jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 5 Wang Dashen'er

When I returned to the ship, it was already dark, insects were singing on both sides, and there was a fishing fire on the river. With the faint starlight, the boat quickly rowed to the fog river.

Grandma returned home and handed the necessary items and the piece of jasper to Jiang Banxian. Jiang Banxian played with the jade with the hand and said tremblingly, "Oh, I didn't expect that the rich-loving old lady could take out such a rare thing!" With that, Jiang Banxian put the jade on Grandpa's forehead. With the flashing light, the jasper looks greener.

Jiang Banxian was silent for a long time and said slowly, "This jade is placed on his forehead to ensure that he will be fine tonight, and the poison and resentment will not hurt his life for the time being. You apply the blood on his ankles with clean glutinous rice. When the sun is at its worst, I will try my best to drive away these ghosts. I calculated that I have a disaster this year. If this disaster is the case, I can't avoid it. I will fight my old bones to save your husband!

However, you have to promise me that I will discuss it with you when your husband wakes up. Grandma's eyes were full of tears, and she was grateful and worried about Grandpa.

When grandma heard that Grandpa still had hope, she wiped her tears and said gratefully, "As long as you can save him, don't say one, 10,000 pieces will be agreed." Jiang Banxian sighed, "What a grievance!" Xu walked out of the house.

Because Jiang Banxian once took good care of the evil disease of the village head's son, he asked Jiang Banxian to go to his house for a drink. However, Jiang Banxian, who has always been good at drinking, did not drink with the village head that night, but asked the village head about a family in the village and walked straight in the direction of the village head. The village head also wondered what a Mr. Yin and Yang went to the house of the immortal jumper to do.

It turns out that there is no one who can see evil diseases in the village. In the past, there was an old lady in the village who could jump the god named Wang Xiaojiao. Huang Daxian at home. Anyone in the village bumped into the evil spirits and asked her to to tosss around. There was a lot of incense money under a set of procedures for inviting gods, exorcising ghosts, and sending gods.

In that bandit's turbulent years, how can they be willing to pay so much money? Therefore, people in the village usually hit the evil and burned some money at the intersection. They drew a gentleman and five horses (the northeast exorcism charm similar to the Taoist peace charm) and drank it. They really couldn't stand it before they dared to buy some money to invite her.

But since Jiang Banxian cured the old man, the villagers have come to him for an evil disease. They are not only good and kind, but also never want the villagers' money for a drink. In the eyes of the villagers, Wang Xiaojiao, the jumping god, must regard Jiang Banxian as a thorn in his side.

Soon, Jiang Banxian went to Wang Xiaojia's house. Jiang Banxian gently buttoned the door twice. Walking out of a middle-aged man, the middle-aged man saw Jiang Banxian screaming and asked, "Who are you? It's so late. What's the matter?" Jiang Banxian took a look at the middle-aged man's heart and said that his skull was sharp, his head and eyes were light and thin. A black mole in the tail palace of his wife, and then look at the black fog of this person's seal hall. He must often be with evil spirits, and his mother and father are poor and cunning people.

At the beginning, Jiang Banxian was also one of the best in the capital, so it is natural to know people and see the fierceness. This is all the after story. However, there is a saying: 'If you have a phase without a heart, you will be born from the heart; if you have a heart without a phase, you will die with your heart.' It means that people who are born with bad appearance but have a good heart will become better with their hearts; but people who are good-looking and treacherous and narrow-minded will also change with their hearts. Everything is cause and effect. In fact, this sentence is not unreasonable for now. Open-minded people have a comfortable heart. Healthy and naturally radiant. However, narrow-minded and treacherous people will also be affected by their emotions. Over time, with the decline of the body, their appearance will naturally change

Jiang Banxian said peacefully, "I don't know if Wang Daxian is at home?" The middle-aged man replied impatiently, "What's the matter with my master so late?" At this time, an old lady's chagrin voice came from the room: "Well, let him in." The middle-aged man gave way. Jiang Banxian strode into the yard and saw a pergola in the southeast corner of the yard. There is Huang Daxian in it. Jiang Banxian frowned and thought about it.

Huang Banxian entered the house, and the room was filled with smoke. An old lady sat cross-legged on the kang, with a big brass cigarette gun in her mouth, smoking, and two deformed little feet beating rhythmically on the kang mat.

This old lady is the god of the village - Wang Xiaojiao. Wang Xiaojiao took a sip of the big copper cigarette gun, knocked in the wooden box beside him, and said calmly, "Say it, what are you doing? My Huang Daxian said that you fed his second uncle the big bird and eagle? Jiang Banxian replied unslowly, "That beast is self-inflicted!" I'm not here to pull out your head today!

