Sword rises to the cloud

Chapter 30 Original Breakthrough


The whole Dantian golden light was shining. Under Qianqiu's gaze, six golden light spots were hit by the light emitted by the yin and yang fish map and suddenly rotated quickly.


Six golden light spots collided quickly and quickly, fused into a thumb-big light spot. However, the yin and yang fish map gradually dispersed, with the yang fish on the top and the yin fish on the bottom. Slowly hide into the Dantian.

Soon, Dantian fell silent again, with only a thumb-sized golden light spot floating in it. Suddenly, a huge amount of energy for Qianqiu now poured in and rushed into the Dantian field. In an instant, it was sucked in by the golden light spot. Finally, it all poured into the light spot.

Despite this, Qianqiu felt a stronger force in his body than the innate power.

"Is it... This is... Introduction to the spirit? Qianqiu muttered to himself, but as far as he knew, the introduction of the spirit was to guide the aura of heaven and earth into the body. Washing the scriptures and cutting marrow can't be used for your own use. At most, it's just borrowed, but these auras are directly sucked in by the golden light spots in their Dantian...

Thinking of this, Qianqiu stood up. Pick up the green sword and jump down from the tree.

Qianqiu feels that his body is much lighter, and it should be no problem to jump ten meters.

Gently landed, and Qianqiu found a boulder. He came to the boulder and gently raised the green sword to try to mobilize the aura in the light spot.

'Puff...' The Qingfeng sword stabbed into the boulder in front of him like cutting tofu. The right hand holding the sword stroked slightly, and the whole boulder was easily cut into two halves!

Looking at the Qingfeng sword, there is no damage, and there is still a trace of aura on the sword.

In the past, if Qianqiu wanted to cut off such a stone with a sword, it would be fine with no return, but after all, no return is a sword move, and it cannot be easily used, because the more powerful it is, the more wasteful it is.

Now, Qianqiu has proved that he can use the aura in the golden light spot, and the light spot can also absorb the aura. This is equivalent to saying... Is there another Dantian in your own Dantian? What happens when this Dantian is full of golden spots? Will something change again? But from now on, I should be practicing in the early stage of the introduction, but what about the middle stage of the introduction? Will there be two golden spots?

... The name Golden Light Point doesn't sound good. It's too troublesome. Qianqiu thinks... Since it's something in my Dantian... That's called... Jiandan! Qianqiu is thinking like this.

By the way, doesn't it mean that the spiritual realm is still dominated by true qi? Then I now... Is it spiritual attraction or elixirization? Qianqiu thought in his heart.

After a long time, Qianqiu slowly understood. He is not Danhua now, but a spiritual attraction. Because he can already fly in the Danhua period, but he can't. Therefore, he has only entered the early stage of introduction. Just... This spiritual period seems to be different from others. However, Qianqiu doesn't know this for the time being.

"If you have time, you need to find that old man." Qianqiu said to himself that sometimes when you don't understand something, it's better to ask.

Come to the stream--

"What?" Qianqiu looked at the face of the reflection in the stream and couldn't help but be surprised. In the clear stream, a pair of sword eyebrows go straight into the sky, with red lips and white teeth, and green silk shawls are not scattered, but regular.

This is the reflection of Qianqiu, but...

"Why did you become so tender?" Indeed, it is tender, and Qianqiu has become very tender now. The reason is...

"It seems that I not only entered Dantian, but also helped me wash and cut the marrow." Qianqiu said.

Wash the meridians and cut the marrow. If you use the elixir, the impurities of the body will adhere to the skin when they are excreted. It needs to be washed before it can be washed off, but it is different with Reiki. Wash the marrow with aura, and the impurities of the body will turn into gas and excrete the body as if they were incinerated.

But... Is that yin qi or aura? Qianqiu thinks secretly.

"Forget it, everything has its own reason." Qianqiu said, but he didn't feel it at all. The breath of his own body seemed to be colder. This coldness also carried a little breath of death.

Now, Qianqiu's cultivation is like this. The mixed sword secret is already in the early stage of the 'local realm'. You can ingest a small amount of yin qi every day to promote the stability of Dantian. Why do you say so? The reason is that since the yin and yang fish integrated into the Qianqiu Dantian, the whole Dantian seems to be in a period of formation. This is a very strange feeling. There is Dantian in the first place, why does it still take shape? And there is only one explanation in the mind method of 'local territory': yin and yang enter the body, Dantian Hua Zifu!

Purple Mansion? Qianqiu knew that his master had said it in his previous life. Immortals have a purple mansion, which is also another space, which can also be said to be heaven and earth. But no one has seen the immortals, so how can they know what's really going on in Zifu?

And the Taoist Sutra has reached the middle of 'quiet', and the role of the Taoist Sutra seems to be to be in peace with the energy in the body. For example, when yin qi enters the body, in the absence of yang qi balance, it is the equilibrium role played by the Taoist scriptures.

Of course, the Eastern Emperor Sword still can't be used, but Qianqiu doesn't care. Because his heart is a sword, an extremely sharp sword, a sword that really belongs to himself.

And this... Qianqiu thought that there seemed to be a great connection between the Taoist Sutra and the Mixed Sword Tips. Because it is very likely that when practicing the Hunyuan Sword Secret, you need the Taoist Sutra to balance power.

At this time, Qianqiu thought of Qianli, but then shook his head. Although the Nebula Sword Secret I gave her was modified according to the Mixed Sword Secret, there are no two kinds of energy, so nothing will be fine. Qianqiu said.

Don't think it's easy to modify the skill. Every time you modify a skill, it should be carried out according to the original modified skill.

That is to say, Qianli wants to modify the Nebula Sword Tips. If there is no reference, it will undoubtedly not play any role, and the modification is just a waste. The Nebula Sword Tips is modified according to the Mixed Sword Tips. It itself will also be fundamentally restrained by the "Hunyuan Sword Secret", just like the branches of a big tree. No matter how big it is, it is only a small branch attached to the main trunk. This is not Qianqiu's original intention, but "Hunyuan Sword Secret" has its own consciousness, so it has to be modified like that.


In the dense woods, a sword sounded.


Then, a tragic howling came, and a black wolf covered in blood lay at Qianqiu's feet. This wolf is the kind of wolf that attacked Qianqiu last time. Qianqiu has been very easy to kill this black wolf since he successfully killed the wolf a few days ago and entered the spiritual realm.

dragged the black wolf back, Qianqiu peeled it off and hung it on the tree. There are already a lot of wolf skins on the tree, which were peeled off after killing wolves.

After eating some wolf meat, there is no need to eat to maintain physical energy after entering the spiritual period. And Qianqiu just satisfied his appetite.

Sit cross-legged and enter Dantian... No, it should be Zifu. At this time, the Zifu is still white, but there is a little change, that is, there is a faint white Taoist seal character above the purple house - Qian.

And below, there is also a black Taoist ancient seal - Kun.

In the middle of the purple mansion, a golden elixir the size of a thumb is suspended in the center.

A little accident caused these two chapters to be a little confusing. Please forgive me... The protagonist's golden finger will not be invincible from the beginning, leaving the protagonist in the storm!!!... Grow slowly!