come to the movie world

Chapter 223 The Great Gathering of Movie Characters

With the emergence of the Assassin League, Qin Hui withdrew her plan to send Betty back. Because now the top assassins are staring at Qin Hui. These people are not good men and women, and there are absolutely many means to complete the task. Although Dr. Manhattan is strong, he can't take care of little Betty in all aspects. Otherwise, President Kennedy would not have been assassinated under the protection of Dr. Manhattan in the movie Watcher.

The convoy was parked outside the White House. Qin Hui took Betty's little hand and walked to the meeting outside the White House accompanied by several confidants. This meeting was a informal private meeting, which was invited by well-known parliamentarians and representatives of all parties across the country. Although there are many people invited, the meeting is held on the green lawn outside the White House, and the specifications of the meeting are more like a friendly banquet. Of course, if it hadn't been for the senators holding wine glasses, hiding knives in their smiles, and flashing cold light in their eyes from time to time, it would have become a New Year's dance.

"Oh! General Ross, my old friend, I haven't seen you for a long time!" With the arrival of Qin Hui, a white man with a big belly, wearing a navy general uniform, raised his wine glass to Qin Hui.

"This is the commander of the Pacific Fleet, Navy * Slop. Although he looks smiling, once it is about interests, he is absolutely cannibalistic without spitting bones. Qin Hui whispered in Betty's ear, then released her hand and picked up a glass of red wine from the cart passing by.

"Silopu, my old friend, we haven't drunk together for more than half a year!" Qin Hui took a few steps forward and gently bumped into the wine glass with Siluopu*, who came with the same big stride.

After drinking, Si Luopu looked at the people following Qin Hui and asked with a smile: "Why did you come with a bodyguard!" This is not like the style of your iron-blooded general!"

Qin Hui looked at Wood and Victor behind him and laughed, "Be careful not to make a big mistake!" Minister Saler's death has taught us a good lesson!"

"Is that so!" Slop nodded unknowingly, and then looked at Betty.

"Who is this little guy! Don't you want to introduce me?" Slope, who held the status of the commander of the fleet, did not care about Wood and Victor's two followers, but asked Betty.

"This is my daughter Betty!" Qin Hui touched Betty's head and said, "Betty, this is General Slopu, my father's good friend. We were a company in the Vietnam War."

"Hear uncle!" Betty bowed slightly to Slop, but an awkward smile flashed on his face.

Silop was half a deserter in the Vietnam War. If it hadn't been for his superb operational means, he would have gone to the military court. However, it was also because of his escape that Slop, who was still a captain at that time, accidentally met a general who was scattered by the enemy on the battlefield and got the general's friendship.

The embarrassment flashed, and later Si Luopu changed his smile and sighed to Qin Hui: "Ha ha, it's really time flies. In a blink of an eye, Betty is a big aunt! I still remember that when I first saw her, she couldn't walk! General Ross, we are really old!"

"Yes, yes!" Qin Hui looked at Betty, who proudly straightened her chest, and found that the original little Betty had really grown up a lot in the past six months.

"General Ross, I heard that the situation has been very turbulent recently. I don't know if you, the local police commander, have any plans?" Si Luopu lit a cigar and asked Qin Hui tentatively.

For Siluopu's words, Qin Hui shook her head and said helplessly, "The plan can't keep up with the change. I'm also at a loss now, let alone arrange it!"

"Old man, you are most suspicious of Salyr's death, and you still want to fight me carelessly!" Slop took a cigar and spit out two columns of smoke from his nostrils.

"Damn it, you naval general also want to go ashore to seize power. This is too ugly!" Although their thoughts are different, both Qin Hui and Si Luopu have a smile on their faces and look harmonious and happy. However, although it seems so, none of their words are true.

Qin Hui and the two talked with a smile and talked about some non-nutritious topics. After a while, they suddenly remembered the sound of playing music.

Listening to the melodious music, Betty beside Qin Hui put down the dessert in her hand, squinted her little eyes, and looked at the people coming from afar without blinking, looking for the legendary president.

With the music, President Hillary, Chief of Staff General Yot, First Congressman Rhodes, and Chairman of the Military Commission Ai Ren. Kruger and others slowly appeared in the eyes of everyone. However, although the four appeared together, it can be seen from the pace of several people that the four giants were obviously divided into several factions.

