jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 29 Treasure Collection

When I came to the man's side, I found that his feet had been cut off, leaving only a big bone stick that was worn out. When he mentioned a scale, his expression was sad. Needless to say, he knew how much suffering he had suffered.

The winter in Jiamusi is just as cold. Two children in cotton trousers sat on the head, listening to the old man talking nonsense, sometimes marveling and sometimes sighing.

The bigger one is called Han Youcai, and the shorter one is called Wang Baoku. The two children heard the crackling outside the door and ran out. I don't know whose year pig is screaming, and the stewed sauerkraut is as greedy as vermicelli.

Wang Baoku was tossed a pile of cannons with his hands and picked up an unburned red bamboo. He was excited that North Korea and South Korea waved his hand. Han Youcai picked up a glass bottle somewhere, lit the cannon and threw it into the bottle. The two covered their ears and waited for the rings to explode.

The two children changed several sets of new clothes. Last year's shoes were a little cramped, and the old man's lies couldn't help ter the crazy growth. My father won't take out a chicken in his crotch again. Grandpa's stubble is no longer a sharp weapon for killing. I don't know how many times the Erya in the village has made them to tossed and turn behind their backs.

Putting down the bamboo basket, Wang Baoku, who was picking up cow dung, told Han Youcai that he wanted to marry Xiaonan in the village. Han Youcai was stunned and said that she was beautiful, but she was still not as good as Hongxia.

Sunrise and sunset, Hu Yang on both sides of the road watched two brothers walk for more than ten years and bent down tiredly.

The two teenagers also ate enough rice noodles. The two are discussing the way to make a fortune in one place.

Wang Baoku said that there was a broken temple on the hillside of his land. He heard from his grandfather that there were many treasures in it, but he could always hear female ghosts crying at night.

Han Youcai was a little reluctant. He was afraid of those ghosts and gods since he was a child. He heard that he could see things floating in the temple in broad daylight, which might be.

"I'm afraid of a ball. I think you've been scared by listening to Wu's lies since you were a child. If we really find our baby, we will go to the big city. What's the development in the village?" Wang Baoku raised his eyebrows and said to Han Youcai.

"If there is really anything to play, you don't have to develop. In that place, the ruined temple looks old. What kind of treasure can you have?" Han Youcai whispered to Wang Baoku. But Wang's treasure house didn't listen.

At night, he pulled Han Youcai to the ruined temple and went straight to his house. He couldn't call the name of the temple. He heard that Wu Liaozi said it was the Dragon King Temple, and some people said that it was a mountain temple. There were different opinions, but he had not seen incense for so many years.

The two looked at Wusuri at the foot of the mountain. A brightly lit passenger ship carried the old hairy slowly downstream. However, the cornfield by Wang Baoku's river had to be flooded for two years after three years, all depending on God's face to eat.

Wang Baoku turned around and walked to the courtyard door, gently pushed the courtyard door, and found that the courtyard door outside the temple was locked. He wanted to climb the wall, but found that the courtyard wall was extremely high. He ordered Han Youcai to squat down, and he stepped on Han Youcai's shoulder and climbed over the courtyard wall. He smiled at Han Youcai on the wall and said that Han Youcai would wait outside and find the baby. Half per person.

But at this moment, Han Youcai is not in the mood to worry about any baby. Seeing Jiang Feng's whirping, he shivered. Now he only hopes that Wang's treasure house can come out quickly, and it will be done without treasure.

Zhang Yanan, who ran at the front, slipped and fell to the ground, but still struggled to crawl forward. Wang Baoku quickly ran to the front. I don't know what he said, but Zhang Yanan just half knelt on the ground and begged bitterly.

Han Youcai also ran to the front and was about to stop him, but it was still a step late. Wang Baoku grabbed the string of shining rosaries in her hand. He raised his foot again and kicked Zhang Yanan in the face.

Wang Baoku held the string of rosary beads high, opened his mouth and laughed wildly. Zhang Yanan on the ground was lying in the puddle, her body twitched twice, and there was no movement.

Han Youcai hurriedly squatted down and picked up Zhang Yanan on the ground, but when he saw Zhang Yanan's continuous yellow mud soup flowing in his mouth and nose, he knew that she was no longer able to do it.

Thunder exploded in my ear. Wang's treasury was still standing in the rain and laughing wildly, but his expression was fixed at that moment, and he was seeing red thunders coming close to him in the distance.

Han Youcai looked at the red thunder that was about to split in front of him, shook Wang Baoku's body vigorously, and shouted angrily, "You are not a man. Now you are condemned by God!" That game should not be something we can take away!"

