come to the movie world

Chapter 242 Superpower is about to get out of control, ask for an automatic subscription

Andrew followed Matt with a camera, while Steve walked in the front. Steve is a black man, and unlike the isolated Andrew, Steve is a famous comedian in the whole school. This black man has an innate humor cell. He can always find topics that make you laugh and is very popular in school.

"Steve, are you sure in this direction! We have been walking in the woods for more than half an hour, and the battlefield has long passed!" As the three kept passing through, Matt asked Steve in front of him.

Listening to Matt's words, Steve kept tore open the weeds of half a person's height with the wooden stick in his hand and retorted while moving forward: "I didn't say that the meteorite fell on the battlefield. You said those words yourself. I'm just saying this position, but I didn't say how far away it is!"

Matt looked at the dark sky, took out his mobile phone from his arms, shone on the road with the flashlight above, and said calmly: "Well, that's what I said!" But you'd better pray that you're right, otherwise I can forgive you and my fist won't!"

"Well..." After listening to Mike's words, Steve couldn't wait to slap himself, because he was excited for a moment and forgot that he was talking to the boss in the school, not his friends.

It's true that Steve is a school comedian, but if he really provokes Matt, he will never be able to take it.

"Don't worry, Matt, I won't lie to anyone. I promise in the name of God!" Steve, who was born to observe words and colors, changed his voice and flattered Matt and said.

Andrew, who followed him, looked at Matt in front of him with envy, because if he said this, Steve would not say such a thing. Steve is very popular at school, and there are many friends around him, which can never be provoked by his own little feet.

Some people say that people will learn to fight in society, but I think this statement is wrong. Intrigue is a human instinct, and people will have it after birth. And this instinct will initially awaken on campus and take root in society.

While Andrew was thinking about how to be as majestic as Matt, Steve, who was walking in the front, suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong with you, Steve!" Matt and Andrew took two quick steps forward and came to Steve's side.

The three looked at the scenery in front of them in a mess.

"Oh my God! If a meteorite falls on our house, the whole villa will not be destroyed!" Steve looked at the location of the meteorite falling in front of him. The 100-meter range here had been razed to the ground, and the original weeds and trees on it had been destroyed, and in the middle was a deep pit one meter wide. Obviously, the meteorite fell to the bottom of the pit.

The three carefully came to the pit. Matt looked down with his mobile phone and found that the big pit was not vertical, but slowly extending downward like an underground passage.

"What's the point on it? Let's go down and have a look!" While the three were watching carefully, Andrew suddenly said.

After listening to Andro's words, Matt and Steve looked at each other, and even the look on his face could not hide his curiosity.

Matt gave Steve the mobile phone with a flashlight and said with a smile, "Steve, you are the first to go down, and Andrew and I will answer you later!"

"This... That's not good!" With Matt's words, Steve always showed a trace of bitterness on his smiling face.

Everyone has curiosity, but Steve doesn't want to go down first, because no one knows if there will be any danger if he goes down like this.

Matt patted Steve on the shoulder with a smile, pushed him towards the hole, and said, "It's okay, Steve, we are companions, aren't we? If you are in danger, Andrew and I will definitely save you. And you haven't seen the meteorite. If you are the first to go down this time, you will be the first person in our school to see the meteorite!"

Steve, who likes to attract attention, is also hot after listening to Matt's words, because he also knows that the first person to see the meteorite will definitely be more popular than the second or third person.

"You can't lie to me! If there is danger, you have to save me!" Steve took the mobile phone handed over by Matt and walked back to the ground hole step by step until the sound became weak.

Andrew and Matt carefully lay down at the mouth of the cave, holding their breath and listening to the sound below.

"Quickly down! There is no danger here, only a red meteorite!"

"Oh, my God! It's shaking, and this meteorite is shaking like a heart!"

"God! It's really wonderful!"

Steve underground kept talking loudly, and after getting Steve's affirmation, Matt and Andrew also did not hesitate to drill into the hole and carefully go to the position where Steve's voice came.

After passing through the underground passage of more than ten meters, Andrew and the three stood in the cave knocked out by the meteorite and saw the meteorite falling from the sky.

This meteorite is only the size of a palm and sticks tightly to the soil layer and keeps beating with the red light, emitting waves of red waves visible to the naked eye in this three-square-meter floor.

"It doesn't seem to be hot!" Steve said, put his hand on the meteorite and touched it carefully.

"There is no temperature at all. If you don't believe it, you can touch it."

With Steve's words, Andrew and Andrew also put their hands on the meteorite and stroked the beating meteorite back and forth. No one found that with the touching of the three people, the red light on the meteorite flashed and integrated into the hands of the three.

"It's so beautiful! Why don't we take it down?" Steve looked at the beating meteorite and asked Matt. As for Andrew beside him, Steve didn't even look at him.

"Come on, let's get it down!" Matt agreed with Steve, and then the three worked together to keep on the meteorite.

The three people kept *, but the meteorite seemed to have been welded to death, and they were not moved at all. It's like its own beating is combined with the earth.

"No, no, it has stuck to the soil because of the high temperature generated during the descent, and we can't take it down without tools!" After a while, the three looked at the meteorite speechlessly and had to give up the idea of taking it away today.

"It's too late today. Let's come back tomorrow with the tools."

In this way, after a discussion for a while, the three decided to go back to their respective homes first and wait until after school tomorrow, and then come here to dig up this strange meteorite.

The three teenagers left happily with satisfied curiosity, and no one realized how different the meteorite was. I don't understand what this meteorite means and how valuable it is.

The night slowly fell, and the meteorite emitted red light in this narrow space, constantly beating.

"There are so many meteorites today!" An hour later, Matt, who had finished the dance, stood on his balcony and found another meteorite in the sky rowing in the same direction.

"Bang..." The meteorite suddenly fell and smashed a large pit on the ground not far away from the crater explored by the three people.

"Cough..." Suddenly, a few coughs came from the quiet night, and with the sound of coughing, a well-dressed figure shot out like a cannonball from the big pit where the original meteorite fell.

The figure ejected from the pit held the tree and cursed in his mouth, "Mom, eight times the speed of sound has been flying for more than two hours, and now my legs are shaking!"

The figure holding the tree is Qin Hui, and his clothes are also turned into beggars in a long flight of eight times the speed of sound.

At the beginning of the flight, Qin Hui will also protect his clothes with energy. But after flying for an hour, Qin Hui gave up this idea. Because at more than eight times the speed of sound, the energy consumed to protect the clothes was so great that Qin Hui felt that he could not bear it.

"Fortunately, its flight trajectory will not change, otherwise it will really let it run away!" Qin Hui stood under the tree with trembling legs, leaning against the big tree, and looked at the big pit not far away with a wry smile. And in that big pit, it is also the crater explored by Andrew, Matt and Steve.