Sword Ling Tiandi

273 Fight with all your strength!

"Oh?" Wu Chenfeng raised his eyebrows and smiled disdainfully, "But I don't think it's an honor to be seen by you."

"Hmm, give me something shameless," the eight-winged angel sneered and ordered.

After the angels got the order, they immediately stirred their wings behind them and rushed to Wuchenfeng and others like a meteor falling.


Wu Chenfeng's eyes flashed murderous, and he also ordered.

Immediately, all the masters present also rose to the sky, and the previous ones in their hands burst out one after another, drawing the rainbow light.

"bang" "bang" "bang" "bang"

In an instant, the square was filled with various lights, but it was still mainly white and blue.

The war between the Chinese Empire and Tianxul Island is full of magical power, because this war is crucial, whether it is against the Chinese Empire or Tianxul Island.

If Tiansui Island wins, there is nothing to say. The Chinese Empire will inevitably have only one way to destroy it. If Tiansui Island loses, the loss of Tiansui Island will also give Xiao Tiantian a headache that day.

"Hum, boy, the island owner said you are a genius, but I really don't believe it. Today I'm going to let your genius fall here," the eight-winged angel said arrogantly.

"Ha ha, bird man, you should know that if you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer losses in front of you," Wu Chenfeng said with a contemptuous smile.

"Who do you think is the bird man?" the eight-winged angel said angrily.

"I will scold anyone who says to me," Wuchenfeng said with a faint smile.

"Okay, okay, boy, I'll let you feel what real strength is," the eight-winged angel said angrily.


The speed of the eight-winged angel is very fast, and several of them have reached Wuchenfeng in a blink of an eye.

Wuchenfeng's pupils shrank, and his body also moved, transforming into a phantom of the first road and facing the eight-winged angel.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

Elbow and elbow~~

side feet against side feet~~


Wu Chenfeng's body and the body of the eight-winged angel are constantly colliding in mid-air.

At the beginning, the eight-winged angels were still very confident. Although angels were less powerful than mythical beasts, they were not comparable to ordinary practitioners after thousands of trials.

In particular, this eight-winged angel is extremely confident and even conceited in physical strength. At the beginning, the eight-winged angel chose to fight against the martial arts front.

However, this cheapness is suitable for Wuchenfeng. How can Wuchenfeng not pick it up?

At the beginning, Wuchenfeng and the Eight-wing Angel were still equal, but gradually, the Eight-wing Angel slowly felt that the power of Wuchenfeng was getting stronger and stronger.



The eight-winged angel was suddenly kicked directly from mid-air by Wu Chenfeng.

"How can your physical strength be so strong? What kind of mythical beast have you become?" the eight-winged angel was shocked.

"Why is my physical strength strong, that is, the mythical beast has become?" Wuchenfeng smiled.

"How can human beings have such strong physical power as you," the eight-winged angel said in surprise.

"I am a human being," Wu Chenfeng said with a faint smile.

"No, it's impossible" The eight-winged angel lost to Wuchenfeng in his strongest aspect and began to become a little crazy.


The eight-winged angel patted the ground and instantly raised the ten thousand-winged mad wolf, and the eight-winged angel also flew suddenly with the help of the ten thousand-winged mad wolf.

"Hum" Wu Chenfeng snorted coldly.

"Ten Swords Return to One"

In an instant, the golden light of the road was shot from the fingertips of Wuchenfeng, and then ten golden swords were formed in mid-air in an instant.

There seems to be some relationship between the ten giant swords, which are constantly rotating along a mysterious trajectory.


The knot of Wuchenfeng's hands has suddenly been made up.

In an hour, ten giant golden swords in the sky suddenly synthesized into a huge golden sword.

Although this golden sword is much smaller than the previous ten giant swords, it is definitely the convergence of the previous ten in terms of energy.

What's more, these ten swords are not as simple as one plus one equals two. The sum of energy is definitely several times the sum of the previous ten golden swords.

When the golden sword took shape, the endless pressure suddenly came from the mysterious pattern depicted from the golden giant sword.

At this moment, the sky seems to have fallen into silence, and there is only Wu Chenfeng's golden sword left in the whole sky.

This is still Wuchenfeng's "Wanjian Guizong", but not "Wanjian Guizong", because under the influence of the power of time and space in Wuchenfeng's world, the power of "Wanjian Guizong" has been maximized, and even without any waste.

This is the benefit of a world.

In the world of Wuchenfeng, Wuchenfeng is the sky and Wuchenfeng is the earth.

Of course, the world of Wuchenfeng is still in this big world, affected by the big world.

Otherwise, Wuchenfeng will directly annihilate the power of light in this world, and these angels will completely become battleless birds.

