jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 25 Autobiography of the Great Tiger

Under the harsh torture of the fourth uncle, Zhao Debiao confessed the crime of himself and his own father Zhao Dahu. The fourth uncle was ready and lurked around Zhao Dahu's house that night to capture Zhao Dahu alive

After saying that, the fourth uncle raised his hand to knock Zhao Dahu unconscious, took out the long-prepared hemp rope, tied Zhao Dahu tightly, resisted his shoulder and returned to the dry well.

When Zhao Dahu woke up, he saw that he was tied back to the half-collapsed secret room. The surrounding walls were blackened by smoke, and there were some unburned spines on the ground. Zhao Dahu's face was white and red for a while after looking at it, but he did not dare to speak!

At this time, the fourth uncle pushed the door and entered, holding Zhao Debiao's back neck and collar and moving forward. Zhao Debiao lay on the ground crying and struggling: "Good man, spare my life. I really don't know what insects and ducks!" The fourth uncle patted Zhao Debiao's black cheek, pointed to Zhao Dahu on the wall and said, "Does he know?" Zhao Debiao saw that it was not someone else tied to the wall, but his biological father, Zhao Dahu.

Immediately stopped struggling: "Dad, why are you here?" The flesh on Zhao Dahu's angry face trembled: "I don't want to come either. What mistakes have you made? Please forgive me and don't drag me down." After saying that, he twisted his head and stopped looking at Zhao Debiao, who was kneeling on the ground.

Looking at Zhao Dahu's unimportant appearance, he said angrily, "You are immortal. Didn't you say that you could kill Lao Dutou by building a shed here? Now this old Du head is not dead, and he still pushes me after making trouble!"

After saying that, he pointed to Zhao Dahu hanging on the wall and said to the fourth uncle, "It's all this old boy who asked me to do it. He knows everything. As long as you don't kill me, you can do anything." After saying that, there was a fierceness on his face.

After hearing this, Zhao Dahu's beard was open and scolded angrily, "You bald, I really raised you for nothing!"

After listening to the conversation between the two, the fourth uncle smiled secretly, but his expression was still serious and said harshly, "Don't shoot back and forth here. If anyone doesn't understand today, you have to bury these people."

After saying that, he picked up a leg bone and walked fiercely towards Zhao Dahu. Zhao Dahu hurriedly said, "You see, I'm so old. There are more than 80 diseases in my body, and the lightest is prostate enlargement. I have to go back to the toilet for more than ten nights. Can you put it down for me first?"

After hearing this, the fourth uncle slapped the leg bone in his hand fiercely on the wall, and immediately broke it into two pieces, revealing the sharp bone stubble. He said angrily, "Come on, tell me honestly, or I'll treat you now."

Zhao Dahu doesn't look at the fourth uncle's posture like a joke. If he doesn't say anything, I'm afraid he will die.

He sighed and said to the fourth uncle, "It's a long story." The more the fourth uncle looked at it, the more angry he became. He still had the desire to tell stories on the wall and said angrily, "Then let's make a long story short."

Zhao Dahu was called back to his senses by the fourth uncle. He looked at the half-sharp bone stubble in the fourth uncle's hand and said, "At the beginning, I learned to jump from Wang Xiaofew in the Wuli River for two years. Just as I was about to come out, I caught up with Wen. It's gone. I don't know who reported it. He got Wang Xiaojiao to the town, hung up a feudal superstitious sign and wandered the streets every day, and tossed him to death.

This time, I have no way to live. One night, a strange man covering his face with a black cloth came to me and said that as long as I helped him do something, he would change my life. I heard that it could make me better, and there was no ambiguity, so I agreed.

Who knew that he asked me to take care of this dry well. When the dead could not be piled down, he poured out, and the blood in the basin was full and poured into the river fork of the gunner's ditch.

At first, I also knew where he got so many living people, and it was nothing to steal, but I didn't dare to do such a conscienceless thing as blooding living people.

That man seemed to know what I was thinking. He would change my life that night, saying that my name was compatible with the five elements of numerology, which made me depressed so far. If I had given a better name since I was a child, I wouldn't have tremble so much.

