come to the movie world

Chapter 397 Does the screenwriter know about this?

Qin Hui has been standing quietly on a tall building and watching Sanada's death in the battlefield.

Qin Hui did not take action from beginning to end. Although he could easily save the samurai in front of him as long as he wanted to, he still did nothing.

A real warrior is valuable, and a warrior who is willing to die on the battlefield for his faith is even more very, very rare.

Qin Hui doesn't want to destroy all this, because Sanada's desperate appearance is really exciting.

We have no right to deny the final decision made by a warrior, although this decision may seem wrong and ridiculous to us.

After witnessing the death of Sanada's name, Qin Hui went to the headquarters of Tokyo Ambrera, the location of the Rubik's Cube.

Ambrera's headquarters is located in the suburbs of Tokyo, which is a 100-story building.

Qin Hui stood in front of the building, stretched out his hand and smashed the closed door. After entering it, Qin Hui smelled an air containing nerve anesthetics.

Countless people fell to the ground in the hall. Qin Hui glanced gently and found that these people had been killed by neurotoxins in the air before they were in the corpse.

The ground is full of messy documents, and some bodies lie in front of the gate, as if they were trying to escape from here the second before their death.

Qin Hui strolled in the hall and looked at the magical headquarters of Ambrera with great interest.

"Stop, intruder..." Just as Qin Hui looked at everything curiously, a red light suddenly projected from the camera and turned into a little girl.

The little girl was dressed in a snow-white dress and looked cold and was staring at Qin Hui angrily.

"Are you the Crimson Queen? Shouldn't you be in Raccoon City!"

Qin Hui looked at the little girl in front of her and asked for unknown reasons. In fact, Qin Hui only saw the first part of the Resident Evil, because with the increasing strength, there is nothing that can threaten him. Therefore, the film was left behind by Qin Hui. Even Qin Hui did not watch the sequel when he got the news that it was going to the world of biochemical crisis, because it was not necessary in his opinion.

A person will gradually become addicted after smoking, but you can't expect Superman to become addicted after smoking. After all, everything is relative. Qin Hui's life level is first-class. What a powerful virus you said can infect Qin Hui, who is more powerful than Thor!

"I'm the Snow White Queen, and the person you mentioned is my sister!" The little girl's face was without sadness or joy, as if there was no emotion.

"Oh!" Qin Hui nodded gently, then ignored the little girl, and then walked to the elevator.

The situation is the same as that of Raccoon City, where the main areas are also built underground. According to the prompt of the system, the fifth fragment of the Rubik's Cube is hidden in a corner underground.

"Hight, it's dangerous down there. You can't go down!" The little girl's figure changed instantly and stood in front of an elevator.

"I don't think so!" Qin Hui ignored the little girl's movements and passed through the little girl's projection.

"You will regret it!" The little girl's words became urgent, but Qin Hui shook her head carelessly and pressed her hand on the elevator door.

“Ding....." The elevator made a soft sound, and then the door of the elevator was slowly opened.

"Roar!" A roar came, and the elevator was full of zombies in white research suits. At this moment, they were crowded like canned sardines in the elevator, including two strong men dressed as guards.

"Shut up and get out!"

Qin Hui did not show any fear under the little girl's sneering eyes, but shouted, pointed to the zombies, and then pointed behind her.

"Woo..." The zombies in this elevator were all the lowest-level five-level zombies. They mourned with Qin Hui's words and looked at Qin Hui as if they had met an eagle's chicken baby, and even their bones were scared.

In the eyes of most people, zombies have no wisdom, but only a simple eating instinct. But Qin Hui felt that this statement was wrong, because even a small single-celled creature had its own instincts, not to mention that these can be regarded as zombies of another species.

Just like some viruses are intolerant of the cold, so the spread of this virus will never reach the Arctic. Zombies can't be worse than the virus.

So Qin Hui believes that zombies have a desire for flesh and blood and ignore their peers, which means that they are instinctive creatures. And the reason why they are not afraid of death attacks on human beings is that the level of human life is the same as theirs.

Just like an ant actively attacks a small insect and never goes back to try to move a lion home. Compared with zombies, human beings are the kind of food that can be moved home, and Qin Hui himself is the lion who is patrolling the territory.

No, it can't be compared with a lion, because the gap between the two sides is too big, and it should be replaced by a god overlooking all sentient beings.

Ants will not try to move a god who looks down on all sentient beings home as food, because the biological instinct makes them understand anything and become a class, and Qin Hui, without exception, is an invulable existence in the eyes of zombies.

The zombies couldn't understand what Qin Hui was saying, but the majesty from Qin Hui made them forget their desire for flesh and blood, and they all moaned and ran out of the elevator to leave Qin Hui's side.

"How did you do it? Isn't this scientific? The little girl looked at the zombie like a dog with a tail, with a humanized expression on her face.

"Science! No, it's very scientific. You can understand it as instinctive fear of natural enemies. It's like a chick will instinctively whine after smelling a snake.

With Qin Hui's words, the little girl said to herself in disbelief; "How can it be! There has never been such an exception in the experiment!"

"There were no exceptions in the trial because you haven't seen me. This is the gap between life levels. The world is very large, bigger than your computing power hundreds of millions of times a second. And that's all you see and know!"

Qin Hui looked at the snow-white queen in front of her with a smile. As she stepped into the elevator, she stretched out her hand and made a small gesture.

"Who are you?" The little girl's face was gloomy and covered her little fist.

"It doesn't matter..." Qin Hui did not answer, but pressed towards the number of floors of the elevator.

"tu tu tu tu..." Before Qin Hui pressed his hand on the button of the elevator, suddenly the sound of the helicopter's propeller sounded outside the door.

"GO, GO, GO..." Qin Hui's eyes passed through the building and saw a group of people in camouflage clothes coming down from the rope of the helicopter at this moment.

"There are zombies, open fire!" This group of soldiers encountered zombies released by Qin Hui, and as several people raised their guns, more than a dozen zombies quickly fell to the ground under the shooting of five people, and the position of the guns in their heads also showed the extraordinaryness of the team.

"Quick, we have limited time, and the city is about to lose. We must get the company's main documents as soon as possible, and then take the Snow White Queen to the new base.

With a crisp voice, the last woman in the team ordered the soldiers.

The woman was wearing a white research suit different from the soldier, with a line of small words clearly recording the identity of the person.

"Alice... Ambrera's special investigator... Level 15..... Occupation; those who are new to mind..."

The soldiers rushed to the door surrounded by Alice, and looked at the opened door. Alice paused slightly. Then she took out an extra pistol in her hand and looked into the hall.

The hall is in a mess, and the scene is no different from what Alice imagined before. The only difference is that the elevator door is open at this moment, and there is a cold-faced man with sunglasses standing inside.

"The script is so different, does the screenwriter know about this? What about the director? And you are so nonsense, how can you let the investors add later investment..."

The man with sunglasses said earnestly under Alice's eyes, saying something that everyone didn't understand.

"Do not move..." With Qin Hui's words, he was greeted by a black hole in the muzzle.