Sword rises to the cloud

Chapter 111 Thunder to 2

Suddenly, the originally cloudless, the scorching sky became dark, the thunder flashed, the wind suddenly rose, and the sand and stones were all over the sky.

Qianqiu's face was pale, because at the moment it got dark, he obviously felt a huge pressure from heaven and earth pressing on him, and Qianqiu could not move at all.

At this time, Qianqiu remembered the thunder written in the book in the cave, and also thought of that person, who died under that kind of strange thunder, or maybe that person originally wanted to use this strange thunder breakthrough.

But the man finally died. Thinking of the abnormality in the morning and the current situation, counting the day, it was July 7th.

"Is the abnormal aura in the morning related to this thunder?" Qianqiu was fixed there straight and thought to his heart.

A huge light flashed, and then a flash of lightning crossed the sky, looking at the location of Qianqiu, which was so close to the lightning.

The aura around began to be disordered and even became violent. The wind blowing on Qianqiu could still feel a trace of pain.

With a loud noise, a stone peak next to Qianqiu was hit into a wisp of smoke by the falling lightning.

"This is a thunderstorm." The voice of the Eastern Emperor reappeared.

Qianqiu endured the severe pain all over his body and asked, "What is a thunderstorm?"

"Thunderjacking is a kind of disaster, but it is also an opportunity. If a practitioner has survived his own thunderstorm, he can become an immortal. If an animal has survived the thunderstorm, he can become a real person. The Eastern Emperor said.

"But what am I? "Immortal?" Qianqiu said that he didn't believe that he could become an immortal so early.

"It's different. Although the cloud world and the earth are both the same way of heaven, the laws set by heaven are different. This thunderstorm is the thunderstorm in the cloud world, not someone's thunderstorm." The Eastern Emperor said slowly.

"What should we do now?" Qianqiu said.

"Alas..." The Eastern Emperor sighed, "There is nothing we can do. The thunderstorm is determined by the way of heaven. Even if I have the ability to understand the sky, I can't interfere with the way of heaven. Otherwise, the way of heaven will be punished by thunder, and we can't save it at that time."

"How can we make him disappear?" Qianqiu asked.

"I forgot to tell you that your breakthrough on this day is equivalent to telling Tiandao that you are willing to help the wilderness world overcome the disaster, but in this way, if you survive, you will naturally have benefits, but as long as you die, you will never live." The Eastern Emperor said.

"So you need to carry the thunderstorm and not die, alas... I forgot to tell you such an important thing. The Eastern Emperor said with a sigh.

"No, tell me now how to carry him." Qianqiu asked.

"There are three kinds of thunderstorms, the first is pressure, which overwhelms you and convinces you, so that you will lose, but you will also die. The second is a lightning strike. When you get through the first thunderstorm, a thunderstorm will come to you. At this time, if you can withstand it, you will enter the third. What is the third? No one knows, because everything they know is dead. Speaking of this, there is a strong sadness in the Eastern Emperor's tone.

"I know." Qianqiu whispered, "It can't kill me."

The world of cloud wilderness, at this time, outside the valley where Qianqiu is located, the whole cloud wilderness world is already boiling.

Tianxuanzong, Tianxuanzi, Lu Ji, Yin Yuerou, Zhong Ye, Changkongzi and all Tianxuanzong looked at the sky with shocking faces.

"This scene also appeared a hundred years ago." Tian Xuanzi muttered.

At this time, in the sky of the cloud world, the sun began to emit bursts of black light. The whole world did not have the golden yellow when the sun shines during the day, but turned silvery white. From time to time, a flash of lightning in the air fell to an unknown place.

"Someone broke the taboo." Lu Ji said sharply, not to mention him, even some old monsters in the Holy Xuanjing would not challenge God.

"The man a hundred years ago died." Zhong Ye said.

"No one can survive a person who breaks the taboo." Changkong said.

"It depends on how this person is..." Tian Xuanzi said.

Yin Yuerou hasn't said anything. She looked at the sky in a daze and always felt that this time the forbidden break was a little strange.

