Fox as a concubine: mistakenly provoked the bloodthirsty tyrant

Chapter 23 Canyon in distress

When the sky was fading on the second day, everyone was ready early. They all hoped to show their skills on the treasure hunt and get some treasures in the future.

The team started. Because of Kong Long's reminder of the homework, the crowd deliberately walked in the front position of the team and stared at Su Muyun and Beichen Yeli's every move.

The team went to the entrance of the canyon. It was noon. The weather was hot, and the entrance of the canyon was dangerous, with sparse vegetation and strange rocks on both sides.

Hu Yimeng narrowed her eyes and looked at the canyon in front of him. This is the place where the people in the world died last night. I don't know what kind of danger they will encounter today.

"In front of you is the canyon to pass through the treasure hunt. After passing the canyon, you will enter the mountain, and the treasure is hidden in this mountain." Su Muyun pointed to the canyon in front of him and said to everyone loudly.

"The terrain of the canyon ahead is dangerous, so everyone must be careful." Beichen Yeli also told everyone.

"Stay close to Su Muyun and Meng Xun." Kong Long told Hu Yimeng, pheasant and Xingyan through the air transmission.

"Xingyan, Mr. Kong, Miss Lin, Miss pheasant, follow me later." Su Muyun came to Hu Yimeng's side and said to the four people in a low voice.

"I know, brother." Xingyan nodded.

The group slowly entered the canyon.

The canyon is very narrow, but it can only be used by three people to ride together. In the narrow part, you can only get off the horse and walk.

Hu Yimeng's heart felt a chill. If there is an ambush in such a place, I'm afraid few people can survive!

Su Muyun walked in the front, followed by Hu Yimeng, Kong Long, Xingyan and pheasant. Beichen Yeli walked behind the five people, and then there were some families and people in the world.

When everyone entered the canyon, Su Muyun and others in the front were about to reach the exit of the canyon.

Suddenly, there was a sharp whistle above the canyon, and Su Muyun's face suddenly changed and he took the lead in running towards the exit.

"Go!" Beichen Yeli raised the horse whip and whipped the pheasant's horse fiercely.

Everyone immediately understood that the danger was coming and they must leave quickly!

Kong Long, Hu Yimeng, pheasant, Xing Yan and Bei Chenyeli followed Su Muyun and ran to the exit of the canyon.

Most of the martial arts behind them have not figured out what happened and why they suddenly ** in front of them.

When the people in the martial arts, who were close to Su Muyun and Beichenye, saw the two suddenly running towards the exit, they guessed what was wrong!

In panic, he also wanted to run out with Su Muyun. Unexpectedly, the shocking bankers in front of him suddenly turned the horse's head and blocked the crowd in the canyon. At this time, the people who had just entered the canyon also noticed that something had happened in front of him and wanted to turn the horse's head and exit. Unexpectedly, they were also surrounded by people.

Su Muyun and Beichen Yeli escaped from the canyon with Hu Yimeng and others. Su Muyun immediately took out a fireworks from their bodies and put them into the air.

With the rise of fireworks, countless boulders on the canyon hit down with arrow rain, and many martial arts people died under arrows and boulders before they could figure out what had happened.

Seeing this, the people in the martial arts suddenly panicked, and then they realized that they had fallen into a trap, a trap dug by the owner of the Thunder Farm himself! What kind of treasure hunt? This is simply a life-threatening journey!

"Everyone run towards the exit and entrance! You must kill a bloody road and never die here!" Someone shouted loudly.

Hearing this sound, everyone immediately found a way to survive and retreated to both ends of the canyon.

Thunder Zhuang Jiading, who was blocked at the exit and entrance, was killed and injured under the siege of many martial arts masters. Seeing that Sun Nvxia, Master Wuxiang, Zixu Taoist priest and others who had been behind Su Muyun and Beichen Yeli were about to rush out, Su Muyun looked at Beichen Yeli, Beichen Yeli nodded to him, and Su Muyun took it again. A fireworks were set in the sky.

Countless boulders fell from the sky, and this time the boulders completely blocked the exit and entrance of the canyon.

Countless grease splashed from the cliffs of the canyon, rockets fell, the fire ignited, and there was a scream in the canyon.

Hu Yimeng stared at the almost slaughter war in front of him.

When she came to this world, she experienced too many killings, too many conspiracy and tricks, but she witnessed such a massacre for the first time.

The sound of fighting in the valley gradually weakened, and finally turned into silence. There was a strong smell of blood in the air. The fire licked the burning smell of the corpse, which made Hu Yimeng's stomach churning. The pheasant could not stand it for a long time, and he tilted his head on the horse and vomited.

After a while, three fireworks rose into the sky.

"Master, it seems that all the people in the martial arts in the valley have been wiped out." Su Muyun looked at the three fireworks blooming in the sky and said to Beichen Yeli.

As soon as Su Muyun finished speaking, he saw a man running down from the mountain with light kung fu.

The man flew to the front of the horse at night, knelt on one knee, held his fist, and said loudly, "Master, Dark Eleven has led his troops to annihilate all the martial arts people trapped in the valley."

Hearing the man's voice, Xingyan suddenly looked at the person coming.

Hu Yimeng also turned his head to look at the man.

It's really Ling Xiao!

It turned out that she was right. This was a conspiracy launched by the court to control the world.

"Okay, you fought well in this battle, and I will reward you a lot!" Beichen Yeli showed a satisfied smile.

But the smile looked extremely dazzling and cold in Hu Yimeng's eyes.

That strip was still pushing a cup with myself a few days ago, and the life of wine and joy has now turned into an unattended corpse in the valley. It's so cruel... It's really cruel...

"Get up, Ling Xiao, I think you can't think of a surprise waiting for you." Beichen Yeli said to Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao got up and looked up at the right north night.

"Look over there, do you see who's here?" Beichen Yeli pointed to Xingyan and said to Ling Xiao with a smile.

Ling Xiao looked in the direction pointed by Beichen Yeli. Isn't the beautiful girl on the horse the woman he has missed for three years... After three years, she has grown from a simple little girl who is puzzled about the world to a beautiful and touching big girl. Her big autumn eyes are looking forward to shine, and her dark eyes are shining. Looking at yourself...

Ling Xiao looked at Xingyan on the horse's back, rolling up and down her throat, opening her mouth but didn't know what was best to express her mood at this moment.

Xingyan looked at Ling Xiao's increasingly mature and steady face and recalled his feelings that he did not understand three years ago, but now she seems to be a little ignorant.