come to the movie world

Chapter 17 Say Goodbye to the Past

Guard, Qin Hui shouted outside the door. After hearing Qin Hui's words, a guard ran over.

Qin Hui pointed to the guard beside him. The priest put Pacien on the table and said, "Guardian, drink it and don't have any residue."

"Yes, Father." After saying this, the guard did not hesitate to open the medicine bottle containing Pasian, and then poured all the medicine into his mouth under the gaze of the two.

"How do you feel?" Qin Hui asked the guards.

"Shir, I feel very good."

After nodding her head, Qin Hui continued to ask. What if I want to promote you to priest? Do you have any ideas?'

The guard who heard this replied in disbelief, 'Really? Sir? I will definitely behave well. I will never smear the church.'

Seeing that the priest here frowned secretly, he was obviously suspicious of the effect of the medicine.

Qin Hui, who has been paying attention to the priest's expression, immediately explained, 'Father, don't worry. Our previous experiment showed that this medicine will produce a certain period of time according to the resistance of the human body. So we will distribute special syringes in the future so that people can absorb drugs better and earlier.

After a while, Qin Hui asked the guards, 'If you want to join the church, you need to leave your original family and abandon everything in the past. Can you still insist on joining the ranks of priests?'

'Yes, sir, if I can serve the church, I will do whatever it takes.' At this time, the guard answered without any hesitation.

Qin Hui listened and then asked, 'If you find out that your relatives are rebels, can you report them? If the church asks you to carry out the burning yourself, are you willing to do so, even if you kill your wife and children?

Yes, as long as they go against the will of the church, I am willing to carry out the burning in person and send them back to heaven.' Two words without any emotion make the guards at this moment more like a steel machine.

Every guard must go through strict control and become a guard of the priest. The first rule is loyalty, and the second rule is to have a complete family and love everything he has. Only those who are in love can better protect the safety of priests, because their families live under the control of the church. This dual control can greatly strengthen the belief of these people. Of course, their families will also receive the best protection and treatment.

After nodding his head with approval again, Qin Hui directly pulled out his own pistol. After two modifications, he saw Qin Hui equipped with guns with him. The priest did not say anything, because this was the power given to him by the priest. And Qin Hui is also a person in this world who can be equipped with a gun around the priest without being confiscated.

aimed the muzzle of the pistol at the guard who took Pacian, bang, Qin Hui was shot at his leg.

The guard who was shot in the leg instinctively fell to the ground, and because of the sound of the gunfire, more security personnel also attracted more security personnel. When the safety officer in charge of the priest saw Qin Hui's muzzle and his companions knee kneeling on the blood stains, they looked at each other one by one. Obviously, they didn't know what was going on.

'All go out. No one is allowed to come in without my order.' Seeing dozens of guards rushing into the living room, the priest waved impatiently, signaling them to get out of sight.

After these guards left, Qin Hui hid the gun back into her sleeves and went directly to the bodyguard in his hand and asked, 'How do you feel now? Do you feel any pain and anger?'

The guard knelt on the ground, looked at his wound and replied blankly, 'Sir, I feel good, it doesn't hurt, and I don't have any ideas.'

After Qin Hui squatted down and stained his hand with a little blood, she asked in front of the guard, 'If you are given a chance, do you want revenge? Are you dissatisfied with my approach? Think about it carefully and don't answer me in a hurry.'

The guard who heard this looked at the legs in his hand and said after a long silence, 'I'm sorry, sir, but I still don't feel it at all.'

Qin Hui stared at the guard's eyes, smiled at the priest for a long time, and then said to the guard, 'Very good, you can go to receive treatment. After the treatment, you can report to the priest Du Peng. In the future, he will personally train your gunfighting skills. After the training is over, you will be an honorable, ancient Radman priest, and this title of honor is the reward you deserve.'

'Yes, sir, for the honor of the church, I will use my life to guard this glorious title.' After saying this, the guard struggled to stand up, and then saluted the two, 'Your father, your knight, your subordinates have retreated.'

Looking at the guard who limped out of the door, Qin Hui bowed her head and said, 'Father, Pasian's effect is as we expected, but the side effects of this medicine are also obvious. Therefore, once the medicine is interviewed, I'm afraid it will be used by people with intentions or even refuse to take the medicine.