Wang Baoku stared at Han Youcai, threw him aside, and said urgently, "Lei is afraid of saving the mallet (dirty things) and pick her clothes quickly."

Han Youcai didn't know what to do at this time. He numbly listened to Wang Baoku's command and put down Zhang Yanan's trousers. The two hurriedly stripped off her clothes. Wang Baoku was against a piece of menstrual cloth, and Han Youcai held her trousers.

The red thunder passed by, and the ancient pines on both sides of the mountain road broke. While hiding from the falling branches, the two ran down the mountain.

It rained heavily, and I couldn't see the road ahead. Occasionally, I saw lightning on the ground and the fire was everywhere. However, God couldn't do anything about them and stopped roaring, but the drooling still did not stop.

Han Youcai saw that the thunder stopped, so he threw away the trousers above his head, wiped the rain on his face, and walked down the mountain with Wang Baoku, but it had become a vast ocean in front of him. He could not see the broken temple or the corn field of Wang Baoku's family.

The village where they had lived for more than ten years disappeared on the thunder and rainy night, the yellow Wusuri, and they could not hear their homesick crying.

Wang Baoku still held the rosary without any regret. Han Youcai cried and followed Wang Baoku numbly.

The rain stopped, and Wang Baoku led him to climb many mountains. He stole a carriage in a town and lived secretly all the way. After more than half a month, the two of them arrived in Harbin.

But Han Youcai wants to go further, stay away from that village, and want to lighten his guilt.

The two lived in another carriage in Harbin for a few days, and soon spent all their money. I want to sell the beads, but I don't know where to get it. If it's a golden emerald, it's okay, but it's like a piece of wood since that night, with rough beads and no longer glowing.

The two discussed for a while, and that night they took off the train skin full of wood and went all the way south. The train occasionally stopped, and they went to the garbage can of the station to rummage for some leftovers, and then pick up other trains. In short, the farther away from there, the better.

They haven't calculated how many days have passed on the train, and they don't remember whether there are more trains loaded with wood or coal. I just feel that the air is getting hotter and hotter. The two divided the string of rosary beads into two on the car as a souvenir.

A few days later, when the train arrived at Nanjing Station, Han Youcai got out of the car to find food. He was really hungry and rushed to grab a woman's betel nut and was caught by the police. However, Wang's treasure house on the car is eagerly looking forward to Han Youcai's early return.

The train roared and separated the two brothers in distress. Separate the original rosary beads.

"I spent two years in Nanjing Welfare Home. Later, Wang Baoku found me in Nanjing. He said that he went to Guangdong in a car and had a good time. I think his leaves are definitely not bad. Later, I wrote to him, and he replied to me, saying that he used that half a piece of the beads and a man named Li Yiheng to become a senior official.

"I was also asked to send this half of the beads to him and let me make a look, but the beads are the only thing left in the village, and I can't give them to him even if I die."

"After that, there was no news from him, but later an old man with a long sword came to me and asked me where I got this half of the beads. I don't know how he knew that I had this bead and didn't tell him. But the old man's sword is quite eye-catching, and I don't know how he passed the security check. If your sword is continuous, it is somewhat similar to his sword!"

"My leg was chopped off by a man covered with sores and snatched away the half of the beads. Later, Wang Baoku knew about it and picked me up here. From then, I knew that Wang Baoku had changed its name to a scale and became the helmsman. If you listen to the accent, you really can't tell that he is a northerner.

"He may have been angry with me and threw me here a few years ago. If it hadn't been for some rats and cockroaches, he would have starved to death."

"Twenty years, it's like a day, and the number of dragon slaughter is almost over!"

He looked at the skylight, leaned against the cold wall, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, as if he remembered the two dolls chasing each other under Hu Yang when he was a child.

I couldn't calm down after listening to it for a long time, but I was sure that the half of the rosary beads he took at the beginning was the Xuanwu rhinoceros mentioned by Xuanqing! As for the old man with a long sword on his back, he really can't think of a second person except Jiang Banxian.

According to the fourth uncle, 20 years ago, the loyal soul was broken and Jiang's half-immortal soul returned.

Li Yiheng wanted the Xuanwu rhinoceros, and he knew that he wanted to attract the spiritual beast Xuanwu without any damage. Unfortunately, Jiang Banxian did not get heaven that year, but there was no Xuanwu rhinoceros, but he died under the Xuanwu beast.

But what he said is that Li Yiheng is also closely related to Wanlong Shouzhuang. Is it possible that there are still Li Yiheng's shares here?