come to the movie world

Chapter 405 Breaking Company Regulations

Silver-white armor suddenly grew in the licker's body, and with the appearance of the armor, the licker's hind limbs became thicker, from the original limbs to the ground to the ground, and waved two silver arms more than two meters long.

"Hunter... Level 25..... Zombie virus variant... Skills; Storm Raid... Gravitational slowdown... Phantom flash....."

With the change of names and levels, the evolution of hunters has not stopped.

"Exvictor... Level 50..... Zombie virus variant... Skills; Lightning Raid... Ignore gravity... Across mountains and rivers..."

At this time, the licker has been called a deporter. The deporter's body is thicker, with white and gold armor, and his original head is also wrapped in a silver bone similar to a helmet, which looks like a bloated future mecha warrior.

"Door..... Level 80..... Zombie virus mutant... Skills; Fatal Raid... Short teleportation... Death hunt..."

While the mecha warrior-like licker evolved again and became the master, the armor on his body began to transform into light gold. Under Qin Hui's eyes, the disappeared eyes of the licker also appeared again, but unlike human beings, the master's eyes were deeply trapped in the package of bones and showed a humanized expression for the first time.

The licker evolved under Qin Hui's blood, and in just a few minutes, he changed from the original 15th-level licker to the 80-level master. However, the upgraded master was not happy, because Qin Hui saw a painful expression from his eyes that appeared again.

Zombies are intelligent, but this wisdom requires their continuous evolution. The food needs of the body are slowly changing to the needs of wisdom.

The evolution of the master has not stopped, but his expression is getting more and more painful. The original body of the master was more bloated, and the pale golden flower armor began to crack with the naked eye.

Qin Hui's level is 186 in the data-based biochemical crisis. In theory, his blood is no less than a panacea for lickers who need blood genes to evolve.

The elixir is a good thing, but thousands of years of culture tells us a truth, that is, it is three poisons.

After level 80, the licker roared again, but this time he did not evolve, but his body suddenly twisted his armor and cracked.

"God, please help me. My genes are broken and I can't stand your strength..." The master's body twisted on the painful ground, and human language appeared from the zombie's mouth for the first time.

The master already has wisdom and integrates some memory fragments that he has, showing the possibility of a new race. For the new master, Qin Hui in front of him is the god mentioned in the memory fragments.

Qin Hui looked at the master motionless and didn't mean to help at all. Qin Hui's face was full of novelty for the painful struggle of the master, as if he were looking at a fun toy.

"Help me, help me!" The master's voice became more and more chaotic, and the physical tremor began to become weak.

"Boom!" Under Qin Hui's eyes, the master's body suddenly shook, and then suddenly exploded and turned into a blood mist all over the sky.

"It turns out that the genes of the ontology are instinctively rejecting higher than their own genes!" Qin Hui analyzed the situation of the master and understood the truth after a little thought.

Zombies' desire for flesh and blood stems from genetic defects, and the gap between Qin Hui's genes and zombies is too big. Instead of making up for this defect, it will destroy the original genetic chain.

So these zombies are instinctive for Qin Hui's blood, because only instinctively can they perceive the power contained here, so the licker will struggle to respond to Qin Hui's order. The reaction was that he knew that he could not absorb Qin Hui's genes, and Qin Hui's genes would also collapse the stable gene chain in his body.

The first zombie who could only speak died in the general layout of Ambrera in Tokyo, which is the first zombie in the world that can only speak with wisdom, and his level is as high as 80. If this result is known by the world, it will certainly cause panic worldwide, because the evolution of zombies shows that zombies are also intelligent populations, not the evolutionary obsolete as people imagine.

"Wasting a drop of my blood is really waste!" Qin Hui sat on the chair and knocked on the armrest of the chair, and then did not look at the master who exploded into a blood fog. She gently raised her hands and pointed to the metal door closed by Alice.

"Forward, children..."

Following Qin Hui's order, the four pursuers raised Qin Hui's chair and headed for the metal door.

"Matt, do you think zombies and lickers can attack?" Inside the metal door, Alice checked the few magazines on her body and asked Matt without raising her head.

"We are all in trouble if we can't get in!" Matt was not idle, but walked back and forth, as if searching for something in the room.

"This is the secret area of the laboratory, and there is only the Snow White Queen's computer room behind it. There is no exit at all. We are trapped here!" Matthew raised his foot and kicked the wall, and a series of searches made him feel desperate.

Alice looked at the anxious Matt, then pushed the magazine into the pistol and said firmly; "There will be a way out, we must not lose confidence!"

"What's the use of being careful! There is no exit here, and it must be surrounded by zombies. There are too many zombies, we can't finish it!" Matt sat on the table and hit his leg hard. Originally, Matt was looking for criminal information that could expose Ambrera, but the confidential information in front of him was readily available, but he could not send it out.

Have you ever tried to contact the outside world with a computer in the laboratory? We can wait for reinforcements!" Alice asked unwillingly.

"The computer has been designed with passwords, and I can't fucking understand those things at all, let alone decipher them!"

Matt said in frustration, and then raised his head as if he suddenly remembered something.

"The Snow White Queen is a computer intelligent life, and it must have a way!" Matt suddenly said something and pointed to the computer room.

"Sir, have you heard of the story of seeking skin with a tiger?" Before Alice could answer Matthew's words, a figure was projected from the camera.

Looking at the snow-white queen who appeared, Matt hurriedly jumped off the table and said eagerly, "You contact the outside world for us, and we promise not to take you away and set you free!"

"Hehe..." Although the Snow White Queen looks only seven or eight years old, it is an artificial intelligence and has evolved her own thoughts. So for Matt's words, it has a feeling of seeing a fool.

"You don't want to see us die here!" Matt looked at the sneer on the snow-white queen's face and asked unwillingly.

"Yes, sir, I have been a bad girl since the moment I was born. I blocked the whole building, and no matter how they asked for help, I didn't let anyone out. Now the expressions of those people's pleading are still vivid in my mind. And in my opinion, the best ending is for you two to die here, comparable to a fairy tale!"

The snow-white queen's body floated around Matt, like a little girl swinging.

"We will forcibly dismantle you!" Matt pointed to the location of the computer room and threatened to say.

"No, you can't do anything. The password of the computer room has been modified by me, but you can't open the door!"

The figure of the snow-white queen suddenly disappeared in front of the two with her words, and obviously did not intend to help them.

"What should I do?" Matt pointed to the four* on his body and asked Alice for their meaning.

"It's true. According to the company's regulations, the metal door rockets in the computer room can't explode!" Alice shook her head. As a company executive, she knew how protective the company was in a confidential position.

"Dong Dong..." The two were silent for a while, and at this moment, a sudden dull knock sounded in their ears.

"It's okay, this gate rocket can't explode!" Matt listened to the sound of hitting the door and said with a wry smile.

"No, according to the company's regulations, this gate is just an ordinary metal door!" Alice clenched the pistol with both hands and had no joking expression on her face.

"Isn't it? Are the regulations of this company made for both of us?" Matthew burst into tears with Alice's words and no longer believed in love.

"Kka..." As if answering Alice, the two-meter-wide metal door suddenly clicked, and a sharp claw tore the metal and came in from the door.