Fox as a concubine: mistakenly provoked the bloodthirsty tyrant

Chapter 44 Fighting Side by Side

Seeing that Beichen Yeli was besieged by Kong Xi's elite killers, Hu Yimeng did not care whether he would expose himself to Kong Xi's sight and cause danger.

At this moment, she has only one thought in her mind, that is, she must fight side by side with Beichen Yeli to resist the attack of the Peacock King.

She mobilized the spiritual power in her body, transformed into a sword burning with light green flames, lifted the sword, and shouted: "Kong Xi! The person you want to arrest is me! I will never sit back and watch you hurt innocent people!"

With that, Hu Yimeng took his sword, rushed to Beichen Yeli, stood side by side with him, and looked straight at Kong Xi in the clouds without fear.

"Haha! You nine-tailed fox demon is finally willing to show up! It's not in vain for me to come to arrest you in person this time!" Kong Xi laughed.

"Oh? Capture me? With a flock of birds? You really deserve to be the king of birds, and that's exactly what a bird looks like!" Hu Yimeng curled her lips contemptuously and looked at Kong Xi unremittingly.

"Hmm! A little fox demon with sharp teeth! Today, I would like to see how you can escape from the net of my subordinates! I advise you to get to know each other and hand over the half of the treasure map and Mo You's little boy early. I can also consider leaving you a whole body!" Kong Xi coldly shook his sleeves, snorted coldly, gritted his teeth and said.

"Is it so reasonable to be a robber these days?" Hu Yimeng sneered. She protected her sword in front of her and stared at Kong Xi and said, "If you die, I won't let a bad person like you succeed!" If you have the ability, just let me go!"

Hu Yimeng said.

She doesn't seem to involve others.

She knows that these guards and imperial troops still have their own relatives and their own lives. She doesn't want to involve these innocent people because of her relationship.

"Good! Since you are so stubborn, I will fulfill you today!" Kong Xi raised his hand and gestured to the birds and said with a sneer, "Today, I will let you, the little fox demon who repeatedly offend me, pay for your behavior!"

"Evil! No matter who you are, today I will never allow you to touch my dream!" Beichen Yeli pulled Hu Yimeng, protected her behind him, and said to Kong Xi.

"Hey! Beichen Yeli! I don't want your protection! Hurry up, you are not the opponent of the Peacock King. After all, I have to solve my problems by myself!" Hu Yimeng got out from behind Beichenye, pulled his arm and persuaded him anxiously.

"You are my woman! It's natural for me to protect you!" Beichen Yeli lowered his head and looked at the little woman who ignored her safety and just wanted to persuade him to leave this dangerous place first. A strange look flashed on her handsome face. The long and deep phoenix eyes flashed a few times, but finally she just said this sentence as if she took a vow.

"You!" Hu Yimeng was angry, but she was depressed and didn't know how to quarrel with him. It was better to refute what he had just said. At this moment, she is extremely clear-headed. She knows that this is not the time to quarrel with Beichen Yeli. Kongxi, her biggest enemy, the peacock king, is staring at her and wants to tear her to pieces!

"Let me protect you. It's just a demon. I'm the emperor of the Great Yu Kingdom. How can I be afraid of him?" Beichen Yeli stared at Hu Yimeng and said solemnly.

Although she knew that it was the right choice to let Beichen Yeli leave at this time, after all, this was a grudge between her and the Peacock King. If she pulled Beichen Yeli into this muddy water, it was really not her style, but when Beichen Yeli said that she wanted to protect her, her heart But I feel extremely warm.

In her life, whether before or after crossing, out of Beichen Night, no one has ever had such a strong possessive desire for her and desperately wanted to pursue her and protect her...

What's more, Beichen Yeli is such a handsome and excellent man. If he hadn't faced a strong enemy at this moment, Hu Yimeng felt that he would have been lost under the deep affection of Beichen Yeli.

"Okay, let's defeat him together!" Hu Yimeng raised her little face, looked directly into Beichen Yeli's eyes, and said solemnly.

"Kill!" With the order of the Peacock King, many birds and silver-winged 13 kills in the sky launched the final general attack on Hu Yimeng and Beichen Yeli on the ground.

Hu Yimeng and Bei Chen Yeli held the sword in their hands and met the silver wing thirteen killers who attacked them without fear.

Although Hu Yimeng has not learned any exquisite swordsmanship and can only hold the sword to protect herself by instinct, the flame on her sword is extremely powerful, but all the birds and silver wings stained with the flame on the sword immediately disappeared.

