come to the movie world

Chapter 295 King of Spiders

"Overcome! Adapt!" Luna raised her little face and found that her tutor was serious at this moment and had no intention of laughing with her. But his mentor didn't laugh, but what can he do with at least tens of thousands of spiders in the field?

"That, that..." Then if I need to choose, I want to stay, because this is the place that needs me!" Although Luna was still a little scared, she gritted her teeth and persisted after seeing Hermione constantly attacking the spider outside through the magic shield, because she didn't want to lose to Hermione, her peers of the same age.

"I'm glad you have this idea, because chicks always fly high!" Qin Hui looked at Luna with encouragement, and then did not say more to others. She disappeared in front of everyone as quietly as when she came.

"Principal Qin! Where have you been! Take me with you!"

Professor Qin, don't go! Don't go!"

"Woo-hoo... I'm afraid. I'm going home. I won't be a wizard!"

With the disappearance of Qin Hui again, the whole scene became chaotic again, and the students were full of panicked shouts everywhere.

"Professor Snape, I think you're right. I'm afraid our new principal really didn't treat the students as human beings!" Professor McGonagall, who was releasing resistance to magic, sighed at Snape after looking at Qin Hui's disappearing position.

With the continuous attacks of spiders outside, Snape, who maintained the boundary, showed a trace of hard work on his face like a poker and reluctantly said, "If you are thinking about this problem, I don't think it's necessary. Because at this time, you can choose to place several layers of defensive boundaries to minimize the casualties of the students!"

"Brother La, Brother La..." The spiders all over the mountain called the names of their leaders and rushed to the boundary supported by several mentors one by themselves.

The light blue boundary stood in front of everyone like a water wave. The spiders that rushed up melted one after another at the moment they touched the water wave, and their whole body turned into flying ash with Mars all over the sky like paper burned by flames. Unlike these moth fire spiders, the magic emitted in the boundary not only did not disappear after crossing the boundary, but became stronger with a shock of energy.

"Fight against the enemy... As solid as gold soup... The ultimate guardian..." The spells in the mouths of several senior wizards such as Professor McGonaga, Professor Snape and Professor Filiwei have barely maintained the stability of the boundary under the siege of tens of thousands of spiders.

resisting the enemy is a primary magic, which can be used by any adult wizard. However, this primary magic is part of the magic defense spell. If you want to fully exert its power, you also need to cooperate with the intermediate magic and the ultimate guardian of advanced magic. If it is intermediate magic, the tutors present have the strength to use it, but if you want to cast complete magic defense spells one by one, you need extremely high magic paper and strength.

Hogwarts is the top wizarding college in the magic world, but only a few mentors have reached the edge of the great magician, that is, the energy level of B+. And in a multi-person joint way, it is enough to use the defense spell that can only be used by great magicians.

The boundary of the three mentors defended hundreds of meters, and in the boundary, other mentors and students who can't get involved can only constantly release their magic on the spiders coming from the outside, trying to relieve the pressure on the three mentors.

"Powerful blasting... Powerful blasting..." Ron held his wand in his hand, but out of fear of the spiders, Ron released his magic outside without looking at it. However, compared with the dense spiders outside the boundary, Ron's magic will not deviate anywhere even if it is not accurate, because after tens of thousands of spiders are superimposed together, there is no vacancy.

Flames flew out of Ron's wand and fell to a place. With each explosion, at least one or two spiders can lose their ability to move, and sometimes after encountering crowded situations, several spiders can be destroyed at once.

"Ron, don't use the blasting spell, use fragmentation or petrification magic! The blasting spell consumes too much magic. You have to rest after using it for a while!" Hermione, who was constantly attacking with magic, hurriedly opened her mouth after seeing the paleness on Ron's face caused by the casting transition, asking Ron to call the blasting spell with a less-consuming spell.

After hearing Hermione's words, Ron quickly replaced the burst spell with petrification magic, but the truth magic is a single magic, which hits a group of superimposed spiders, and it is only effective for the first one to hit. So after Ron replaced the burst spell, his lethality also weakened a lot.

"Hermione, we can't go on like this. We only have a few hundred people, and each attack only kills hundreds of spiders at most. If it goes on like this, we must be the first one who can't stand the consumption!" At this time, Harry sweated profusely and his body trembled weakly because of the continuous casting spells.

