come to the movie world

Chapter 262 Everything is under control

With the departure of Qin Hui, Dumbledore came to Harry and the two. After looking at Hermione with regret, he touched Harry's head and said with meaning: "Son, you have to behave well. As I said, if you are favored by Professor Qin, you may benefit a lot in your life."

After saying this, Dumbledore helped Mrs. Huo Qi and shouted without looking back; "Well, children, go back to the dormitory first. That's all for this morning's class. You can move freely!"

"Wow..." After hearing Dumbledore's words, these little wizards, who had just pale faces, immediately burst into cheers, fully reflecting the children's heart.

"If you want us to worship under the door of a conspirators, we don't care! You said yes, Hermione." Harry, who had always felt that Qin Hui was not a good person, whispered beside Hermione after Dumbledore left.

"Is that right!" Hermione looked at the direction of Qin Hui's disappearance and felt that it would be good to have such a powerful wizard as her mentor.

"Ron, don't be daze. Let's go to Hagrid and tell him about our findings." Harry took Ron and Hermione's hands and walked to the forest hut where Hagrid lived behind the students.

Hagrid is a forest farm guard. After being abandoned by his parents when he was a child, he was raised by the wisdom races in the taboo forest. With half of the giant's blood in his body, he is also one of the few people who can walk freely in the forbidden forest. It is also because of Hagrid's speciality that Hogwarts, who is a good man in the middle, has initially reached a reconciliation with the Forbidden Forest.

Harry and the three of them walked through the long corridor in the castle and ran along the mountain path to the stone hut where Hagrid was located outside the castle.


"Hagrid, are you in there?" Harry knocked on the wooden door of the stone house and shouted inside through the crack of the door.

With Harry's constant knocking on the door, Hermione, who had nothing to do, lowered her head and saw a letter under the crack of the door.

Hermione picked up the letter and kept looking at it. After a while, Hermione shook her head regretfully and said to Harry, "Don't find Harry. Mr. Hagrid has gone out and won't be back until next week!" After saying that, Hermione handed the letter in her hand to Harry.

Following Hermione's words, Ron looked at Harry with his eyes and mouth, and said with great interest: "Harry, now Hagrid is no more. Can we go to the canteen for some cheese?"

"You know how to eat. We have something very important to do now." Harry gave Ron a discontented glance and walked towards the castle while holding the letter in his hand.

"Let's go to Professor McGonagall, who is the dean of Gryffindor, and it's the same for us to tell her."

"I still have to go!" Ron looked unhappily at Hermione beside him, took a deep breath under his encouraging eyes, reluctantly followed Harry's footsteps, and ran to Professor McGonagall's office.

Although Professor McGonagall is the principal of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, she still works part-time in the education of transformation classes. When Harry and the three went to Professor McGonagall, Professor McGon was teaching the magic of turning into tigers to the senior wizards, and did not let Harry and the three of them enter the classroom.

Because a spell was cast on the door of the classroom, Harry and others who couldn't get in could only stand outside the classroom and waited anxiously for the end of the class.

Fortunately, Professor McGonagall's course has been carried out, so Harry and others waited for more than an hour, and the door of the classroom suddenly opened.

Seeing the door of the classroom open, Harry, who was already anxious, immediately rushed to the classroom. But before Harry entered the classroom, many burly senior students poured out and squeezed Harry's students aside.

"Professor McGonagall, I have something very important to tell you. Of course, it would be better if you could also call Professor Dumbledore. Harry, who finally waited until the students in the classroom dispersed, saw Professor McGonagall who was modifying the test paper behind his desk at a glance.

"What important can you do!" Professor McGonagall pushed the reading glasses on the bridge of his nose and looked into Harry's eyes and said, "I saw you stand outside for a long time. Don't you have to go to class today?"

"Professor McGonagall, we don't have a class in the morning, and now we really have something very important to tell you." Harry said eagerly that he had stood in the corridor for more than an hour because of the August climate, and his sweat had soaked through his clothes.

Looking at Harry and others, Professor McGonagall shook his head helplessly and said softly, "If there is anything, just tell me. Dean Dumbledore received an urgent message from the Ministry of Magic in the morning and has gone to the Ministry of Magic."

Harry looked anxious when he heard this and asked eagerly, "Dean Dumbledore really left? We really have something urgent to look for him. This is very important. I can't do it without him!"

Professor McGonagall shook his head regretfully and said carelessly, "Dean Dumbledore has been out for a long time, and it's too late to come back for important things!" If there is anything now, just tell me. I still have to correct my homework for the students. I don't have time to play riddles with you!"

"Professor, what we want to talk about is the treasure hidden in the restricted area, which is the thing brought back by Hagrid. Now someone is trying to steal it from the restricted area." Harry said in a fast tone.

"What, this is impossible!" After hearing the sound, Mag taught his eyebrows and frowned, and the quill pen that had been writing and stopping in his hand was also thrown aside.

"It's true that this is why we came to Dean Dumbledore!" Harry and the others nodded and explained.

Mig pondered for a while, stared into the eyes of the three and asked, "How do you know that this is top secret? Except for a few people, ordinary mentors don't know about it!"

Hermione stepped forward and whispered, "Professor McGon, this is what I overheard when I was in the library, and the person looking for that thing is the mysterious Professor Qin!"

"Professor Qin! Ha ha..." After hearing Hermione's words, Professor McGonagall was not as angry as Harry thought, but said with a smile, "Don't joke, children. Professor Qin had already seen it on the first day it was sent to Hogwarts. And the place where that thing was placed was sent in by Professor Qin and the dean themselves.

"What!" Hermione looked at Professor McGonagall with a smiling face and hurriedly told what she heard that day.

Professor McGonagall, this is impossible! I heard with my own ears that Professor Qin was looking for that thing again, and he privately entered the seventh floor where even the tutors were prohibited from entering!"

Professor McGonagall shook his head and said, "Professor Qin has the right to freely enter and exit the seventh floor, which was approved by Dean Dumbledore. And as for what Professor Qin is looking for, I can also tell you very definitely, not the one in the forbidden place.

"This, this..." After hearing Professor McGonagall's words, the three looked at each other and didn't know what was going on.

Professor McGon smiled, took the quill in his hand again, and said without raising his head, "Well, children, it's not your fault. Go and play. As long as you know about it. Don't talk about it anymore!"

"But the professor, he..." As soon as Harry was halfway through, Professor McGonagall raised his head and said in an unquestionable tone, "Well, Harry, I know you're great, but I don't think Dumbledore will agree with talking about a powerful professor behind his back. Let's go out now. This matter is over. There is nothing to say!"

"Okay, professor!" Harry nodded helplessly and walked out of Professor McGonagall's classroom with the same discouraged Hermione.

Ron looked at Harry, who seemed to be worried and comforted him, "I said it was a misunderstanding!" You have to think about it yourself. I think we might as well go to the canteen for dessert at this time. You know, this is what we freshmen should do, not to track down a professor!"

"No, Ron. It is because Professor Qin seems to have no suspicion at all, so his suspicion is the biggest! Because only in this way will everyone not pay attention to him.

With Hermione's words, Harry and Ron both focused on him. At this time, Hermione analyzed the whole case like Holmes, as if everything was under control.