come to the movie world

Chapter 299 The Disappearing Hermione

Qin Hui has seen too much in his life, and Qin Hui has never been a sentimental person. Therefore, whether it is the death of the students or the death of the tutors, it is like autumn leaves for Qin Hui, and it is not worth being sad, because this is natural.

Qin Hui was like a person sitting in front of the TV watching a movie, looking at everything in the scene with indifferent eyes. Crying, screaming, roaring, everything seems to have nothing to do with Qin Hui, as if they are separated from each other in a world.

You can say that Qin Hui is indifferent or cold-blooded, but anyway, this is Qin Hui's character. Qin Hui had no mercy when she was waiting for the judgment of fate in the short rental house.

"It's so beautiful!"

Qin Hui stared ahead. It was a female student who had cut off her head by a sharp axe. She saw a frightened expression on her head, but blood had been sprayed out and wrote a beautiful red picture under the moonlight.

A breeze blew, and the red blood mist drifted bleakly into the distance. The leaves, the ground, and even people's faces were stained with bright red colors, which made Qin Hui's face smile.

The battle slowly subsided, but Erburn did not come back until more than half of the teachers and students of Hogwarts died and fought hard to resist the attack of the rauns and returned to the college. When everyone got the news of Erborn again, all they saw was a body covered with bite marks on the bones and a broken magic wand.

As Erburn said, many creatures in the forest are unfriendly, and he can't do it.

The attack of the racon was very brave. After a long battle, Prince Ole, who held two knives, personally joined the battlefield and fought alone with Professor McGonagall, Professor Fliwei and Professor Bings. The brave figure made Qin Hui, who was watching, couldn't help admiring the wind of August the Great.

The first tutor who died was Professor Malt, who was the first to die, but he was not the last one.

Mrs Huo Qi, who was in charge of teaching flight lessons, also died, because she had no magic to do except dazzling flying stunts. So she died in a bloody battle with the ra-horse clan and was killed by five horses. Compared with these famous tutors, those unknown tutors have been killed and injured more, and the entire Hogwarts faculty has been reduced by more than half since this time.

Of course, not only the tutors present were killed and injured, but also the students of all grades. Many people have become completely crippled like Ron, and even some people are scared out of fear, and they don't want to touch the wand in their lives.

The battle is cruel, and the battle with aliens is even more so. If Qin Hui hadn't signaled Olei to retreat at the last moment, the casualties present would have been greater, and there was even the danger of the destruction of the whole army.

Olei retreated decisively after receiving Qin Hui's signal, because the war is relative, that is, the people and horses are brave and good at fighting, and it is still very difficult to fight against these wizards. When Ole finally withdrew, there were only 400 horse warriors who could follow Ole, and more than 600 others had all fallen into the battlefield.

More than 40 Hogwarts' tutors have survived, and less than 500 students have survived. And more than 400 people survived, and each of them was also injured.

But if you still fight in the end, to be honest, Qin Hui is still more optimistic about the people. Because the wizards' magic is seriously depleted, but the physical strength of the human race is far above that of human beings.

"Congratulations, Hogwarts students, you have passed the test. I am proud of your bravery and your vowed resistance!"

Just after the school doctor Mrs. Pomfrey led everyone back to Hogwarts' castle, Qin Hui's figure flew down from the tower and slowly stood in front of everyone.

"How dare you stand in front of us!" Harry, wrapped in bandages, roared after seeing Qin Hui's figure, came out of the numb students and stood in front of Qin Hui.

"Harry! I'm so happy to see you, because I thought you had died in the battle!" Qin Hui looked happy after seeing Harry Potter, because Harry's survival meant that the days ahead would still be interesting.

"The twin brothers died, Longbottom died, Professor Malt died, Gore died, and finally even Klin died! You demon! Why do you still have the face to stand in this seat and talk to us with a smile!" Harry pointed to the students behind him and roared loudly at Qin Hui.

"I heard it right!" Qin Hui looked at the people present funnyly and said, "They died because their lives were bad. What does it have to do with me!"

"Why did the Arab spiders attack us, and why did the rauns know our location! If you hadn't fooled in it, how could these people have died!" Harry walked quickly to the crowd and pointed to the simple stretcher protected by the crowd and said, "This is Professor Snape, this is Ron, this is Professor Binns, this is Professor Frywei!" Now that these people are seriously injured and dying, don't you feel guilty?"

"I'm very sorry to interrupt you, Mr. Potter!" Qin Hui looked at the person lying on the stretcher and said regretfully, "I disappointed everyone, because I didn't feel guilty at all. On the contrary, I feel very gratified!"

"Look at yourself. Now you are calm and firm. Although it was only overnight, I can be happy to tell you that you have made many achievements that qualified wizards have never achieved in their lives. Now you can better estimate your future. Of course, it's like this in terms of mind, but it just lacks accumulation!"

Qin Hui looked at the people present with relief, as if praising her achievements.

With Qin Hui's words, the students present glared at him, and what was difficult to hide was the look of resentment and the eyes that wanted to kill.

"Don't look at me like that. One day you will understand my good intentions!" Qin Hui's eyes swept past, like a pathetic saint, shaking his head and sighing.

"Hend, this is just your personal will, but you want to impose it on others and let others listen to your fallacies!" Harry shook his head and interrupted Qin Hui's words.

"Mr. Potter, if I remember correctly, I am the master of Hogwarts! Tell me, what kind of punishment do you want as a reward for your offense!" Qin Hui smiled and said to Harry in a discussed tone.

"The best reward is to let your dirty soul repent in hell! Avadaso's curse!" Looking at Qin Hui's fear of the dead at all, Harry, who couldn't stand it, raised the magic wand in his hand.

The blue light cut through the sky, took Harry as the starting point, and went straight in the direction of Qin Hui.

"Avadaso's life spell! That's ridiculous!" After the blue light flashed, Qin Hui was holding a struggling blue skull in her chest.

"Yes! Where are Hermione and Professor McGonagall!" Qin Hui, who held the skull in his hand, looked at Harry's position strangely, but remembered that he had never seen Professor McGonagall and Hermione.