come to the movie world

Chapter 519 That knife, that person

In the dark cave, Xiaodi and Meijiao slowly went down with a flashlight. The weather in August seemed very hot even at night, but in this cave gave them a feeling of walking from summer to winter.

"Xiao Di, I'm a little scared!"

Brown bear Loli followed Xiaodi closely, with a pair of fan-like big hands pulling the corners of Xiaodi's clothes. Although Xiaodi's height is only half that of Meijiao, Xiaodi is standing in front of Meijiao's heart.

What are you afraid of? Is there anyone here?"

Xiaodi also swallowed when he heard Meijiao's words. Although he was also afraid, his yearning for the unknown still made him unwilling to stop.

The two walked all the way and didn't know how long they had progressed in this dark cave, but the cave was like an endless abys.

"Xiao Di, let's go back. I'm really scared!"

The lower the temperature in the cave, the two people in single clothes trembled here, and even Xiaodi didn't dare to go on.

"Look, what is that?"

Just as Xiaodi was about to return with Meijiao, suddenly a flashlight swept ahead and found that a round scrap iron was lying there quietly, and with the appearance of the round scrap iron, the hole also showed its end.

Looking at what might be a treasure in front of him, Xiaodi ran over happily. The cave was a few meters wide and Meijiao also cringly followed Xiaodi and was unwilling to leave.

Xiaodi squatted before this round scrap iron and found that the scrap iron was like a round egg, full of pothole marks, and he could not see what material it was made of.

"Meijiao, do you think there are aliens in it? This big egg is their spaceship! I heard a loud noise that day, and it may have fallen from the sky to the earth!"

Xiaodi danced to explain the origin of this thing to Meijiao. Although he felt some nonsense about alien words, it could not dispel his enthusiasm to show off.

While talking about Xiaodi's hand, he stroked the large egg. It felt cold. It seemed to be very hard and soft, and it felt very contradictory.


Just as Xiao Di stroked with a flashlight, the large egg suddenly made a click, and then the shell layer of the large egg fell off in their eyes and fell to the ground and turned into a green light.

The green light is not dazzling, but it can never be ignored. The flashlight in Xiaodi's hand has fallen to the ground at some point. The two looked at the scene in front of them stupidly and couldn't close their big mouths for a long time.

The green light lasted for ten minutes. After the light dissipated, the large egg disappeared, leaving only something light green and looked like an apple.

This apple-like thing is transparent, and only one thing that seems to be an antenna symbolizes that it is not a ball. Xiaodi carefully held it in his hand, and he could even see his hand through the apple's body.

"Dingdangdang, Dongdongdong..."

The construction site at night is still hot, and the workers are rushing to the progress of the construction period under the large lighting.

"Boss, can I stay and work overtime!"

There was a rocking chair at one end of the construction site, and a gray-haired worker stood aside and carefully asked the big fat man sitting on the rocking chair.

"You still want to stay and work overtime! We are going to make concrete at night. Can you stand it?"

The fat man on the boss's chair glanced at the man disdainfully, and then picked up a teapot mouth to mouth and began to drink.

"I can stand it!"

The gray-haired worker is Zhou Xingxing. There are free supper and extra wages for working overtime at night on the construction site. This money is very important to him.

"I don't think you can stand it!"

The foreman threw the teapot heavily on the table beside him, and the base of the thick teapot made a dull collision with the table.

"I can stand it!"

Zhou Xingxing nodded again, but his thin body seemed to contain endless power.

"You still want to earn overtime pay, I rely on your mother!"

The foreman scolded, while Zhou Xingxing stood aside with his head down, unwilling to leave even if the foreman scolded.

The foreman scolded for more than ten minutes in a row, and then stopped when his mouth was dry.

"Boss, my child wants to study. I'm in urgent need of money!"

Zhou Xingsheng whispered that his thin body looked so small in front of the fat foreman, but the tone of his words was so strong, because he had a responsibility to be a father.

"Bear bones, it's not so easy for you to die. Go to Building 3 to dig the foundation!"

The foreman scolded and got up and walked towards the construction site, leaving only a happy Zhou Xingxing.

There are many kinds of work on the construction site, including laborious concrete and relatively idle chores. And this chore of digging the foundation at night is a good job in the hearts of workers.

The temperature is relatively low at night, and there is a garage in today's real estate, so the most basic foundation is generally less than seven or eight meters, so the work of digging the foundation is definitely much easier than concrete.

"Dingdong, Dingdong!"

When he came to the planned Building 3, Zhou Xingxing carried a shock drill down to the foundation seven or eight meters deep and began his overtime career at night.

Half of the foundation of this building has been dug, but with the excavation work, people have found a very difficult problem, that is, there are too many stones here. In many places, large stones are often smashed first with impact drills, and then start work with shovels.

Zhou Xingxing was digging the foundation in this third building alone, and he was even more grateful to the foreman. Because he is the only one here, which means that there is no plan to dig the foundation at night. The foreman arranged this job for him just to make him easier.