I just want to borrow something from you." When Wang Xiaojiao heard that he wanted to borrow something, he broke my face, cut off my wealth, and wanted to borrow something from me. Wang's feet were sharp together. Looking at the action, he didn't look like an old lady.

said angrily, "If you want to take something from me, it depends on Huang Daxian's consent!" After saying that, he beat the Wenwang drum wrapped around his waist, played the red silk, and sang like crazy: "Oh... It's dark in the West Mountain at sunset, and every family closed the door; the magpie old magpie ran to the forest, and the sparrow rushed to the eaves; ah... The old monk of Huayuan entered the local temple, and the Taoist king who passed by... wanted to rebel...

At this time, Wang Xiaozu's apprentice fell to the ground, foaming constantly twitching, twitching for a while and then lying on the ground with his hands, slowly getting up, and singing strangely: "Oh, my second uncle was originally the unreasonable mountain, that unreasonable cave, that lawless... Your path Which green onion, which sauce, the spicy sour scallion dipped in sauce, my second uncle complained desperately, folded it in the mouth of the bird eagle, killed my relatives, and entered my house. It's not even better than my uncle. Hey, hey, hey...

The northeast jumping god is divided into the great god and the two gods. The great god is possessed by the god, and the immortal is attached to the two gods. Wang Xiaojiao's apprentice is the two gods, called Zhao Dahu, but he looks like a mouse.

My parents passed away early. They were usually idle and did some things to steal chickens and dogs. Later, Wang Xiaojiao saw that he was strange and ugly, which was a good body to carry spirits, so he accepted him as an apprentice. During the day, Zhao Dahu also gave her some of the money and things stolen.

Looking at his appearance just now, he was probably possessed by Huang Daxian. This state of possession shows extreme excitement and crazy rap and singing. The current scientific explanation is hilanosis. However, these worship immortals and invitation activities have been active in China for thousands of years. It is not something that the so-called medical experts can explain in just a few words, but there are also some Jianghu warlocks who cheat money.

Jiang Banxian saw that he sang and didn't play. When he raised his hand, he suddenly clicked the Laogong acupoint in the palm of Zhao Dahu's hand. The Laogong acupoint is an important acupuncture point in the human body. The yin and yang will alternate in this acupoint. After Jiang Banxian clicked Zhao Dahu's Laogong acupoint, the consciousness of the yellow skin was forcibly beaten out. Fortunately, this yellow skin is not good. Deep, otherwise the finger without true energy can not only beat out the yellow skin, but also hurt himself, but Jiang Banxian can't see the shallow practice of the yellow skin.

Only watch Zhao Dahu fall to the ground and be unconscious. Wang Xiaojiao was stunned, and the sound of drums stopped abruptly. He said, "What kind of spell did this old man use? He actually beat out the immortals I have been worshipped for many years. That's okay." Wang Xiaozu was so angry that he actually cast out the cigarette gun in his hand. Jiang Banxian looked directly at the big smoke gun mixed with the momentum of breaking the wind, and then moved lightly under his feet, dodged, turned around and quickly grabbed the cigarette gun, and took the opportunity to throw the cigarette gun back. This is not small. If ordinary people can't avoid it, they will only leave half of their lives if they don't die.

But Wang Xiaojiao never thought that Jiang Banxian would shoot the cigarette back again. He stretched out his hand and wanted to grab it, but it was okay not to grab it. When he grabbed the tiger's mouth, he was numb and fell down on the kang.

When Wang Xiaofeo saw that he couldn't fight Jiang Banxian, he immediately changed his words and said aggrievedly, "Oh, this Taoist master, we have no grievances in the past, and my old lady is just a strong man. What are you going to borrow from me? If you like the cabinets in this room, you can take them. Jiang Banxian said, "Just now, it was still arrogant and became really fast." Then he smiled and said, "I'm not a bandit who robs my house. I just want to ask your disciples to follow me. Let him go back tomorrow." When Wang Xiaojiao heard this, he was not here to extort money. He was secretly happy and said with a smile, "My disappointing apprentice, just take it away and come back with a breath. Just continue to serve my wife."

But I can't help thinking more: "This old man, what can this disappointing young man do?" Jiang Banxian saw Wang Xiaojiao's doubts and turned around and said, "Don't worry, just because someone in the village was killed by the wronged ghost, and the resentment is not dissipating. I want to use the method of changing the star and attach the wronged soul to your disciple. I think this person's face is black, and it must be a pure yin body that often walks with spiritual objects, plus ugly, even if The devil can't do anything to him in a short time. At that time, I will drive the devil away.

Wang Xiaojiao thought to himself, "Well, you are immortal. It's okay if you bring him back alive. If you come back horizontally, I won't hit you hard!"