jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 18 Biography of Yi Heng

A centipede climbed up the banana tree and basked in the lazy afternoon sun. A young man sat on the bamboo building in the distance, enduring the sultry air and looking into the distance.

Like children of the same age in many clans, he wants to get his own hunting knife, but he prefers to cross the canyon in front of the village, cross a mountain, and maybe there will be a lush oak forest.

He heard the elders of the clan talk about the prosperity of Dali, heard his grandfather describe the beauty of the Jinsha River, and his father also told him that people outside were dangerous. His mother always took a piece of potato and handed it to his mouth, advising him to find a good girl and give birth to a baby early.

He sat on the bamboo building and looked at Yu Hui, worried that he would be like those uncles carrying firewood knives. Day after day, the teenager looks forward to the turn of his fate.

One calm morning, he was about to go to collect firewood with his father when he saw a strangely dressed, short and thick man with a delicate machete hanging around his waist.

Because there are few outsiders in the stockade, my father looked at this person a few more times and asked, "Who are you?"

But the man hesitated. His father shook his head and continued to walk up the mountain.

The teenager was attracted by the long knife at his waist and did not want to leave, but his father dragged him forward. The man suddenly shouted, "I want to find the patriarch!"

The father looked at the strange man doubtfully and turned back. He didn't know what to talk about. The man looked a little depressed. The teenager saw that his father had folded back again and was secretly happy. He told his father that he wanted to go home to get something. His father nodded and went up the mountain first.

The teenager walked to the 'weird man' and said to him with a smile, "You want to find a patriarch, right? I'll take you there." After saying that, he looked at the long knife on the man's waist with hope.

After hearing this, the man laughed, touched the teenager's head, took off the long knife and handed it to him. The teenager was full of joy and led the man to find the patriarch. The patriarch was shocked when he saw the man first and waved his hand to let him retreat.

The teenager fiddled with the long knife and was not in the mood to cut firewood. He saw that the knife was slender and sharp, and his bamboo stool was split in half.

At dusk, the teenager was constantly wiping the sharp knife with the corners of his clothes. When the father came back, he saw his son playing with the knife handle. Without waiting for the teenager to react, he picked up the fat and beat him.

The teenager hid in the corner of the wall and looked at his father helplessly, but suddenly heard a gong sound. This was the signal of an emergency discussion of the Yiqi people. His father turned around and cursed and ran out.

The teenager also ran out of the house behind his father's buttocks. The clan surrounded the center of the stockade, and the patriarch and the strange man stood in the middle. The teenager couldn't help but wonder that the patriarch's status in the clan was unshakable, and no one dared to sit on an equal footing with the patriarch at the time of deliberation. I don't know what the strange man has.

The patriarch waved his hand, motioned everyone to be quiet, pointed to the strange man beside him, and said loudly to everyone, "This is a warrior in Dongying. Thinking of Yiqi to practice magic, from tomorrow, each family will send one person to help the warrior who came from afar to practice."

The clan was puzzled after hearing this. They had never heard of Dongying or any warriors, but the patriarch had to do what he ordered.

The teenager worshipped the warrior very much. The next morning, he went to the patriarch's house to report without his father's permission. The warrior always greeted him with a smile and looked very kind.

The patriarch saw that the people had almost come, so he lay in the warrior's ear and whispered for a while. The warrior nodded, and then the patriarch said to the crowd, "The warrior wants you to configure the 'five poisons'."

After hearing this, everyone shook their heads. The five poisons turned into a long-lost magic. Legend has it can bring the dead body back to life, which is extremely fierce.

Not to mention that there is no configuration, but there is not so much energy. However, the only person in the clan who could match the 'five poisons' did not show up, which was the teenager's father.

The teenager scratched his head and said to the patriarch, "As long as someone is willing to help me, I can!"

After hearing this, the patriarch nodded with relief, and the samurai also raised the corners of his mouth.

A few days later, the young father didn't know what his son was doing every day. He went in and out of the house. Finally, he couldn't stand it. He followed his son to the patriarch's house and watched a group of people around his son. The father sniffed with his nose, but heard a childish voice in the crowd shouting, "Haha, it's done!"

My father was stunned on the spot. He had smelled the strangeness floating in the air - the five poisons changed, and his father's face changed color. When he mentioned his son, he walked out of the patriarch's house.

The teenager didn't understand why his father couldn't see his grades. He just scolded him and said that he had made trouble.

It was night. He and his father were angry and did not go home. They took the long knife and withered in the oak forest all night. When I woke up in the morning, my stomach was bulging.

Back to the stockade, it was full of devastation. The mother was pounce on a child of a clan and bit her body. The patriarch staggered out of the house, but was knocked to the ground by the crazy warrior. What he saw was not something a twelve-year-old child could bear.

After the warrior fell on the patriarch, he rushed at him with red eyes. He subconsciously pulled out the long knife and rounded the warrior's neck. There was no blood, but his head flew far away.

He couldn't believe that everything in front of him was real, and he didn't dare to look at what really happened in front of him. He only knew that he had caused trouble. He wanted to make up for it and save his people, but now he can only run away.

I don't know how far he ran, crossed the canyon, across a mountain, an oak forest, and many villages. He arrived in Dali and fainted on the roadside.

He was saved by Li Tianming, who traveled here, but the teenager was very stubborn. He had to go back to see the stockade and his clan. He believed that he could solve the 'five poison changes' that he had randomly configured.

He saw that he was stubborn and had a good appetite for him. He accepted him as an apprentice and took his surname and named him Yi Heng.

The teenager followed Tianyan to learn the strange Taoism for several years. His mind was a little stable, but he always felt guilty. He secretly configured the medicine that he thought could save the clan. He crossed the mountains and valleys with his brother's life and death and returned to the Yiqi. Li Yiheng saw that the people were lying on the ground and shouted excitedly, and had to use his own configuration. Medicines detoxify the people.

But the life and death thin beside him frowned. Looking at these corpses lying on the ground, I don't know how many years, these bodies were exposed but did not decay. I can't say when they would hurt people. Looking at the crazy brother in the distance, I don't know whether to stop him.

Sure enough, when Li Yiheng was about to walk into a corpse, the body received the smell of a living person and suddenly bounced up. Li Yiheng did not expect it. He was bitten by the walking corpse, but he was numb and did not respond. Other bodies also climbed up one after another and rushed to Li Yiheng.

However, at this moment, Li Yiheng stayed there, looked at a familiar face, full of hope, and dripped the medicine on the head of the walking corpse. However, it did not have the effect he imagined, and more walking corpses rushed at him one after another. Li Yiheng collapsed on the ground and let the walking body bite.

Seeing this scene, he hurriedly pulled out his long sword and took the head of the walking corpse. The heads flew into mid-air, and a cavity without a head fell to the ground. Li Yiheng stared at life and death, roared and threw down life and death, and bit the right hand holding the sword.

Life and death Bo did not struggle. Looking at the crazy brother, he shed a line of tears.

Li Yiheng has been drinking and fighting all day since then. Later, Tianyan was impatient and expelled him from his teacher's door. Tianyan has no children and always regarded Li Yiheng as his son. Watching Li Yiheng fall all day long, he also fell into a sick bed with a big fire.