At the beginning, Silver Wing 13 Kill did not understand the power of the sword in Hu Yimeng's hand. The consequence of being careless and underestimated the enemy was that two of the killers were easily solved by Hu Yimeng, and Beichen Yeli also solved a killer with his strange skills.

Not long after the war, the three killers of Beichen Yeli and Hu Yimeng were folded into the hands of Beichen Yeli and Hu Yimeng, and they suddenly dared not underestimate the enemy.

The killers focused the attack on Beichen Yeli. A small number of people were entangled with Hu Yimeng, and most of them attacked Beichen Yeli.

Beichen Yeli was besieged by the crowd, which seemed a little overstretched for a while, and he tried his best to barely resist the siege of the killers.

Ling Xiao and other bodyguards and imperial soldiers, who were besieged by the attack of birds, were entangled in the birds and could not get out to help Beichen Yeli. They were so anxious that they could not wait to fly out of the siege of the bird clan to help Beichen Yeli.

Hu Yimeng anxiously waved the powerful sword in her hand and wanted to rush to Beichen Yeli to help him deal with those strange and agile blade-wingers.

Gradually, Beichen Yeli fell behind in the fight with the Blade Runner. At this time, one of the killers saw a gap in Beichen Yeli's defense and waved the sword in his hand to stab him in the back.

Coincidentally, this scene was seen by Hu Yimeng, and she roared at Beichen Yeli heartbreakingly: "Be careful!"

With her shouting, she felt a thin force in her body emanating from every pore of her limbs. She was instantly wrapped in a green flame, and the flame kept spreading out, transforming into a green fox with four tails, thinking of the blade killers. And the birds flew over.

These flame foxes opened their sharp teeth and claws mercilessly, tearing the thirteen silver wings and the birds in the sky into pieces and burning them into smoke. The largest fox rushed to the killer who sneaked Beichen Yeli, which was about to hit Beichen Yeli. Together with the killer, he was swallowed into his stomach by the flame fox.

After the huge flame fox swallowed the blade-winger, he immediately threw himself into the battlefield, and the inferior human race gradually began to have the upper hand in the battle with the bird clan.

The little flame foxes that solved their opponents flew to the big fox one after another, plunged into the big fox's body, and integrated with him.

As more and more little foxes integrate into the body of the big fox, the body of the big fox has soared to ten feet long, like a hill.

Wherever you go, there is no bird clan that can compete with it.

"Ah~~~" The flame fox roared, jumped up, flew into the air, and flew directly to the birds in the sky.

A momentum like a broken bamboo burned the dark birds in the sky to ashes.

The sky gradually revealed its original color. The flame fox cleaned up the army of birds, and the human race on the ground also solved the remaining birds and silver wing killers, so Kong Xi was left to deal with it.

The flame fox shouted, emitting flames all over its body. His eyes contained hatred, staring at Kong Xi closely, with a mouthful of white sharp teeth, as if it would pounce on him at any time.

Kong Xi looked at the flame fox roaring in front of him with an ugly face, and almost glared at Hu Yimeng and Beichen Yeli, who were almost intact on the ground.

He tried his best to mobilize almost all the birds near the imperial capital, and also brought the most elite silver wing thirteen kills. Originally, he thought that he would capture Hu Yimeng alive this time and forced her to hand over the half of the treasure map and Mo You's little boy! But I didn't expect that when I saw her again, her cultivation was refined again! Although his cultivation is absolutely above her, the flame she released is really powerful.

After seeing the flame released by Hu Yimeng last time, he consulted various ancient books and finally found the answer he wanted. It turned out that the flame was called Jiuyou Fox Fire, which was the purest and most violent flame in the world. Its power was infinite. It was born by the nine-tailed Tianhu family. This kind of Jiuyou fox fire will follow the cultivation of the nine-tailed sky fox. With the improvement and continuous enhancement of power, the most powerful nine ghost fox fire has no color and can burn everything in the world invisibly.

"Hmm!" Knowing that it was not appropriate to fight directly with Hu Yimeng, Kong Xi had to look at Hu Yimeng and gritted his teeth and said, "Little fox demon, this time it's your fate, but remember that if you don't get a treasure map to kill Mo You, I will never give up!"

After saying that, a golden light flashed, and Kong Xi disappeared in place.

The flame fox jumped up and wanted to chase Kong Xi.

Hu Yimeng hurriedly shouted, "Don't chase the poor!"

She knows that she can defeat Kong Xi this time, and luck does account for the majority. If she really wants to fight with Kong Xi with her strength, she will definitely not be his opponent.

Thinking of this, she hurriedly stopped the flame fox who wanted to chase Kong Xi.

The flame fox heard Hu Yimeng's voice. Although it was a little reluctant, it still obediently flew down from the clouds.