The man pushed four pillars for me again, arranged eight characters, and finally gave me the name "Zhao Kuangyin". He was afraid that I would go back on his word and let me swallow a big meat alive. Bug, said that if I have a little difference and the insect charm in his hand is burned, my life will be over.

I didn't dare to gamble on my life. I simply worked hard and complained. Unexpectedly, it took half a year to change the name. That year, four or five cows were lost in the village on the mountain. The village head was so anxious that I couldn't get up. I stole the cow and wanted to find a master to sell it.

The cows that had just come down the mountain dragged me to run to the village head's house. The rope was wrapped around my wrist and I couldn't get away. When the village head saw the cow come back again, he not only did not suspect me, but also saw that I was full of mouths and thought I was written. The melting pot of leather was forged and injured in the fight with the cow thief. In fact, it was all kicked by the cow's hoof.

Later, the village-wide commendation meeting was held and the certificate was sent to me in front of the whole village. Somehow this was known by the leaders of the town, saying that I was a model of the people who bravely fought against bull thieves. I was taken to the town to send documents to the Revolutionary Committee, and later it was smooth.

I haven't seen that person again in three years, and I have never been here again. I didn't expect those bugs to continue to catch people. You are really a great hero. You have ruined this ghost nest and demon cave, and you are really killing the people!"

After hearing this, the fourth uncle scolded angrily, "Except your grandma, who is the person who asked you to do this?" After saying that, he tapped the half leg bone twice on the wall.

At this time, Zhao Dahu sounded like a deadly drumbeat and hurriedly replied, "I don't know who that man is. I just heard him talk to a Japanese and say his name is Li Heng."

"Li Yiheng!" The fourth uncle said coldly.

Zhao Dahu said hurriedly, "Yes, it's called Li Yiheng. However, the man covered his face and didn't see what it looked like. He knew that there was a layer of sarcoma on the exposed skin and flesh, saying that he had gone to Beijing to worship his master.

After hearing this, there was a burst of confusion in his thoughts. Just as he was about to turn around and continue to ask, he found that Zhao Dahu had untied the rope on his body. The father and son were creptly grabbing the ruins on the ground and had already seen a dark door on the ground. The fourth uncle raised his hand and wanted to catch them, but Zhao Dahu did not hide. A gloomy smile appeared on his wrinkled face. He half knelt on the ground, withdrew his trousers and smiled at the fourth uncle. The fourth uncle thought that the old man was crazy, but he saw Zhao Dahu twist his buttocks to the fourth uncle and spewed out a stinky miasma. Only then did the fourth uncle understand that the old man must have run away with the yellow skin, but the fourth uncle was stinky The miasma was so thick that he couldn't open his eyes and hurriedly followed the way out of the secret room.

The fourth uncle, who was forced back to the bottom of the well, also had no intention to capture Zhao Dahu and his son. The next morning, he hurriedly said goodbye to Du Juan and his daughter, went home to pack up and got on the southbound train.

A year later, the fourth uncle returned to the town again, but found that things had already changed. Du Juan married Zhao Debiao, and the old Du also passed away. But the fourth uncle's heart was still hot, thinking that he had left in a hurry at that time. Zhao Debiao's skin tightened to trouble the cuckoo.

The fourth uncle found Du Juan several times, but Du Juan hesitated and didn't want to say more, but replied that the fourth uncle should not come to find him in the future. Now he is doing well with Zhao Dahu.

The fourth uncle felt as if he had been abandoned by the world. He simply didn't think too much, but he fell into a hard injury in his heart and has not recovered until now!

Xuanqing and I were silent for a while. I didn't know what to say. Xuanqing, who had been silent for a long time, stood up and said to the fourth uncle indignantly, "I think it's you, a headless melon. If you leave their father and daughter, Zhao Dahu can't come to look for trouble!" After saying that, he took a breath.

After listening to it, the fourth uncle just sighed and stopped talking. I suddenly thought of something urgent and said to the fourth uncle, "What did she say to ask you to save her brother when she first came here? Something must have happened to her brother. Ask her when she wakes up." The fourth uncle also suddenly remembered: "Then I have to wait until she wakes up. I haven't even seen his brother."