However, it is obvious that the current Wuchenfeng has not yet reached this level.

The eight-winged angel's face suddenly changed, and the original forward posture also stopped in mid-air in an instant.

"The array, the angel battle array"

The eight-winged angel roared loudly at the angel floating in the air.

In an hour, eight six-winged angels flew quickly from other directions, and then stood around the eight-winged angels and stood in their own positions.

And the eight-winged angel stood in the center of the angel battle array.

Sudly, the eight-winged angel knelt on one knee in the void, with his hands folded, his eyes closed, and his mouth read words with a pious face.

Then, the eight-winged angel's eyes suddenly opened, and two divine lights suddenly shot out of his eyes.

"God said that there was light, so the world had light. God said that there was no need for darkness, so the power of light filled every corner of the world. God said that you are a sinner, so today I give you death."

The righteous words on the face of the eight-winged angel seem to represent the punishment of Wuchenfeng from heaven and earth.

"Hum, I said that your group of birds and your so-called gods are also birds. Let's go back to your hometown to avoid shame here."

"If you birds can punish me on behalf of heaven and earth, then I am the God of Haotian, in charge of this world"


Wu Chenfeng suddenly waved his hands towards the eight-winged angel.

In an instant, the endless golden light suddenly burst out from the sword of the golden sword suspended in mid-air, and then, as if it were pioneering, the golden sword went towards the eight-winged angel with endless power.


"Card wipe" "Card wipe"

The surrounding space is like broken glass cracking out of the cracks, and these cracks are still spreading outward, and some weak places in space are even directly turned into flying space debris.

The colorful space turbulence gushed out of the cracks in the space and instantly filled the surrounding sea world.

"Angel Battle Array, Cheng"

And on the other side, the Eight-winged Angel and others are also ready.

The eight-winged angel made a posture with empty hands, and in an instant, a torrent-like milky white light rose directly to the sky and greeted Wuchenfeng's golden sword.


As if heaven and earth were about to be destroyed, loud noises suddenly sounded, and immediately, the aftershocks of energy suddenly spread from the center of the collision.


At this time, a tsunami suddenly formed on the sea at the collision of energy, and endless dark clouds continued to permeate the area.

Heaven and earth seem to have completely fallen into silence in an instant, and everything seems to have completely disappeared in an instant.

"Regress, hurry up"

Bei Guhun looked at the powerful aftershocks of energy, his face changed greatly, and he kept shouting back.

You should know that relatively speaking, the demons on the side of the Chinese Empire are a little weaker than those four-winged angels, so there must be greater losses under the attack of this energy aftershock.


Bei Guhun shouted loudly, and a white light instantly lit up from Bei Guhun's body. Immediately, a huge shell appeared on Bei Guhun's body.

Bei Guhun's face was solemn and threw the shell hard into the aftershocks of energy.


In an instant, the energy aftershock directly bombarded the white shell.


Bei's lonely soul spit out a large mouthful of blood, and his expression suddenly became depressed.

This white shell is actually the shell of Bei's lonely soul. Bei's soul is originally a magic shell. After thousands of years of practice, the magic shell is naturally extremely hard, but it is indeed a powerful force that can't resist this aftershock.

In fact, Bei's lonely soul did not need to work so hard, because the shell is the connected body of Bei's lonely soul, just like the golden elixir of monsters. If the shell is completely broken in the aftermath of this energy, it is doomed that there is no possibility of further progress in Bei's life, and its strength will be greatly reduced.

However, at this time, Bei Guhun only remembered one thing, that is, when he was on Tianlan Mountain, Bei Guhun promised that Wu Chenfeng would do his best to protect the Chinese Empire.

This is Bei Guhun. Although Bei Guhun hated Wuchenfeng for stealing his beloved woman, he also knew that Wuchenfeng could not be blamed for this matter at all, so he insisted on his promise.

"Lone Soul"

Wuchenfeng's original heart was very calm, because in his mind, the victory of the war was not very important to him. He just hoped for his breakthrough, but when Wuchenfeng saw that Bei Guhun didn't even want his life for the Chinese Empire, Wuchenfeng was furious and completely angry. .

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you," Wu Chenfeng said coldly to the eight-winged angel.

"Huh, boy, am I still afraid that you won't do it?" The eight-winged angel said coldly.

In the angel battle array, the eight-winged angel has a lot of confidence.

"Then I will send you to see your god" Wu Chenfeng's eyes were cold.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

Suddenly, four different lights suddenly flew from Wuchenfeng's hand, and then quickly entered Wuchenfeng's body.

These four rays of light are naturally the blood of the four drops of the four mythical beasts that were not used up when they fought against Xiao Tian.