Qianli has returned to Xiaoyinfeng. She lived in the room where Qianqiu lived before. At this time, she was standing outside the pavilion and looking at the sky. Although there is a formation, the formation is generally transparent when it is useless.

Looking at the lightning in the sky from time to time, Qianli's strange feeling in her heart became stronger and stronger. Finally, she looked at the sky and muttered two words: "Brother."

Diyue Sect, Zheng Xuanzi, the suzerain, stood outside the hall of the sect, looking at the sky with visions, with a look that others couldn't understand. "I really want to see this person who broke the ban." Zheng Xuanzi said that people who have the courage to challenge heaven and earth, whether they succeed or fail, are worth seeing.

Although Qing Xuanzi, the head of Qiushuangmen, sounds like an old man with fairy style, in fact, Qing Xuanzi is a woman, dressed in elegant Zhangmen costumes, with gold and silver phoenix hairpins on her head, bright eyes, pink eyebrows, and the majesty of the head of the head in his eyes, and his face is always an expression that strangers are not allowed to enter. After gently holding a wisp on his forehead, he looked at the sky and sighed gently. Why..."

Somewhere in an unknown mountain, an old man with a white beard sat on a bluestone, looked straight at the abnormality in the sky, then closed his eyes and slowly disappeared. This is different from the disappearance of the land plane. The land plane disappeared somewhere with speed, but the old man slowly blurred his body and then disappeared, as if it had never appeared, and seemed to be integrated with nature.

The huge pressure of heaven and earth fell on Qianqiu's body. Qianqiu bent his knees and almost knelt down.

Qianqiu gritted his teeth and tried to straighten his body. Finally, when Qianqiu stood up straight.

'Boom' is once again superimposed with a huge power of heaven and earth.

'Hum' Qianqiu snorted and immediately knelt on one knee.

The wind is sweeping, as if laughing at Qianqiu's unrestrained ability.

The corners of Qianqiu's mouth oozed blood, but he still clenched his teeth and gathered the aura in his body. He shouted 'Hey', and Qianqiu suddenly stood up.

Qianqiu looked at the sky and felt like a mountain was pressing.

His eyes looked coldly at the dark sky, and the pressure continued to increase. Qianqiu clenched his fists and his teeth had been bitten out of blood.

A strong wind blew, and Qianqiu's coat was finally under pressure and destroyed, and broke into some small pieces of cloth.

There was another thunder, and a huge pressure suddenly poured down and hit Qianqiu's body.

Qianqiu spewed out a mouthful of blood and bent his knees. At the moment when he was about to kneel on the ground, Qianqiu supported the ground with his hands and curled up on the ground. He would never let his knees kneel down.

The pressure of 'Boom' still continued, and Qianqiu's hands on the ground had turned white, and there was no blood color at all.

Another mouthful of blood spewed out, and Qianqiu's face had shown a pale color.

The sword elixir in the purple mansion is constantly rotating, with golden light arrays, but at this time, there is more than one crack in the sword elixir, but two.

The crack sound came again, and another crack appeared on the sword elixir.

Qianqiu was finally pressed to the ground. He did not kneel down, but now he is pressed to lie on the ground. Qianqiu is already unconscious. As long as he comes again, he will become defenseless.

Qianqiu's eyes are confused, and his body has been crushed and scarred. This is not a skin injury. If the skin and flesh hurt Qianqiu, it will not be like this.

"Brother." Suddenly, a crisp voice came into Qianqiu's ears, and Qianqiu's eyes suddenly opened and instantly restored clarity.

There was no longer Qianli's voice in his ears, but Qianqiu's face returned to some blood color.

"Yes, even if you die, it's not now." Qianqiu said, leaning on the ground with his hands and slowly standing up.

Qianqiu's arms were trembling, but he was still trying to stand up.

"The power and pressure can't suppress me, because I'm not afraid." Qianqiu said that he had already stood up halfway.

A wave of pressure came down again, and Qianqiu stabbed and almost fell down again, but he soon held on.

"I won't violate the power of heaven and earth. I am not afraid of the situation of heaven and earth. Qianqiu shouted loudly and finally stood up straight again.

At this moment, all the pressure of heaven and earth disappeared.

Qianqiu has passed the first disaster.