come to the movie world

Chapter 197 Man and God

According to the formula of energy conservation, any energy has a specific energy point. Once this energy point is broken, it will cause energy outflow. Dr. Manhattan's MRI technology is a technology that can break energy points. The super vibration frequency can cause the power in the cosmic Rubik's Cube to guide it out.

In the laboratory 500 meters underground, Dr. Manhattan, dressed in a white coat, stood in front of a machine and put the cosmic Rubik's Cube in his hand into the resonance machine.

After putting away the Rubik's Cube, Dr. Manhattan looked at the scientists around him and ordered, "Everyone take your positions. I'm going to start guiding the power in the Rubik's Cube!"

"Yes, Doctor!" With Dr. Manhattan's words, more than a dozen scientists came to their positions and watched the changes in the data.

Harry Potter wizard stood aside, looked at these busy scientists with great interest, and stroked the wand in his hand from time to time.

"Hung..." As Dr. Manhattan pressed the button in his hand, the MRI machine buzzed and began to work.

Slowly, as the experiment progresses, the frequency of vibration is getting higher and higher, but no matter how to improve the frequency of vibration, the energy in the cosmic Rubik's Cube is unresponsive. Looking at the unmoved Rubik's Cube in front of him, Dr. Manhattan's stiff face also showed a puzzled look.

"Increase the vibration frequency again!" Dr. Manhattan looked at the Rubik's Cube and then ordered the assistant beside him.

"Yes, Doctor." With Dr. Manhattan's words, the assistant walked to the instrument and turned on all the energy output systems except the last switch.

"Buzz..." After increasing the energy output, the MRI machine emitted a burst of sadness, and even the body itself was unstable.

"Bang!" As the body trembled, a mass of sparks emerged from one side.

"Doctor, if the thermostatic system of the body fails, do you want to terminate the experiment?" A scientist sitting in front of the computer shouted at Dr. Manhattan.

Dr. Manhattan stared closely at the Rubik's Cube stored in the MRI machine, and the Rubik's Cube was emitting dazzling light.

"Start the backup cooling system and continue the experiment." Dr. Manhattan answered coldly, staring at the Rubik's Cube.

"Is such a vibration still not enough to break the critical point?" Dr. Manhattan looked at the cosmic Rubik's Cube, which only emits light, but has no energy outflow, and secretly thought of it.

After a while, Dr. Manhattan looked at the cosmic Rubik's Cube and shouted again: "Increase the energy output and increase the vibration frequency again!"

After hearing this, the "Yes Doctor" assistant turned on the last energy output switch.

With the improvement of energy again, the energy color in the cosmic Rubik's Cube is getting darker and darker, looking like it is about to break out.

"Buzz... Bang..." Just as Dr. Manhattan was concentrating, the nuclear magnetic vibrator burst into a spark again with high-intensity resonance.

"Doctor, stop the experiment. The backup cooling system has also been damaged due to high-intensity resonance." The scientist responsible for cooling the resonance machine shouted, looking at the data in the computer.

Listening to the scientist's words, Dr. Manhattan rejected the proposal without thinking; "No, we can't stop, we're about to succeed!"

"Doctor, stop the experiment. The cooling supply system is broken, and we can't cool the vibration motor!" The scientist said with an ugly face.

"Wait, wait." Dr. Manhattan looked at the brighter Rubik's Cube and said repeatedly.

"Hung..." As the light of the Rubik's Cube became more and more popular, the shock machine emitted a burning smell, and the computer connected to the shock machine turned into a black screen with a spark.

"No, the computer I used to control the energy of the shock machine burned down, and now the shock machine is out of our control!" A scientist sitting in front of the computer exclaimed.

With the sudden failure of the shock machine, the computer burned one after another. In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen computers used to control the shock machine were all paralyzed. However, although the computer was burned, the pipeline that delivered energy did not stop, but was still delivering energy and increasing the frequency of shocks.

With the endless transmission of energy, it soon reached the oscillator of the energy warning line, and the whole sounded a harsh alarm sound.

"Go quickly, the atomic shock in the shock machine continues. There will be an atomic explosion here!" After hearing the alarm, a scientist quickly stood up from his seat and ran out as he shouted. After hearing the scientist shout, the others also stood up in a hurry and fled in the direction of the gate.

"It's so beautiful!" Dr. Manhattan, who was unresponsive, stared at the violent atoms in the shock machine without blinking. At this time, the atoms emitted a charming light in the shield because of the collision, and formed a beautiful picture with the cosmic Rubik's Cube emitting energy outward.

