come to the movie world

Chapter 112 Ning Caichen

"Pa, Pa, Pa...!" With the sound of gongs and drums on the edge of the street, Qin Hui rode a tall horse at the front of the team. Behind him is a long team of government officials holding quiet and avoiding the word, and in the middle of the team is a prison cart covered with black cloth.

"Go and see what's going on!" As the team walked forward, the owner of the restaurant said to the shopkeeper beside him. Hearing this, the shopkeeper put down the teapot in his hand and quickly ran to the crowd.

After a while, Xiao Er, who inquired about the good shop, ran back to the restaurant breathlessly and said breathlessly, "Don't eat! Good news, good news! The monster wandering in Zhengqi Villa has been taken down by the new county magistrate! Now he is locked in a prison van and intends to send it to the vegetable market to receive the scorching sun!"

"Ah! There is such a thing!" A young man with a beautiful face, after hearing this, stood up at the table and asked in disbelief.

The second store looked at everyone's eyes, focused on his body, raised his neck and replied, "Of course it's true. The monster is now on the prison car. If you don't believe it, you can see it yourself!"

After the young man heard the store Xiaoer say something bad, he slapped the table fiercely and complained; "I took over the business of Zhengqi Villa the day before yesterday, but I didn't expect to be preempted by the people of the government only one night!" What an unlucky." After saying this, the young man stuffed a few pieces of beef into his mouth, and then bit his head on the table.

The young man bit his head and looked at the lively crowd outside. After a while, he suddenly stood up; "No, this is my first business since I went down the mountain. It must not be messed up." After saying this, Zhiqiu Yiye touched his chin and said thoughtfully, "Anyway, it's useless for the government to be a monster. Why don't I steal him and go to receive it!" Yes, just do it!" After saying that, Zhiqiu Yiye picked up the sword on the table, then jumped directly out of the window and disappeared into the crowd.

"Customer, you haven't paid the bill yet! Don't go, don't go!" After seeing Zhiqiu Yiye jump out, the owner of the restaurant shouted to the chaotic crowd.

"Where are you asking me not to go? Did you see the fugitive?" With the shopkeeper's words, a group of people quickly ran down from the second floor. These people are wearing iron armor and a steel knife. The first man wearing a blindfold and red clothes raised a big knife in his hand and shouted behind him after seeing the lively scene outside: "Brothers, we will chase and never let the fugitive run away!"

The shopkeeper looked at the clothes of these people and quickly came forward to persuade them; "Grandfather, don't be excited. There are no fugitives, no fugitives."

"Get out of here! Dare to block my wealth, I will kill your whole family!" The one-eyed dragon kicked the shopkeeper away, and then greeted the brothers behind him and ran out of the building.

"Chasing quickly! Catch the fugitive and get a reward!" With the shouting, a large group of people waved the big knife in their hands and ran out of the restaurant quickly.

Looking at the leftover of these people running in a blink of an eye, the shopkeeper quickly got up from the ground and shouted, "Master! Uncle, you haven't paid for the meal yet!"

The shopkeeper looked at the disappeared people, collapsed on the ground and sighed; "It's over! Both tables are for nothing, and today I'm free again!"

"Is the shopkeeper's, is the showcase there?" Just as the shopkeeper lay on the ground and sighed, a scholar carrying a bamboo basket came to the restaurant.

"In, in, in." Seeing a guest coming to the door, the shopkeeper quickly got up and greeted the scholar, "Please, there is a room inside."

Hearing the shopkeeper's words, the scholar rubbed his stomach and quickly said; "No, no, no. The shopkeeper, my name is Ning Caichen, who was sent by Jubaozhai to collect the account.

"It's collection again! Why are you different every time you come here?" Hearing the scholar's words, the shopkeeper looked unhappy.

The scholar took out the account book from the bamboo basket and said, "Ha ha, the last time the collector was killed halfway. I'm new here. You haven't seen me."

"Killed again!" The shopkeeper heard it, scratched his head and whispered to the scholar, "Young man, if I didn't say you, the world is not peaceful, even if you take the money, you can't go back. Instead of being killed halfway, it's better to take advantage of me!"

"How can this be! Don't laugh!" As the scholar said, he looked through the account book. After turning a few pages in a row, the scholar's face suddenly changed, and then held the account book in his arms.

The scholar looked at the shopkeeper who kept messing with the abacus and asked carefully, "Boss, can I see your account?"

"Look at the bottom of the account!" The hotel owner looked at the scholar who held the account book in his arms, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Looking at the shopkeeper's doubtful eyes, the scholar tightened the account book and said with an embarrassed smile, "Yes, this is a new rule."

"Show me the account book." The boss who saw this scene grabbed the account book in the scholar's arms.

The shopkeeper looked through a few pages and found that the book had already been soaked in the rain.

"What is this? What do you want to do in the dark? The shopkeeper threw the account book directly on the ground and said disdainfully.

The scholar quickly picked up the account book and begged, "Boss, help me. I only have three penny on me. It rained the day before yesterday and wet the account book. I can't help it!"

"Go, go, go. I don't have time to fool around with you. Don't delay my business!" The shopkeeper lowered his head and ignored the scholar.

The scholar looked at the sun outside, covered his stomach and said, "Boss, please give me a bowl of noodles. I want the cheapest one, no more than three penny."

"Bang." After hearing this, the shopkeeper threw down the abacus in his hand, raised his head and said unhappily, "I don't have any bargain here. If you are poor, then save it." I also want to learn from others to eat noodles! Poor man!"

After hearing this, the scholar asked shyly, "Boss, is there any place to stay for free?"

Free accommodation! Go to Lanruo Temple. You can live there as long as you want!" The shopkeeper said impatiently.

In this way, the scholar went out with a bamboo basket in his arms.

"When, when, when. Good news! The county magistrate is going to kill the monster of Zhengqi Villa! You don't have to be afraid anymore. Good news! In the future, there will be no more man-eating monsters in Zhengqi Villa!"

"Zhengqi Villa!" After hearing this, the scholar who had just gone out couldn't help looking curious. The scholar looked at the crowded crowd and followed the crowd to see what the monster looked like.

"Your Excellency, the vegetable market has arrived." As he moved forward, a servant with a waist knife came forward and grabbed Qin Hui's horse.

Qin Hui listened and got off his horse and asked in a low voice to the government officials around him, "How many people in Guobei County have come now?"

Hearing Qin Hui's words, the government official also whispered, "Your Excellency, thousands of people have come."

"Thousands of people! Well, it's a little less!" Qin Hui looked at the tent being built for herself and then ordered, "I'm sending someone to shout, I want the whole Guobei County to know my prestige and who is the king."

"It's my lord, I'm going to do it now." Hearing this, the government official quickly took the order and left.

Qin Hui sat in the shed, looked at the onlookers around him and said coldly, "Ha ha, I opened the situation so big that I don't believe you can't hear my name. Now my strength has been improved by misfortune. Masters among the demons, come here and let me see your strength and let me see the meaning of the master. With this, a big flag fluttered in the wind and wrote 14 big words, "Demons gathered in the world and asked the master who gave up me."