jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 15 Three men and two women, three men and two women

But I immediately gave up this idea. It is not easy for Li Yiheng to live now, not to mention travel thousands of miles and come here to move out of five ghosts.

"In addition to Li Yiheng, who else can block the five ghosts?" I asked Xuanqing.

Xuanqing looked at the old man with a solemn face and said in a low voice, "The five ghosts blocked the way. It was originally created by Li Yiheng's mentor, Tianyantong, but Li Yiheng was not the only one..."

"Life and death?" I woke up.

Xuanqing nodded and looked out of the window.

A cool breeze blew away, blowing away bursts of rotten smell, endless fanning, old and rotten.

The fourth uncle kept wiping his sweat for the old man and occasionally sent a mouthful of sugar water with a spoon. Seeing that the old man's face was slightly ruddy, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"You are..." The old man asked slowly with a bitter face.

Xuanqing and the fourth uncle didn't know how to answer. They turned their heads and looked at me, and I didn't know what to say. If they said "Come here to subdue demons", they would have to scold us as psychopaths.

"Don't you know me anymore?" I came forward and said to her with a smile.

The old man was shocked when he saw me first, and then showed a happy face: "Oh, I remember, you are the doll who was bare yesterday..."

I nodded, pointed to the fourth uncle and Xuanqing, and said to her, "These two are both my uncles. I passed by and wanted to come in and drink water to see you faint, so..."

After listening to this, the old man sighed and was about to go to the ground. The fourth uncle quickly stopped him and said to her, "Madam, you haven't recovered. There are a few of us here. You can tell me anything!"

"No, I have to see my son. He hasn't eaten for a day!" As he spoke, he wanted to get up.

"Wait a minute, you don't know what your son has, do you? Now it takes some effort to breathe, let alone eating!" Xuanqing stopped the old man and said to her.

After listening to this, the old man sat at the head of the bed in a daze with tears in his eyes. Xu said to us, "My son has been sick for some days. He can't see it well in the hospital, and he doesn't dare to treat it. He can only stand up at home."

After hearing this, Xuanqing thought for a little and asked again, "Madam, we can cure your son's evil disease, but you can tell us specifically how he got this strange disease, so that we can take the right medicine."

The old man's son's name is Wu Chengxiang. He has been pedaling a three-wheeled car beside the railway station all year round. With all his strength, everyone gave him the nickname 'Camel Xiangzi'.

In the evening, Wu Chengxiang sat on three wheels as usual, wiping his sweat while counting the change in his hand. He has no father, no money, and no daughter-in-law.

There is only one strength and a sick old woman.

The sound of the station alarm sounded, and the three rounds and taxis gathered in front of the platform, pushing their peers and shouting loudly: "Brother, where are you going? It's three yuan..."

Wu Chengxiang watched from left and right. He worked here for three or four years. He knew who could sit up and who could sit in his three rounds. Only when he saw the people would he come forward to attract him.

At this time, five ragged middle-aged people came into his field of vision and looked carefully. There were three men among them, who were not good-looking and had a bad-lucky face. Although the two women next to her are not dressed well, they have a share**. Energetic.

Wu Chengxiang extinguished half of the cigarette butt in his hand, put it in his ear, and laughed, "Where are you going? It's three yuan..."

Without he finished speaking, a woman smiled at him, took out a hundred-yuan bill from his pocket, put it in his hand, and asked him, "Wuxi Village, are these enough?"

Wu Chengxiang was stunned when he took the money. Seeing that these people were wearing rags, they were generous enough to take action. He didn't look like a local accent. He wanted to kill more, but as soon as he saw the ladies, his conscience immediately returned to his stomach.

He didn't take 100 yuan a few times. He didn't care whether it was true or false. He pocketed the money and invited several people to the car. He swam all the way to Wuxi Village ten miles away.

