Fox as a concubine: mistakenly provoked the bloodthirsty tyrant

Chapter 38 Sell cute and ask for care

Hu Yimeng looked at Chef Wang with contempt, snorted coldly, and walked out of the imperial dining room with the little fox.

Yuefu quickly left the imperial dining room with other eunuchs and maids who served Hu Yimeng.

It was not until Hu Yimeng's figure was out of sight that Chef Wang stumbled up from the ground, but he was no longer arrogant again.

The little fox followed Hu Yimeng closely. Just now, he was really scared by Chef Wang. Now he doesn't trust anyone in the palace except Hu Yimeng.

The little fox squeaked and communicated with Hu Yimeng in fox language.

"Master, thanks to you saving me today. Otherwise, the human who looks like a bear will definitely peel off my skin!" Thinking of this, the little fox shuddered and he was really scared.

"Little fox, don't worry, the master will protect you!" Hu Yimeng promised the little fox that as long as she was alive for a day, she would do her best to protect the little fox.

"Bear by the way, little fox, why did you run to the palace? Didn't I ask you to go back to Phoenix Cave to find pheasant and Xingyan?" Hu Yimeng asked.

"Master, the little fox is here to save you!" Asked by Hu Yimeng, the little fox remembered that the purpose of his trip was to save Hu Yimeng from the palace.

"Are you here to save me?" Hu Yimeng's mouth twitched, and Xingyan and Zhier actually let this little fox without knowledge or common sense come to save her?!

"There are also flowers! Huahua and I sneaked into the palace to find you. Xingyan and pheasant answered outside the palace!" The little fox added.

"Flower? You mean Huahua went to the palace with you? But what about him?" Hu Yimeng looked left and right, but she didn't see any fancy coquettish parrot.

"Oh, Huahua said she wanted to take a break in the garden with many flowers before I came to find the owner!"

"Then you separated? And your greedy little fox ran to the imperial dining room, was caught by the cook of the imperial dining room, and was almost skinned. As for the big flower bird, it was nowhere to be found? Hu Yimeng rolled her eyes and asked.

"Hmm." The little fox nodded obediently.

"You two stupid birds [harmonious] beasts!" Hu Yimeng cursed, "Especially the stupid bird Huahua. He thinks where the palace is. At least he has lived for hundreds of years. How can he let you run around the palace alone without vigilance! Next time I see him again, I must pull out all the feathers of his body!"

After scolding Huahua, Hu Yimeng then said to the little fox, "Little fox, my current situation is a little special. My mana seems to be suppressed by something and can't be exerted. Even the appearance can only maintain the appearance of a fox, and Beichen Yeli, the emperor of the State of Yu, looks at me very closely. As you can see, I The maids and eunuchs who followed us can't help them for the time being, and if I escape, they will also be implicated. The emperor named Beichen Yeli is a cruel person.

"Master, what should we do?" The little fox asked in frustration.

"Stay in the palace first, wait for my mana to recover, and then we will escape unconsciously." Hu Yimeng said.

Although she said that it was indeed forced to stay in the palace temporarily, only she knew in her heart that this pressure was actually mixed with a little reluctance and attachment to someone.

Hu Yimeng shook her head. Forget it, she couldn't think about it anymore. She vaguely felt that if she continued to think about it, something she had insisted on would be completely subverted.

Now it's better to take one step at a time. The most important thing is to quietly wait for the day when the mana recovers.

When Hu Yimeng led the little fox back to Ganquan Palace, Beichen Yeli had already gone down to the court, approved the medal in the imperial study, and returned to Ganquan Palace to prepare for lunch.

As soon as Hu Yimeng led the little fox into the inner hall of Ganquan Palace, he saw that Beichen Yeli was asking the maids to serve him to take off the solemn dragon robe and the crown on his head and put on a loose and light robe with a black dragon pattern.

After changing his clothes, Beichen Yeli turned around and saw Hu Yimeng standing three steps behind him, closely following another fat black fur ball.

From the appearance, the black hair ball also seems to be a fox.

Beichen Yeli raised his eyebrows.

"Little fox, what do you mean by bringing this little hair ball to see me?"

"Squeak~~~" Hu Yimeng flatteringly shouted at Beichen Yeli twice, then pushed and stuck to her side, shrinking and secretly looking at Beichen Yeli's little fox.

The little fox with a round hairball also learned from Hu Yimeng, raised his little face and cried pitifully to Beichen Yeli.

Hu Yimeng walked to Beichen Yeli and shook his tail flatteringly and rubbed his legs with her body. He looked at him with anticipation and turned his head to look at the little fox.

The little fox immediately understood. With the encouragement of his master, he walked to Beichen Yeli, looked at Beichen Yeli pitifully with an abandoned expression, and then rubbed Beichen Yeli's legs like Hu Yimeng.

Beichen Yeli raised his eyebrows and looked at the two cute little foxes who were infinitely cute to him.

"Little Fox, do you want me to take in your little companion?" Beichen Yeli asked.

Hu Yimeng nodded immediately.

"It's not impossible if you want me to leave this little hairball, but it depends on your performance." Bei Chenye raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a calculating smile and said to Hu Yimeng.

After saying that, he slowly walked to the table full of dishes, sat down, and waved to Hu Yimeng, "Come here."

Hu Yimeng immediately trotted over and deftly jumped on Beichen Yeli's knee. She looked completely obedient and obedient, allowing Beichen Yeli to touch her and eat all the tofu.

Beichen Yeli was satisfied when he saw that Hu Yimeng was so clever. As he stroked Hu Yimeng's fur, he said leisurely, "Little fox, I am sure of what you ask for."

Hu Yimeng curled her lips. These days, it's really not easy for people or foxes to get along. Only by being cute can she survive...

"Little hairball, although I allow you to stay, the little fox is my pet, and you are just a drag bottle. No matter what your relationship you have with it, you'd better be honest with me!" Beichen Yeli slightly raised the corners of his mouth. Although there was a smile on his face, there was no smile in his eyes. He said to the little fox.

"Woo~~~" The little fox whispered twice and looked at Beichen Yeli with more fear.

This human is the most majestic and imposing human he has ever seen. The anger emanating from his body made him shudder. His body spontaneously obeyed his orders and absolutely did not dare to do anything against his will.