"What can happen if it is not consumed! There are cobwebs everywhere in the air, and they can't fly up at all!" Hermione looked at the gray area in the air and knew that it was a cobwebs pervaded beyond the boundary. At the beginning, these spiders blocked the sky through the hundreds of meters tall trees around them. Except for a few mentors who could move with phantoms, other students could not rush out at all.

"Boom..." Just as Harry looked at the joking brother with a joking face hidden a kilometer away, the outermost part of the spider suddenly roared. With the roar, several treemen three or five meters high were patting the earth with their branches and kept walking towards the students among countless spiders.

"It's a tree giant! Children, hold on, Professor Malt, they're coming!" After seeing these tree people, Professor McGonagall, who is the most powerful among the people, said inspiring words to everyone.

"How are you, kids!" With a happy word, Professor Malt, who was dressed in rags and Hagrid, suddenly showed his head behind a tree man and greeted the crowd loudly.

"Move the ground..." With a low shout, the earth cracked and devoured more than a dozen panicked spiders.

"Magic! It's Filch! Mr. Filch is also here!"

Ground magic is Filch's ability, so after hearing this shout, the students cheered again.

"Falt, Tongtong Petrochemical, Chain Flame, Rapid Freezing, Burst Curse..."

After Professor Malt and Filch appeared, accompanied by the spells of dozens of other tutors, the remaining hundreds of students also followed the tutors in front of them and appeared in everyone's sight.

Slowly as the two sides gathered, hundreds of tutors and more than thousands of students joined together to form a new line of defense to resist the attacks of spiders.

Thousands of magic attacks can kill more than a thousand spiders every time. Although tens of thousands of spiders are still pressed, no one will feel that they will die here.

"Mr. La Ge, you have also seen that it is meaningless to fight. Let's stop talking!" With the establishment of the new line of defense, Professor McGonagall, who did not have to worry about the safety of students, lifted the magic boundary and walked out of the crowd and began negotiations with Brother A La, who was hiding in the dark.

"Hist and peace!" Looking at the wreckage formed after the death of tens of thousands of spiders, a trace of sadness and helplessness flashed in his cold eyes.

"Yes, let's stop!" Professor McGonagall nodded and said with a winning chance; "Although I don't know why you will take the initiative to attack us after 50 years of peace. But as you can see, although your spider army is extraordinary, we also have thousands of wizards. Although most of them are still wizard apprentices, I think the strength of these hundreds of tutors is enough to make up for the shortcomings of the students! Stop it, Brother La, or you will only die in the battle!"

"A dead end!" Brother Ala's huge body came out of the darkness under Professor McGonagall's doubtful eyes and came to the eyes of the tutors.

"Actually, I didn't want to live today. I have lived for 50 years, and it was Hagrid who raised me from the size of my thumb to now. So whether out of retalion to Hagrid or the continuation of my ethnic group, I have no right to retreat today!" Brother Ala's cold eyes swept over these people in front of him, and his words revealed the choice of fate.

"What do you mean by that!" Professor McGonagall looked at Brother La puzzledly and felt that today's spiders were full of strangeness. Because if it were the usual time, it would be impossible to avoid the escape of those little spiders under such casualties. You should know that creatures have the instinct to be afraid, but today's little spiders still choose to fight to the death in such a casualty situation, which makes Professor McGonagall feel deeply puzzled.

"This is a choice of fate. It doesn't matter what I mean. What is important is that my ethnic group can continue again. And Hagrid can also return to the forest he loves and loves him.

"When Hagrid comes back, remember to talk to him. Let's say that Brother Ala is still the old brother, and he is still his friend!" After saying that, Brother Ala roared at the little spiders around him and frowned secretly, and began the prelude to the war again.

In the subsequent war, the spiders' will to fight to the death was beyond everyone's imagination. Fortunately, Brother Ala, the king of spiders who didn't seem to be easy to provoke, did not play in person, but watched from the beginning to end.

The front composed of thousands of people is indestructible. Although some students fainted from time to time in the battle due to the transition of casting spells, they finally resisted the tide-like attack under the strength of the mentor.

After the last spider was hit by more than a dozen magic, only Brother Ala, the king of spiders who had been watching coldly, were left in front of everyone's eyes.