jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 15 Peeping the Sky

But the fourth uncle couldn't forget this for a long time until the three of us stepped on the train back home, and the fourth uncle and I were nibbling the cumin chicken skeleton.

But I heard someone on the train shout, "Tea eggs, cold noodles, mineral water, grilled fish slices..." This shout was completed in one breath, so majestic and magnificent that there was no flaw at all.

After listening to this, the fourth uncle put down the chicken skeleton in his hand and said to the hawker woman, "How much is this grilled fish fillet?" The hawker glanced at the fourth uncle and said, "One piece five, no bargaining." The fourth uncle sighed and said, "Look at your grilled fish fillet, it's good, but it's a little expensive." The hawker glanced at the fourth uncle with chili at the corners of her mouth white again. The cart went to the next carriage.

Xuanqing fell asleep in his seat, because he didn't buy a sleeper, so he was very sleepy all night. But the fourth uncle couldn't sleep, as if he was thinking about something, and I didn't ask more questions.

The reason why I can't sleep is that I want to see the scenery along the way, watch the train pass through the cave, cross the river, and climb up the hill. Thinking about how small life is, Yunyun sentient beings are like a track crushed by wheels. It has passed, and it has passed. Perhaps with an inadvertent collision, life will disappear into the vast earth. Are the dead buried in the loess also complaining about something?

The train is roaring.

With the sound of the radio station on the train, the three of us came out of our respective spiritual world. Xuanqing may have fallen asleep. She stood up coldly from her seat, wiped the saliva from the corners of her mouth, picked up her luggage and was ready to get off the train, while the pool of saliva on the table looked at him lonely. .

The three of us got off the train, and the fourth uncle went straight to the electrical city and bought a Changhong color TV for our family. I looked at the 17-inch new color TV in shock and stroked it carefully, afraid that it would disappear in front of me without seeing it at a glance. When I go back to Tunzi, I will have to show off at the second child's house.

At noon, the three uncles took a bus along the undulating highway along the river for more than five hours, and finally arrived in the town before dark. Although we are a town, there are many remote towns like the northeast. Almost all the shops closed early as soon as it got dark. There were only a few stray dogs on the street rummaging through food over and over again in the garbage.

There is only one guest house in the town that can live here, but because of the small floating population, there are few people living in the hotel, so they generally do not entertain leaders and do not open.

Seeing that it was going to be dark, the fourth uncle said to the two of us, "It's going to be dark soon. As soon as you enter the autumn river, it's better to find a place to live so as not to catch a cold."

Xuanqing said tiredly, "I think so. Let's find a place to live quickly. I haven't had a good rest these days. But this place where birds don't shit doesn't even have a hotel. Do you want me to sleep on the street? Is it possible that you have relatives here?"

The fourth uncle replied, "When my mother died, she left her shop to me. We will stay there tonight to worship her."

In this way, three people, carrying a big bag and a brand-new color TV, drove into a remote old house on the edge of the town. I looked at the house carefully through the low courtyard wall and saw that the spider web was full of eaves, and the glass on the window was broken a lot. There was a black hole in it, but it did not let People feel uncomfortable, but they seem to have a sense of intimacy to get home.

Xuanqing came closer and said to the fourth uncle with a smile, "Well, well, although the house is not good, the person who built the house is really unique. The house is built on the safe eye of this town, which can protect the stability of his house and make the town free from water and fire."

The fourth uncle sighed and pushed open the rusty iron door and took out the key to the door in a small jar next to the door.

Entering the room, the fourth uncle turned on the light. There was only one small counter in the hall, which was covered with some incense candles and some bottles and jars that I had never seen before. The three slowly walked into the inner room. There was only a kang and a few beds of bedding in the room, and a large locked wooden box, with a spiritual seat in front of them. It is Jiang Banxian's wife - Han Fenglan.

But obviously no one came for a long time, and the house was covered with a thick layer of dust.

The fourth uncle respectfully walked to Han Fenglan's spiritual position, bowed deeply, lit three more incense sticks, fell to his knees on the ground, and kowtowed three times. While kowtoing, he said, "Madam, Li Sier is unfilial and failed to make a wish for you. Please forgive me."

When the fourth uncle worshipped, Xuanqing laid the bedding, fell on the bed and fell asleep. After the worship, the fourth uncle told me to go to bed early and fell into a deep sleep.

Although I was very tired, I didn't feel sleepy. I looked at those strange games in the hall. Especially some small wooden swords hanging behind the counter, I really want to take them down and play.

In the fourth uncle's snoring symphony, I tiptoed to reach the exquisite wooden sword, but just as I was about to touch the hilt of the sword, the electric light in the hall flashed twice and went out.

In an instant, I fell into darkness. I thought that there was no one living for a long time, and the wires were aging, so I had to grope back to sleep, but as soon as the light went out, I couldn't see anything. I could only lean on the feeling of leaning on the wall and slowly moving with my hands.