"Kka, Kaka... Ding....."

Zhou Xingxing was hitting a big stone buried in the ground, but he felt something wrong when hitting him. It's like not hitting stones, but something else.

"What is it!"

Feed the strange touch on the impact drill. Zhou Xingxing squatted on the ground and looked along the hole drilled by the impact drilled, and found that the stone originally buried in the ground had been torn apart, revealing the bronze color below.

"What is this!"

Zhou Xingxing looked at the bronze light faintly emitted by the lighting, threw the impact drill in his hand aside, and replaced it with a shovel to shovel the soil layer and gravel above.

The soil layer was dug layer by layer under Zhou Xingxing's hoe, but with the excavation of the soil layer, a rusty bronze sword leaked out.

"Sword! Is there any mistake!"

Zhou Xingxing held the hilt of the sword and pulled out the sword, and then the light of the lamp faintly found that there was an ancient character on it, which seemed to be quite precious.

Zhou Xingxing has also seen many antiques on TV and heard that some people have made a fortune because of antiques. Although he doesn't know the value of this sword, it looks extraordinary and seems to be a treasure.

"Head, look what I found!"

Zhou Xingxing found the fat foreman who was patrolling at the construction site with a sword, and the fat foreman looked at Zhou Xingxing and asked indifferently, "What is it?"

"Antique! It looks so valuable!" Zhou Xingxing held a sword and said like a treasure.

"Antique! Where did it come from?" As soon as the foreman heard this, he hurried forward and grabbed the sword and looked at it carefully in his hand.

"Head, let's have a look!"

Dozens of people on the construction site were attracted by Zhou Xingxing's words and put down their work and surrounded them.

"Just under the foundation of Building 3, I think there may be something in it!"

With Zhou Xingxing's words, everyone looked at each other and stared carefully at the bronze sword in front of them.


The fat foreman held the hilt and pulled out the sword. I don't know who left the sword. Although it looked rusty, everyone immediately felt a chill after the sword body was picked out.


The fat foreman looked at the big word on the hilt and couldn't help whispering it. Then he felt the sharpness of the sword and couldn't help cutting it at the wooden handle on a shovel beside him.


The sword shook gently, and the wooden handle on the shovel broke, leaving only a smooth cut.

"Baby! This is a baby!"

The foreman looked at the sword in his hand and swallowed his saliva. Seeing that the sword was so sharp, the other workers also dispersed and ran to Building 3 with the tools when they were working. They didn't care about going to work and all dug antiques.

After the workers dispersed, only Zhou Xingxing and the foreman holding the sword and drooling were left, and the foreman looked at Zhou Xingxing who did not leave with a strange face.

"Why don't you dig antiques! Let me tell you, this sword is mine!"

The foreman hid the sword behind him. For the first time, the identity of the two changed, and the foreman showed a bumpy look in front of Zhou Xingxing.

"Don't be silly! With so many of us, we will definitely leak the wind. So these things are all national, can you take them away? It's a life in prison if you can take it away!"

Zhou Xingxing sat on the ground and shook his head, and the foreman was slightly stunned when he heard Zhou Xingxing's words, as if he had met Zhou Xingxing for the first time.

"I didn't see it! You still think of these words after seeing these babies!"

After being rushed by Zhou Xingxing's words, the foreman suddenly realized that there are dozens of people here and everywhere, but how can antiques be hidden?

"It's better to hand in this thing. I don't want to go to prison! And I heard that it is beneficial to find that antiques are handed in. Maybe Sai Weng has lost his horse!" The fat foreman broke away from the unrealistic idea, turned around and took out the phone to call the police, and went to Building 3.



"Help, there are zombies!"

Just as the foreman just called the alarm, the foreman saw the workers who had run away running back one by one, and some even had blood stains on their faces.

"Hello, this is the one zero alarm center!"

The foreman stood there in a stunned voice, even more deafening to the sound on the phone, because he saw a mummified corpse rushing out at this moment, and then grabbed the two fleeing workers and bit them in the neck without saying a word.

"Hey, hey! Speak up!"

The other end of the alarm call asked repeatedly, but the fat foreman stood there stupidly and stared at the blood-sucking monster in front of him.

"There are zombies, zombies!"

The foreman screamed, and the phone in his hand was thrown out directly and ran out without looking back.

"Hey! What? Make it clear!"

The phone thrown on the ground did not hang up. The police officer on the other end of the phone only listened to the noisy figure on the phone, and a sad scream accompanied by life-saving words, which did not sound like a prank.

"There is an accident in the new industrial park in the west of the city!"

Zhou Xingxing picked up the phone and said only one sentence, then hung up the phone, squinted at the blood-sucking zombie in front of him, and slowly retreated back.

In the night, the mummified corpse killed everywhere in the fleeing crowd. A famous worker was caught in the hand by a wind-like mummified corpse, followed by a coo after biting his throat.

Zhou Xingxing rode a dilapidated bicycle all the way home. Everything he saw today broke his view of reality, because you can't imagine a dry corpse that doesn't look like a living person sucking blood in front of your eyes.