The sky was getting dark, and the air was also extremely sultry. He pedaled three wheels all the way and puzzled all the way. These five people sat in the car. If they were placed in ordinary times, it would be difficult to walk on a flat ground. This time, they didn't have to push down the uphill. It's really fucking evil door.

At this time, he had already left the city. He only felt the shade behind him, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and looked back to see that the people were still sitting in the car.

In the dark, he couldn't see the subtle expressions of those people, but the five living people sat in the car, didn't speak, didn't look at the wind, and just looked at himself pedaling. In the dark, the slightly raised corners of his mouth made Wu Chengxiang stand on end.

He doesn't believe that there are ghosts in the world, but he feels that these people behave strangely and secretly prays that these people are not enemies. Te, or more a few days ago. Those who escaped from prison. Offender.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help increasing the strength of his feet. Seeing that Wu Xicun was right in front of him, he slowly turned his head and asked, "Where are you going?"

A man laughed dryly, then pulled down his face and said to him in a muffled voice, "The head of the village, Lao Zhang's family."

Wu Chengxiang did not dare to delay and thought, "You have to send these crazy people away quickly. Otherwise, you may take out a knife at any time to cool yourself."

He pedaled three wheels desperately and stepped on the foot brake fiercely at the door of Lao Zhang's house, which sounded with the violent friction between the tires and the ground. The tricycle stopped abruptly. Just as it was about to get several people out of the car, they found that they had already disappeared.

At this time, Wu Chengxiang had a big head and rubbed his eyes. Hearing the sows in the courtyard scream, the Zhang's daughter-in-law shouted, "It's so late..."

He only felt very tired, as if he had a serious illness. He came home with fatigue and fell asleep without telling his mother what had just happened.

When he got up, it was noon, and his mother warmed up the food for him and waited for him to eat. He rubbed his temples, but still couldn't relieve his severe headache.

Wu Chengxiang had no appetite. When he walked to his mother's side, he had to hand over the money he earned yesterday to his mother. The first thing he thought of was the 100-yuan banknote.

But when he took it out, he was shocked. He saw that what was in his pocket was the people. The coin is clearly a ball of paper ash.

Wither waiting for his mother to ask the reason, Wu Chengxiang rushed to Wuxi Village with anger to find the Zhang family's theory.

"Did five people come to your house last night, three men and two women, and returned them to Zhang* after finishing the car..." Although Wu Chengxiang was afraid of those people, he would never bow his head in front of money in broad daylight.

After he finished speaking, Zhang's daughter-in-law came out with a little pig in her arms and looked at him doubtfully. Then he said to him, "Last night, I saw you pull an empty car and parked in front of my house. You didn't agree to ask you. My family hasn't come in the past two days, and the wolf sow has five piglets, which happen to be three males and two females.

Wu Chengxiang listened to the sound of his head and looked at the pig's eyes as if he was mocking himself.

Didn't you pull five evil spirits to be reincarnated last night?

He didn't dare to think about it any more. He rode three wheels, was as busy as a fish that missed the net, and rushed home.

Wither waiting for breathlessness, he hurriedly told his mother what had happened in the past two days. He had heard that it would be unlucky to live.

The mother was numb after hearing this, and there was nothing she could do for a while, but her son's spirit withered day by day.

Later, Wu Chengxiang walked in the courtyard and walked around the yellow dog at home for a day. The big yellow dog died without warning. The magpie that used to fly up the eaves every day disappeared.

Later, except for a big rooster and an old lady, the living things were basically dead. A few days later, Wu Chengxiang had to kill himself with a knife. Fortunately, his mother found him and stopped him in time.

The mother saw that he was crazy every day and was afraid that he would commit suicide again, so she tied him back to ** while he was sleeping, but when she saw her son suddenly become like this, she was even more worried that she would leave and no one would take care of her son.

"Can you really save him?" The old man wiped his tears and asked Xuanqing.

After hearing this, Xuanqing frowned and looked at his fourth uncle.