Four people stepped forward, led by a black man, who was the current U.S. President Chirac. Behind the president are two young people, a man and a woman. The man is also a black man, wearing a leather jacket and a pair of sunglasses covering half of his face. The woman is wearing a short skirt and looks like a secretary.

With Hillary's appearance, on the right is General Yot, the chief of staff, one of the current three giants of the military, and behind General Yot, there are two middle-aged people in their 40s. These two middle-aged people, with a majestic face and a smile on their faces, definitely don't look as simple as their entourage.

From the left is First Congressman Rhodes, and behind Rhodes, there are four hooded people at this moment. The four people were hidden in the hood one by one. No matter how Qin Hui looked at them, they could not see the faces of the four people, as if there was some invisible smoke covering the faces of the four people.

Finally, there was military chairman Kruger. Kruger was a thin and tall white man with glasses on his face. Kruger nodded with a smile to Qin Hui's eyes. Behind Kruger was a tall middle-aged white man and a black guy.

"It's unbelievable!" Qin Hui looked at the entourage who appeared behind several giants, and a trace of caution flashed in his eyes. Finally, I understood why the assassination teams I sent were gone. Because these people are not ordinary people, and they are all famous in movies.

A man and a woman behind the president, the man is Mr. Hancock in the movie Superman Hancock, and the woman is the flying woman in the movie Superman College. The two behind Chief of Staff Yot are Magneto with a majestic face and Professor X with a smiling face.

As for the last Kruger, the two who follow him are the two trump cards in the movie Men in Black, the old and steady Star Agent K, and the new generation of black agent j.

And behind the first congressman Rhodes, if Qin Hui guessed correctly, these four people should be the four deans of the four wizarding colleges in the world of Harry Potter. Because although these four people are dressed in black robes, each black robe has its own school logo.

Looking at the people who appeared, Qin Hui touched her chin and thought in disbelief: "It's like a dream! Such a gathering of heroes is simply a miracle for the world!"

"General Ross, welcome to come and wish you play faster." While Qin Hui kept analyzing the comparison of the strength of the two sides, Chirac slowly came to Qin Hui's side accompanied by the superman Hancock and the divine woman.

Qin Hui turned a deaf ear to the president's words and just nodded silently. Now Qin Hui is thinking about who is behind the defense minister Sariel, who was assassinated by him, and whether he is the hard character in the movie like these people. If so, who, which heroes, or teams, will bring any bad changes to themselves?

"It's better to underestimate the complexity of the world! I thought I could do whatever I wanted with Dr. Manhattan, but now it seems that the world is really not simple!" Qin Hui gently took a sip of red wine and made the worst plan in his heart.

"General, you look a little bad! Isn't it uncomfortable?" Hilak did not show any dissatisfaction with Qin Hui, who was silent. Instead, he picked up the red wine on the table and poured himself a glass.

With Chirac's words, Qin Hui was freed from her thoughts and said with an unchanged face: "I'm fine. I just think that the murderer of the murderer of Minister Sariel is still at large. I, a local police commander, am really worthy of the trust of Mr. President and the citizens."

For Qin Hui's words, Chirac shook the red wine in his hand and said indifferently, "The murderer suddenly appeared at General Salil's house, killed our minister in just a second or two, and disappeared before the bodyguard came. Such a criminal is not an ordinary person at first glance, and it is not your responsibility not to find out. It can only be blamed for Minister Saler's bad fate.

"Salir is blocking the way of others, don't you think so, my commander!" Chirac raised his glass and motioned to Qin Hui, smiling and asked.

Qin Hui gently touched the wine glass with Chirac and sighed; "It's not so much a bad life, I think the reason why the minister died in his mistress's room is because he blocked the pace of the times!"

"The pace of the times!" Chirac frowned and didn't understand what Qin Hui meant.

"The great wheel of the times will crush all obstacles, my respect, Mr. President!" Qin Hui drank all the red wine and smiled at the superman Hancock behind Chirac.

Chirac put the finished wine glass on the waiter's tray, and then whispered when he passed Qin Hui at the moment he turned away; "Be careful of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Fantastic Four in S.H.I.E.L.D. and those senior agents are all old subordinates of Sariel. And this mysterious organization ordered by Saler will also bear his revenge.

Chirac finished speaking and walked straight through the crowd.

"Hmm! If you want to reap the benefits of the fisherman, you underestimate me too much!" Qin Hui looked at Chirac, who was going to the center, and took the suitcase containing the Rubik's Cube in Laura's hand.