Fox as a concubine: mistakenly provoked the bloodthirsty tyrant

Chapter 18 Another Incident

The night was getting darker, and Hu Yimeng was about to close the door to sleep, but the door was pushed open from the outside.

Dugufeng broke into Hu Yimeng's room with blood.

Hu Yimeng was shocked.

"Dugu Feng? What on earth do you want to do when you suddenly break in at night?!" Hu Yimeng questioned loudly.

"Shut up!" Dugufeng frowned and scolded in a low voice.

"!" Hu Yimeng exclaimed, and then she noticed that Dugufeng was covered with blood!

Dugufeng covered Hu Yimeng's mouth and extinguished the candle with a finger wind.

At this time, there was a noisy footsteps outside the yard, mixed with the barking of several dogs.

"Chasing! Hurry up! Don't let the man in black who wants to assassinate Mr. Meng and destroy the treasure hunt escape!"

It took a while outside the yard before it gradually calmed down.

"Hm!" Hu Yimeng was disgusted by the bloody smell of Dugufeng's hands. She struggled to open Dugufeng's hand, bent down, and stroked her chest for a period of dry vomiting.

"Don't tell anyone about tonight, or don't blame me for pulling you into the water!" Dugufeng covered the bleeding wound in his abdomen and viciously threatened Hu Yi to dream.

"You are really abominable. You use me as a cover and threaten me! I really won't meet you until I getmei!" Hu Yimeng vomited for a long time, and the smell of blood still seemed to echo on the tip of her nose. Hu Yimeng stared at Dugufeng angrily.

"Hmm." Dugufeng snorted coldly, gritted his teeth and endured the pain of the wound and was about to go out.

"Wait a minute." Hu Yimeng stopped Dugufeng, took out a bottle of medicine to help heal the wound and handed it to Dugufeng, "First stop the bleeding of your wound, and then go back to change your clothes. Don't let others see that you are the assassin tonight! I don't want to be involved with you!"

Dugufeng looked at Hu Yimeng, and a warning light flashed in his eyes, and he did not take the medicine in her hand.

Hu Yimeng simply walked to Dugufeng in a few steps, reached out to pull away the tattered clothes on his body, and sprinkled the medicine on Dugufeng's wound.

Dugufeng felt a tingling pain in the wound, and he couldn't help taking a breath.

After taking the medicine, the wound healed little by little at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Dugufeng suddenly looked up at Hu Yimeng and grabbed her wrist, "What's going on? My wound... What medicine are you using?! Who the hell are you?!"

"I also want to ask who you are! Just now, I heard someone shouting outside to assassinate Mr. Meng. That person is you, right? Hu Yimeng asked, "Why did you assassinate Meng Xun?"

"It's just a business. Someone hired me to kill Meng Xun, so I went to kill him, that's all."

"Who is your employer?"

"I can't say it."

"Well, I have nothing to tell you!" Hu Yimeng made a gesture of invitation to Dugufeng and pointed to the door and said to him.

"For the sake of the medicine you gave me this time, I can tell you that you'd better not go on this treasure hunt. Meng Xun is not simple." Dugufeng left a sentence. Turned out of Hu Yimeng's room.

After Dugufeng left, Hu Yimeng cast a cleaning spell, cleaned up the blood stains in the room, washed his face, opened the window for ventilation, and cleaned up all the traces brought by Dugufeng in the house. Hu Yimeng began to recall the last sentence left by Dugufeng.

For the sake of the medicine you gave me this time, I can tell you that you'd better not go on this treasure hunt. Meng Xun is not simple.

Dugufeng assassinated Meng Xun and told her that Meng Xun was not simple, and it was better not to go on this treasure hunt.

Does Meng Xun have any other unspeakable identities or secrets? That's why others want to hire him to kill him?

But what does this have to do with treasure hunting?

Hu Yimeng remembered that the treasure map mentioned by Dugu Feng at the banquet may be fraudulent.

Is it true that the treasure map obtained by Master Su is fake? And Meng Xun is the planner of the whole incident? But why did he plan a fake treasure map incident to make everyone happy? And did this person who wanted to kill Meng Xun kill because of this? Why didn't that man come forward to expose Meng Xun in person?

Mystery, everything is a mystery.

Meng Xun is really mysterious. He has a mysterious background and is now hunted down by another mysterious person, and his handsome face is exactly the same as that of the emperor of Dayu Kingdom...

So do they still want to participate in this treasure hunt? Hu Yimeng was a little hesitant.

The next day, when Hu Yimeng saw Dugufeng again, he had recovered under the treatment of the bottle of elixir. Except for him and Hu Yimeng, no one could see that he had suffered such a serious injury last night.

"Miss, I heard that Mr. Meng was assassinated last night!" During the breakfast, Xingyan said to the crowd, "But it's good that the guards found out early, and Mr. Meng's own skills were also good, so he didn't hurt the assassin."

"Does Mr. Meng know martial arts?" Hu Yimeng asked, "I thought he was just a scholar."

"Yes, the guards also saw Mr. Meng take action last night and knew that he was good at kung fu. Who would have thought that Mr. Meng, who is like a fairy, was so good at kung fu." Xingyan praised.

"Mr. Meng is really hidden." Hu Yimeng narrowed her eyes and lowered her head to eat.

"Yes, fortunately, Mr. Meng is fine. My brother has sent someone to tell the knights in the martial arts that the treasure hunt will not be postponed, so that everyone can prepare as usual."

"Xingyan, prepare some gifts. Let's go to see Mr. Meng later. Cousin, would you like to go with us? Hu Yimeng asked Kong Long.

Kong Long was nodding when a pigeon flew into the house and landed on Kong Long's shoulder, with a letter tied to the pigeon's leg.

Kong Long grabbed the pigeon and took the letter from the pigeon's leg.

After reading the letter, Kong Long's face suddenly changed.

"I'm not going." Kong Long shook his head and looked at Hu Yimeng with a bad face and said, "I think we should not get into the treasure hunt. My father has come to Kaiyang City."

"What?! He is coming!" Hu Yimeng was also shocked, and he couldn't take care of the chopsticks in his hand. "What's the matter with him coming to Kaiyang City?" Didn't you find us?!"

"According to what was said in the letter just now, he doesn't seem to be coming for us." Kong Long shook his head.

"Is it the treasure map in the hands of Master Su?" Hu Yimeng immediately realized that the only thing that could make the Peacock King go out in person was probably the treasure map. Coupled with Su Muyun's previous publicity, almost everyone in the world knows it. Su Muyun, the owner of Jinglei Village, has a treasure map with a huge treasure in his hand. I'm afraid the Peacock King came to the treasure map in Su Muyun's hand!

"It's very likely." Kong Long nodded.