Looking at Dr. Manhattan with an obsessed face, the assistant hurried forward and persuaded him, "Doctor, let's go quickly. The energy response of the shock machine is still rising. There is going to be an atomic explosion here!"

Dr. Manhattan stared at the picture in front of him and seemed to have ignored the assistant's urging.

"Doctor!" The assistant looked at the increasingly bright light in front of him, and finally looked deeply at Dr. Manhattan and turned to run to the gate.

"I came here just for a high salary. I won't be stupid with you!" The assistant thought about this and left a little faster.

Looking at the scientists who fled in a blink of an eye, Harry Potter stroked the magic wand and said with a smile, "What a powerful energy fluctuation. Is this the power of technology?"

"Aren't you leaving?" Listening to the sound in his ear, Dr. Manhattan slowly turned his head.

"Let's go, but I'll take the Rubik's Cube before I leave." Harry Potter said, turning the wand in his hand to the cosmic Rubik's Cube and read, "Ingestion!"

With Harry Potter's words, a red light rushed out of the wand and then turned into a big hand, grabbing the cosmic Rubik's Cube inserted into the interface.

Just when Harry Potter was full of confidence, the unfavorable mage's hand was shaken away by the non-attribute energy suddenly erupting on the Rubik's Cube when he was about to catch the Rubik's Cube.

"Damn it!" Harry Potter frowned and then wanted to pass through the energy flow and grab the Rubik's Cube.

"No, I have the power of immortal birds. After encountering such a large energy, I will automatically nirvana!" Looking at the energy tide emanating out, Harry Potter, who had just stretched out his hand, then withdrew his hand. The body also floats back like a goose feather, avoiding the energy tide caused by the cosmic Rubik's Cube.

“.... Boom..." Shortly after Harry Potter retreated, there was a huge explosion in the atom in the shock machine.

"Wall-piercing!" After looking at Dr. Manhattan, who was directly swallowed up by the atomic flow, and the atomic storm caused by the explosion. Harry Potter shouted, and then rushed to the ceiling above his head, and even the Rubik's Cube had no time to grab it.

After Harry Potter left, with the violent explosion of atoms, a crack was torn open in the space. Dr. Manhattan, who was at the center of the explosion, also came to a colorful space with a burst of dizziness.

In the endless universe, in an immaterial space with a time flow rate of 1 to 10 million, a ridiculous bald blue body is drifting motionless in this endless space.

"Is this the charm of atoms and the power of molecules!" Dr. Manhattan, who slowly opened his eyes, looked at the flow of molecules around him, with a smile on his face and didn't notice anything wrong with him.


"Time and space have been positioned by me, and your past position is around the Rubik's Cube. Prince Rocky, as long as you give me the ring, you can send it at any time. In a divine palace, an old mage in a white robe nodded to the man in golden armor.

To the old mage in front of him, Rocky did not look disrespectful at all, but lowered his head slightly, handed a simple ring and said, "Thank you very much, Master Gandalf! This is your revenge."

"Very good, we are equivalent exchange!" The white-robed mage said and put the ring handed over by Prince Rocky in his hand. As the mage wore the ring, Prince Rocky, who had begun to teleport, suddenly found that the man's nine fingers were already wearing a ring, and his own was the tenth.

“.... Transmission..." With a low shout, Gandalf, dressed in a white robe, pointed to Prince Rocky's feet and opened the door of different time and space.

"Where is this!" Loki, who opened his eyes again, looked around and found that it was as quiet as if it had been judged by the gods.

"Cosmic Rubik's Cube!" Rocky glanced over and saw a familiar object lying at his feet.

Loki looked at the underground cosmic Rubik's Cube, quickly picked him up, and then took it in his hand with a smile and played with it.

"Is this father's treasure?" Rocky looked at the Rubik's Cube in front of him and stroked it obsessively, just like touching his lover.

This time, the task of finding the Rubik's Cube was handed over to his son Thor and Loki. Compared with Thor's power, Loki is ashamed of himself. Therefore, in order to get the Rubik's Cube and get Odin's affirmation of Loki, Thor was transferred from Thor's Palace, so that he could not know about it at the first time. After detaching Thor, Rocky, who felt unsafe, exchanged an inconspicuous ring for a fixed-point transmission opportunity from a sudden appearance of Gandalf, known as a space-time traveler.

"Tol, how do you argue with me this time!" Rocky stroked the Rubik's Cube with a proud look on his face.

"Young people from the divine realm, put down what you have in your hands. You don't deserve it." Just as Rocky imagined a bright future, a deep voice appeared around.

"Who are you?" Rocky turned his head and saw an old man in a black robe walking out of the shadow with a magic wand.

“.... A humble explorer..."