jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 43 Awakening

I only heard the roar of the wind all over my body, and no one dared to take a step forward. The two evil winds swept up the sand and dust on the ground and gradually buried the two people's bodies, but the evil spirit of rushing to the sky only increased when the sound of gold and iron and countless grievances fought tragically.

Li Yiheng was in the center of the strong wind. He could feel the iron hooves of the Yin soldiers stepping on the resentful spirit, spitting black air in his mouth, waving a long gun and picking up and lowering thorns.

The resentment spirit with which is very different from it is full of resentment. When it moves, the resentment instantly crushes the yin soldiers all over the body, or suddenly appears in front of the yin horse, tearing up a fierce dark horse and turning it into ashes in an instant.

In the chaos, both sides were defeated, but Li Yiheng suddenly laughed wildly. Although the number of grievances was not as many yin soldiers invited by Zhang, but when it comes to the art of ghost control, Li Yiheng is considered ancestor.

Shamanism itself is a sect that is good at communicating with yin and spirits. The essence of this is recorded in Shaman. Ordinary people may not be able to understand too deep, but Li Yiheng has studied this way since he was a child and said that he is a ghost.

Suddenly, a whirlwind blew to the center of the dragon platform like an angry dragon. The huge venue seemed to be impossible for two people to fight for life and death. Everyone under the field was blown by the sudden wind and sand, covering their noses and coughing repeatedly.


The wind swept to the empty wooden stool and suddenly fell, and the dust gradually dispersed. No tragic howls could be heard, and there was no murderous atmosphere that made people feel guilty when the underworld was a criminal.

A gentle wind blew, and several dead leaves were rolled up. Everyone shook their heads, cleaned the dust above their heads with their hands, and narrowed their eyes to look at the table.

However, he saw a mess on the dragon platform. Li Yiheng raised the corners of his mouth slightly and looked at the remnants of the crock. Great excitement occupied his heart. He looked sideways at the crowd. Everyone was shocked and afraid. He opened his mouths to look at the evil Li Yiheng.

Although Wanlong Shouzhuang has been full of different people for thousands of years, he has never had a god-like nature like him, and he lost three points without waiting for a move.

The master in front of the Doulongtai got up from the ground, shook the dust on his body, grinned, held his waist in one hand and held a drum hammer in the other.

"Dong", the broken cowhide drum makes a deep sound.

The man looked at Li Yiheng on the stage and shouted loudly, "Li Yiheng, the rudder of Jiangsu, is the corpse of the new Southern Province!"

"Four heavenly corpses are on the throne, and the eight sides are majestic. Sixteen gods and ghosts bow their heads, and thirty-two feet of Hongni pave the way!" After saying that, the man beat the cowhide drum again.

After hearing this, everyone recovered and bowed their bodies and shouted: "Mighty~Wu~"

The drums sounded in the rear, and the red carpet was paved. Li Yiheng stepped on the red carpet and slowly walked down the Doulong platform. Just as the three-legged cat knife waved, he secretly vowed to be a villain.

He stood up as a corpse in the south in half a year. Although the nine-headed bird, the impermanent flag and the standing emperor are all good hands, they can also tolerate him. When they can't stand it, they secretly grit their teeth and have to endure it, because they all know that this person is not only hot, but also his heart is not ordinary cruel.

Li Yiheng did not know how many years of spring and autumn in Tulongling. He taught the people in the village, not for the peach and plum world. Anyone who learns this skill will catch hundreds of living people for him to practice.

In the long run, people not only did not complain when they saw him sucking corpses and gathering blood, but also got the nickname - ghoul.

Twenty years have passed away in a blink of an eye. Tu Longling is still like spring all year round. Li Yiheng has not forgotten the method of long life recorded in Shaman. He returned to Ula and found Zhao Dahu, the second-rate son of the Wuli River. He looked at the rat eyes of this life, and his head must be lingering with a cunning and greedy man.

He changed his name for Zhao Dahu, let him swallow a 'silver fly' alive, helped him capture the living man, and let him pour the blood into the gunner ditch, making the green dragon drink blood and become fierce.

Li Yiheng didn't want to go back to Tulongling. He opened his own business on the spot. In the name of blood religion and his iron wrist, he recruited many disciples. While exploring the whereabouts of the star god, he killed living people to practice.

However, he did not know that the spring breeze of reform had blown all over the ground, and he had never seen the old man who painted the circle in the South China Sea. Although he was determined, he still shook his head and sighed when he saw cars running all over the ground.

He ran to Beijing several times to find life and death Bo for revenge, but he did not find the figure of life and death Bo. He angrily opened the Jiulong corpse array he had laid at the beginning, but as soon as it was opened, it was pulled out by the fourth uncle before it took shape.

This completely annoyed him. He stared at the fourth uncle and accidentally found that the child beside the man had a faint image of a white tiger. This discovery stimulated his ferocity. He struggled to find the four spirits for several years, but he had to get the green dragon and the 'Xuanwu rhinoceros' that could attract Xuanwu.

He followed us all the way to get the white tiger. It was not until the fourth uncle waved his sword and the rosefinch appeared. Then he suddenly realized that the fourth uncle was the rosefinch. He jumped into the river and saved the fourth uncle.

But the fourth uncle's stubborn temper reminded him of his father again.

He has lived for a hundred years, and when he is lonely, he can't find a better solution but to kill. But that night, after saving the fourth uncle, he chatted with the fourth uncle.

But the fourth uncle disdained it. Looking at him with a runny nose and tears, he could not wash away his sins.

Although Li Yiheng's fate is tragic, I can't let go of all the things he has done. I don't have such a big belly, and I can't save him like Buddha. Xue Ru's sad crying seems to be still lingering in my ears...

"I knew that I was guilty, but how could God play tricks on people? The moment when the dragon seal was broken, I suddenly woke up. It's too late..." Li Yiheng sighed.

"Fourth uncle, why did you want to save him?" I looked at the empty sleeves of the fourth uncle and asked the fourth uncle.

The fourth uncle looked at Li Yiheng with his eyelids and sighed, "Although his merits and demerits can't be offset, he is also punished by God. They are all days."

"You don't know where the Xuanwu rhinoceros is, do you?" The fourth uncle asked Li Yiheng in a low voice.

"I'm afraid it's still in the hands of the Japanese!" Li Yiheng frowned and said in a low voice.

I was puzzled after listening to it. Hasn't the Xuanwu rhinoceros always been in his hands? How could it fall into the hands of some unreachable Japanese?

"Gui Renyang cut my left hand by the Tianchi that day, and the Xuanwu rhinoceros had been taken away by him."

"It's over! Life and death fell into the crack of the ground, and didn't the Xuanwu rhinoceros also die? I questioned Li Yiheng loudly.

Li Yiheng coughed twice and said to me, "You believe he will die, hey, he is called life and death!"

I was puzzled. I clearly saw that life and death ate his secret trick and fell into the abyss. How could he not die?

"Your little girl didn't die, but I'm afraid it's worse than death!" He snorted and spit out a big mouthful of blood.