come to the movie world

Chapter 428 Occupy of Parliament and Military Takeover of France

The arrival of aliens was in the English Channel three days later, and Qin Hui also began his own deployment.

"Order, the army will take over Paris!"

Stepping... At Qin Hui's order, countless troops entered Paris and occupied the government and police agencies.

"What are you going to do! Who asked you to do this! I want to see Marshal Sith, who is rebelling and deblaspheming the rights given to him by Congress and the people!"

The president and the prime minister were taken out of the Capitol under the forced escort of soldiers, while Qin Hui also appeared on the TV.

"The human crisis has arrived, and the English Channel will be the arrival point for aliens, and France will be the first to come. The people of France! We're going to have a good fight this time!"

Qin Hui was on TV. Qin Hui, dressed in military uniform, looked cold and resolute and began to speak nationwide.

"In my capacity as a marshal, I will order the army to impose a curfew and take over the cities. We still have three days. In these three days, our army will gather on a large scale to welcome the arrival of the enemy with blood and fearlessness! In France, there is a young and strong person in their respective families to join the local troops to resist the common enemy of mankind.

Qin Hui's short five-minute speech caused an uproar around the world, and governments then protested and condemned Qin Hui's method of sending troops to occupy the Congress, equating Qin Hui's actions with a coup.

Qin Hui did not deny the claims of various countries, but only said a word.

There can only be one voice now, because France can't afford to lose, and human beings can't afford to lose.

The whole of France began to recruit troops on a large scale under the order of Qin Hui. Originally, because of Qin Hui, France now has an army of 5 million people in a few months. Under the order of this national conscription, the army half-forced to recruit 3 million recruits in just two days. The whole French army reached a staggering 8 million, making it the country with the largest number of troops in the world.

Because of the advent of aliens, the basic troops of various major powers are now about 5 million, and this recruitment by France has also opened up a worldwide arms race.

Paris, World Military Alliance Conference...

As the arrival date of aliens approached, military representatives from various countries came to Paris, because Paris and Britain are next to the English Channel, and the reason why the meeting was scheduled to be held in Paris is that France was the first country to make a national war speech compared with Britain's fear.

Now that aliens are coming, France's style of fighting to the end has won the support of all countries. As for Qin Hui's occupation of the National Assembly, everyone began to avoid talking about it.

"Today, the place where aliens arrive is centered on the English Channel, with a deviation of no more than 500 kilometers. The number of aliens this time is conservatively estimated to be about 20 million, and no country in the world can resist it alone, so we need to unite!"

During the meeting, Qin Hui told her views, and the military representatives of various countries also nodded gently to know the meaning of this number of aliens.

"There is no possibility of reconciliation between aliens and human beings, and this battle must be fought. But how to fight, how to fight, this is an unavoidable topic!" The speaker is an important member of the Chinese military, a general named Zhang Liang, who is about 50 years old.

With General Zhang Liang's speech, Qin Hui replied directly: "Today's fortifications are imminent, and I hope that the top ten major countries will send 5 million troops and the top 30 countries 2 million respectively. The rest of the countries contributed animal funds and assistance, and we jointly lay a defense line outside the English Channel!"

Listening to Qin Hui's words, everyone's faces changed slightly. You know, the troops of various major countries are only about 5 million, but once all of them are sent to France, they can only recruit again.

"Isn't the number of five million too many? This force is also a big burden for our countries!" General Breen from Russia shook his head and was deeply worried about the number.

"Not much at all. If we can't deploy 100 million troops around the Strait, we can't even resist!" As Russia spoke, the representative dispatched by Belgium said in a low voice.

There are four countries bordering the English Channel: Britain, France, Belgium and the Netherlands. If they can no longer resist alien troops on the coastline, these four countries will be in trouble.

"Five million troops, the U.S. military, have no problem, and supplies can also be transported directly from the mainland!" General Kent of the United States made his own remarks. After all, if Britain and France are lost, then the United States, Canada, Spain, Germany and Italy will be next. Although the United States will not be the first to take the brunt, he still understands the story of cold lips and teeth.

"British troops will gather towards the coastline of Doford, and a total of 6 million troops will be stationed here!" General Brown clicked on the electronic map in front of him, and then a red mark was sent to the map of each representative.

"Eight million French troops will be stationed in Canada, and they will look at each other across the sea from the British army!" Qin Hui's hand also clicked on the map and sent his location to others.

"Three million troops in Belgium will gather, and the defense line will be in Zebrich, and with the accurate arrival point of aliens, it will be pulled out at any time!"

With the deployment of troops by several countries close to the English Channel, other countries also deployed their own reinforcements in their favorite positions and formed a defense line with other troops to tightly surround the English Channel.

"The snake has no head, and the greatest possibility of fighting separately is to be defeated by each other. We have elected Marshal Sith as the commander-in-chief. Marshal Sith knows the aliens best and has won consecutive victories in the battle with aliens!" Representatives of New Germany stood up and expressed their views on personnel arrangements after the military deployment.

"Marshal Sith is brave and good at fighting, Belgium reconsiders."

"Brazil reconsideration."

"Italian reconsideration."

The French legion led by Qin Hui was the first country in the world to eliminate aliens, and the subsequent Battle of Berlin also showed that Qin Hui's way of fighting was no problem. Among them, the ruthless military application and casualty-free fighting method have also been recognized by the world.

The aliens are also bullying. The more frightening you are, the more fierce the alien attack will be. Among them, the battle between China and Russia against aliens is a good illustration of this point.

"Our Hungary has different opinions. Although Marshal Sith has made great achievements in the war, we do not agree with the way he occupied the parliament!" The Hungarian representative shook his head and brought out Qin Hui's occupation of the parliament.

"The words of the Hungarian representative are too one-sided. The coalition forces are the first to make up their minds. Marshal Sith, who dares to act, is the commander we need. Otherwise, we will be really blind if an indecisive person to lead the coalition!" The Romanian representative adjacent to Hungary smiled and raised his hand; "I can't let the children of my country be led by incompetent generals for reconsideration, and Marshal Sith is the commander-in-chief!"

With the reconsideration of various small countries, the representative of the United States nodded; "Marshal Sith is the commander, and the United States has no objection."

"Marshal Sith leads the overall situation, and the British side has no objection."

Although Britain is also the main battlefield, Brown knows that he has no comparison with Marshal Sith. Internationally, Marshal Sith's command ability is comparable to the best commander in history, and Brown can't object to this.

All countries have expressed their position, and in the end, there were few objections. You should know that the main battlefield is France and Britain. Although some countries are unwilling, you can't command Britain and France to fight in Britain and France! If someone really has this idea, then you are crazy, because you are not even familiar with the minimum terrain, and the citizens of Britain and France know nothing about you, so how can you command the troops?

"Humans will win this battle!" After the dust settled, Qin Hui stood up from his position and was a military salute to reporters from various countries.

In this battle, countries will send a total of 89 million troops, with Qin Hui as the commander-in-chief.

The coalition quickly mobilized to surround the English Channel and garrison on the spot. With the deployment of troops, there is another recruitment boom in various countries to deal with possible crises.

On January 6, 2038, alien troops broke through the atmosphere and then threw themselves into the sea under the eyes of the troops on both sides, and only a small part fell on the coastline.

The battle broke out.