The priest looked at the blood stains on the ground and then nodded firmly. 'The long-awaited peace is waving to us, and these sacrifices are understandable compared with the future of mankind.'

There was a 21-year gap between the day the start of the world war and the interview in Pasian. In these 21 years, morality has been trampled and people have become uneasy, and a total of 6 billion people have died in the war. So far, only one million survivors have been found, and even I have A young man became a leader.

That's why I yearn for peace so much. From the day I decided to form the church, I worked hard for the survival of all mankind. I want to keep human beings away from war and from harm to each other.

Now Pacian's interview represents our belief that we are about to succeed. Although there are many large and small rebels outside the city at this time, this does not affect our overall situation and human survival.

Listening to the priest's words, Qin Hui did not say a word.

What is right and what is wrong? This is an unspeakable thing. In the end of the movie, the church was only described as a cruel and dictatorial religion, and the priest became the enemy of the world because of Pacian.

Qin Hui does not know whether the human beings who returned to their feelings in the film will still remember the contributions made by the Jehovah's Church and the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers who died for human unity in more than half a year.

Human emotions are the most unstable factor. The ancients said that great kindness has been sad for five years, and small hatred should be remembered for ten years. And this is the human heart, but human beings can no longer stand the pain at this time.

However, no matter what the future people think of the priest, in Qin Hui's eyes, the priest is a very charming and kind person. In order to unify peacefully, he personally went to the territory of the rebels, but only hoped that the rebels and the church would reduce casualties and be peacefully unified.

So under the inspiration of the priest, like Du Peng, the armed leader after the end of the world, Jack, the largest arms owner after the world, Bruce, who relied on drug marketing, the leader of the underground world killer team, and Senna, who is now the deputy presiding judge at the trial.

Many, many high-level churches and elites have joined the church in this way. None of these people are good people, but under the role of priests, they have gathered together to fight for the future of mankind. The contributions of these people are like the First Emperor of Qin building the Great Wall and Emperor Sui Yang digging the canal, but it is undeniable that it was the priest who ended the end of the world and established the Libyan government, bringing people back to peace.

The process of suppressing the rebels is still going on. Those rebels are like mice in the ditch, invisible but can be heard. Time is going on like this. This year, Pedston's old partner Pattigi is still on a mission in the church. The rebel leader in the movie, Jigen, is also a glorious leader of the anti-up team, and Du Peng is still working on the trembling host of the government.

At this time, Pacian was already a member, and all the emotional wavers that tested emotional fluctuations were also launched. In order not to make emotions rebound, the church began to slowly clear up, and various items, tapes, CDs, books, pictures that will induce human emotions, which will be burned by the church as soon as they are found.

In the third year of Pasian's development, the church began to hunt down people who did not inject Pasian, and these people will be forcibly injected.

In the seventh year of Pasian's development, the church changed the decree. At this time, people who refuse to inject Pasian will be sent to the incinerator for direct incineration, so that the viruses in these human beings will disappear completely.

In the ninth year of Pasian's development, the church decree added another one on the basis of the change. The collection of items that can make people's emotions fluctuate will also be arrested for violation of the decree, and those who violate the decree will be punished for incineration.

In the eleventh year developed by Pacian, the priest's body gathered every day. Subsequently, the news was blocked by the church. At this time, Qin Hui still had no news about Peston. At this time, the gunfighting martial arts team had a scale of nearly 300 people, and this year, another newcomer joined the glorious ranks of priests. This person was Peston's black partner, Tai. Diggs.

However, this year, something interesting finally happened to Qin Hui, and according to the intelligence of the trial, Gigan, the captain of the purge team, met with an unidentified rebel intelligence officer in Nithers's District 7. This year, Qin Hui, who has been living in the film for 11 years, also received a report that there was a young man named Christian in this church and won the first place in the priest's examination.

The task is still in progress, and the plot is slowly kicking off.

Newcomer's new book, ask for maintenance, collection, ticket. Be a loyal fan. I am Yunxiao. In the dream, I walk with you.