"Xiao Di, Xiao Di!"

Zhou Xingxing, who returned home, doubled under the bed and took out a large box while shouting Xiao Di's name.

"Dad, you're back. Look at what I have in my hand!" Xiaodi jumped in, but unlike in the past, he now has a new toy in his hand, swinging at Zhou Xingxing repeatedly.

If it was normal, Zhou Xingxing would definitely bring it over to check it, but what he saw today made him not in this mood, but put the wooden box found under the bed on the bed.

Zhou Xingxing's home is located at the garbage station, which is only made of a few broken boards, so this large wooden box occupies a large place as soon as it appears and attracts Xiao Di's attention. Xiaodi knew about his own box, but Xiaodi didn't know anything about it, because this box was Zhou Xingxing's reverse scale, and he never let Xiaodi touch it even once.

The old wooden box exudes traces of time. A copper lock on it tightly locks the wooden box, and Zhou Xingxing also has an extra key in his hand.

"Don't go anywhere today. Do you know that you are with your father!"

Looking at the wooden box in front of him, Zhou Xingxing seemed to be relieved, raised his hand and touched Xiaodi's head, and then inserted the key in his hand into the lock hole.


Xiaodi nodded obediently. Today, Zhou Xingxing seemed to be very serious, so that Xiao Di, who wanted to show off the origin of the toys in his hand, dared not breathe.

The box slowly opened in Xiaodi's eyes. There were only two things in the huge wooden box, one was a large kitchen knife, and the other was like a dusty black armor.

"Dad, what is this!"

Xiao Di looked at the strange face of the large kitchen knife in front of him, because the kitchen knife was so big. It not only emitted a faint cold light, but also sent an indescribable sense of danger, which made Xiaodi involuntarily have an impulse to run away after seeing the knife.

"Pig-killing knife! What else can it be!"

Zhou Xingxing smiled reluctantly and looked at the big knife with a complicated face and hesitated, but at the last time, Xiao Di's fear still held the big knife in his hand.

At this moment, Xiaodi suddenly found that his father in front of him had become strange. Although the original Zhou Xingxing was always upright, he gave Xiaodi the feeling that there was always something missing. Now Xiaodi seemed to understand this missing thing, because Xiaodi did not have that feeling after Zhou Xingxing held the knife.

"Dad, what's wrong with you today!"

Xiao Di looked at Zhou Xingxing with some fear, and his voice was almost inaudible.

"Don't be afraid, Xiao Di, Dad will protect you!" Zhou Xingxing held Xiaodi in his arms, and a shining cold pig-killing knife was held in Zhou Xingxing's hand. He looked out the door quietly.

Zhou Xingxing doesn't know what the thing that ran out of the ground is, but it's absolutely not easy for Zhou Xingxing to know the strange appearance of the mummified corpse. If there is still something in this world that makes Zhou Xingxing rest assured, then there is only his son, so he has to protect Xiao Di and the last thing he cares about.

Zhou Xingxing sat there quietly all night. He didn't dare to sleep, because that thing was too strange.

Antique, excavation, mummified corpse, blood sucking.

These factors are integrated into everything. As long as you are an individual, you will know that something is wrong, and as a Chinese Zhou Xingxing, all you can imagine is zombies.

Legend has it that zombies are a strange race. They like to live in their graves all year round. If someone wakes them up from their sleep, the zombies will kill all the creatures that disturb their sleep and will they sleep again only after sucking up their blood.

"Bell Bell..."

The early morning bell rang from a broken alarm clock. Xiao Di opened his eyes as usual, and his eyes were Zhou Xingxing's serious face.

"Dad, what the hell is going on! You haven't slept all night!"

Xiao Di rubbed his eyes with his new toy and found that Zhou Xing was still holding the pig-killing knife at this moment, looking at the direction outside the door.

"Wake up, Dad is not sleepy, I don't want to sleep!" Zhou Xingxing looked back at Xiao Di with a doting look in his eyes.

"Oh, go and cook quickly. I'm going to wash up and then go to school!"

Xiaodi, who slept for a while, had forgotten the difference between his father yesterday, put the new toy in his bag and walked out of the door.

"Xiao Di, come back early after school today. I'll go to the construction site later. We may have to move!" Zhou Xing stuffed the pig-killing knife into the clothes behind him and shouted at Xiao Di who went out.

"Moving! Why?" Xiaodi quickly ran back and asked Zhou Xingxing puzzledly.

"We came here because Dad is hiding alone, and now the people Dad needs to hide may become two!" Zhou Xingxing said helplessly, but he did not mean to explain the story contained in his words in detail.

"Hide from people! Dad, are you a gangster?" Xiaodi asked strangely, remembering the cold and wanton pig-killing knife held by Zhou Xingxing last night.

"It's right, and it's the biggest underworld. Step in and don't think of it if you don't die!"

Zhou Xingxing touched Xiaodi's head and rode a bicycle in Xiaodi's shining worship.