is really a place that gathers all the wealth of the Great Yu Kingdom. It's so beautiful. Why haven't I visited it before?" Huahua sighed. Every time he came to the imperial capital, he came to do things. Even if he had come to the palace several times, he slipped in at night with the instinct of being guilty.

How did he realize such a good place today?

Huahua suddenly became a little jealous of Hu Yimeng, the emperor's pet. That dead woman is so lucky to live in such a beautiful place, and there are delicious people to serve her. It's really envious and hateful!

The little fox does not have so much emotion about the palace, but he is naturally sensitive to smell. Following the air in the palace, he has already smelled a fragrant smell.

The little fox drooled fiercely, and he will never forget the taste, steamed buns! The taste of delicious meat buns!


The little fox's stomach cooed facelessly.

Although he had eaten a roast chicken, two steamed buns and three bowls of broth before he went out this morning, he instinctively became hungry as soon as he smelled the delicious food.


Huahua and the little fox spoke at the same time.

A bird and a beast look at each other and look at each other in constersinuation.

"You'd better say that first." After a long time, the little fox broke the deadlock and said to Huahua.

"I think it's still early. We can take a break before we go to your master." Huahua said.

"Well, I think so too." A fox immediately nodded and said.

"Hey, we need to combine work and rest." A bird laughed unscrupulously.

"That's right, Huahua, I think this is the most profound thing you've ever said." A fox laughed treacherously.

"Then let's take a break, hehe, I'll go there first and come back right away." A bird pointed to the east and said.

"That's right, take a break, and I'll go there for a walk." A fox pointed to the west and said.

Reached some kind of bad consensus. The little fox and the flower, a beast, hit it together. One walked towards the garden full of strange flowers and grass not far to the east, and the other ran to the imperial dining room in the west.

The little fox drooled and ran briskly in the direction of the imperial dining room with his sensitive sense of smell.

Apart from the Royal Garden, it is said that the imperial dining room where famous chefs from all over the world are specially prepared for the royal cuisine is just around.

The little fox looked at the plaque with three big characters written on the imperial dining room and suddenly felt that it was golden and infinitely beautiful.

And the fragrance of his saliva floated out of the imperial dining room.

No, if you can't eat that delicious steamed bun today, the little fox will feel that his wonderful life will be overdone.

Thinking of this, he immediately summoned up his courage.

Although it is easy to find sneaking into the imperial dining room and stealing, the current temptation of food [harmony] has become the driving force of the little fox's action.

The little fox tiptoed up and quietly sneaked into the imperial dining room without paying attention to the eunuch maids and chefs in the imperial dining room.

Through the stoves and avoiding the people coming and going, the little fox finally found the steamer with gusts of fragrance.

"Little Field! Your boy quickly brought down the steamed buns in the cage, which was prepared for the emperor's lunch today. A rough voice roared, accompanied by a thorny stir-frying sound.

"Chef Wang, I'm going." A thin and weak voice responded quickly.

Then, the little fox hiding behind the vegetable basket next to the stove heard a rapid footsteps. Then, he saw a small boy in blue eunuch clothes take a basket of small steamed buns off the stove and put them into a large plate.

"Little Tianzi, come and add a fire for me!" The chef yelled at Xiao Tianzi over there again.

When Xiao Tianzi heard Chef Wang's call, he did not dare to neglect it. He quickly ran to Chef Wang's stove to add firewood to the stove.

Seeing that everyone was busy with their own work, everyone noticed the caged bun on the table. The little fox immediately jumped on the table and lifted the cage. Regardless of the hot hand, he grabbed a small steamed bun and took a bite.

Wow! With thin skin and many fillings, it is absolutely delicious! The soft and snow-white skin, with a delicious [harmonious] juicy filling, is oily but not greasy, and melts in the mouth.

The little fox is intoxicated with delicious food.

For a while, he was caught by the big tail.

"Squeak!" The little fox screamed, and the steamed buns on his two small claws also fell to the ground.

"Hmm! Little thing, you stole something into the imperial dining room. Are you easy to bully me, Chef Wang?!" A rough man lifted him upside down with the tail of a little fox and shouted with a shovel in his hand.

"Chef Wang, is this a wild cat?" Xiao Tianzi pointed to the little fox carried upside down by Chef Wang and asked.

"It doesn't seem to be a wild cat. The wild cat is not so fat, but it doesn't look like a big mouse or a weasel or something." For a moment, Chef Wang couldn't guess what kind of animal the little fox was.

"Ah! It's a fox! This is a fox!" A fat maid with a round face pointed to the little fox and screamed.

"Xiao Cui, after hearing what you said, I also feel that this thing really seems to be a fox." Chef Wang said thoughtfully.

"It must be a fox. It can't be wrong. My father is a hunter. I often skinned him animals before entering the palace, but there are many fox skins." Xiao Cui affirmed, "But it's really the first time I've seen a black fox. I've only seen red, brown and gray foxes before. I heard from my father that there is also a kind of white snow fox, but that kind of fox is very rare. As for this kind of black fox, I have never heard of it. I think this must be one of the foxes. It's a treasure."

"If so, isn't the fox very valuable?" Chef Wang thought for a moment and smiled, "If you peel off his skin, you will definitely buy a lot of money."

being peeled?

The little fox was shocked. Can a skinned fox still live? The answer is absolutely impossible!

He doesn't want it, he doesn't want to be skinned!

Squeak! The little fox struggled violently.