As he walked, he heard a crisp sound and knew that he must have broken something in the dark.

I looked back and saw a shining book on the ground, surrounded by some fragments of porcelain. I went closer and picked up the glowing book and blew the porcelain debris on it. At first glance, it was not a precious divine book, but the surface of the book was coated with a layer of powder similar to fluorescent powder. Then, there was no difference from ordinary books, and I suddenly felt bored.

It was still dark. Seeing that the fourth uncle was not awakened by this, I moved to the counter and lit a candle. By the swaying candlelight, I carefully picked up the porcelain pieces scattered on the ground.

The book was thrown on the counter. After I packed it up, I wanted to put the book in a safe place, but I saw the strange illustrations in the book.

I saw a fish-headed monster holding a pen, with a ferocious face. I picked up the book curiously and read it. When I was a child, I didn't have a TV, no comic strips, and no computers. There was only a semiconductor wrapped in adhesive tape, but the signal was still vague.

I went home from school and turned over the Chinese book over and over again, hoping to find some novel illustrations from it. Because of the boring cultural life at that time, I wanted to touch them when I saw something new. I used the dim candlelight to turn over those yellow pages over and over again until I finished turning them all. This book is called "Peeping the Book of Heaven". I don't know what era it is. The pages are yellow, and some pages have been mothed by insects. Thousands of holes, when touched, it turned into a few pieces of paper and floated.

The words are obscure and difficult to understand, but I can also read one or two. The book mainly writes about feng shui and ways to deal with ghosts, as well as various legendary beasts and evil spirits.

But the most attractive thing for me is the methods of exorcising ghosts and demons in addition to those exquisite illustrations.

The book introduced: "In the five generations, there was a wise man named Chen Zhi who was proficient in all kinds of face-to-face exorcism, and often looked at the poor and exorcized evil spirits.

After Song Taizu calmed down the world, Chen Zhi rode to Tokyo. On the way, he heard that Song Taizu climbed the big treasure, sat on the emperor, looked up to the sky and laughed, so that he fell down from the horse and said, "The world is settled!"

Later, Song Taizu heard about his fame, summoned him and asked him to enter the court as an official. However, Chen Zhi said that he wanted to travel around the world and could not live that kind of formal life. Taizu couldn't, so he could only give him a name - Xiyi.

Later, Chen Zhi traveled around and met Ma Yi. It is said that it was the 'Ma Yi School', a Taoist branch (Ma Yi majored in prediction and divination, but most of the methods of exorcising ghosts and evil spirits have been lost, but they are extremely profound and complex.) The founder is said to be a fairy living in seclusion in the mountains. When he found that the magic of mahjong was like a god, he worshipped him as a teacher.

Ma Yi told Chen Zhi to go to the stone room in Huashan to find him in winter. Chen Zhi went to the appointment as scheduled, and Ma Yi saw him as kind-hearted and wise. Just pass on everything you know and what you have learned to him. Since then, Chen Zhixiang has made great progress in Taoism and become a generation of easy learning masters.

This book was written by Chen Zhi. Chen Zhi learned Taoism from Ma Yi and continued to travel around the famous mountains and rivers. When he met evil people, he helped him and created his own method of exorcising evil spirits and demons.

However, the requirements for practicing the method are extremely high, and you must first open your eyes so that you can distinguish and judge ghosts. Then according to the shape and spirit of the ghost, so as to make movements with various parts of the body, just like spells, it can deter and subdue ghosts. You can also attack their weaknesses according to individual differences. There is often only one move to win.

Although I only understand a small part of it, and the pages of the book are incomplete, the illustrations inside are vivid and vivid, making people clear at a glance.

I looked at the broken book and unconsciously fell asleep on the counter. When I woke up, it was dawn. Seeing that the fourth uncle had got up, Xuanqing was still sleeping. The fourth uncle saw me sleeping on the counter and asked me, "Remuch, why didn't you go to sleep in the room last night? Is uncle snoring too loudly?" After saying that, he scratched his head embarrassedly.

I said to the fourth uncle with a smile, "Your snoring made the window frame tremble, but it's not because you snore that I slept here. I just wanted to sit here for a while, but I fell asleep unconsciously." The fourth uncle nodded and said, "Stay here first. I'll buy breakfast and wake up Xuanqing by the way."

After saying that, the fourth uncle Xu Xu walked out. I was about to get up, but I remembered the book "Peeping the Book of Heaven" last night, but it disappeared. I thought it was the fourth uncle who was curious to take it, but I didn't know until I knew that the book could not withstand the seal of these thousand years. After I finished reading it last night, it turned into dust with the intervention of the air, but who was there? I know that in the dust of this room, there is an unrivaled book that floats in the wind.