Sword rises to the cloud

Chapter 118 King Kong Palm

With a soft crack, a heavy blow, and then the light shield to protect Lu Xuejian was broken.

"B bastard." Lu Yong opened his eyes angrily, raised his right arm and hit him out with a palm.

Lu Wen took out a small golden needle and held it in his hand and gently clicked in the direction of Qianqiu.

Qianqiu broke Lu Xuejian's mask and hurriedly turned around to block Lu Yong's palm, but was shot on the shoulder by a small thing. "It's not good." Qianqiu said secretly.

Turning around behind Lu Xuejian, Lu Xue saw the shock and ran quickly towards Lu Yong and Lu Wen.

"I said you would die." Qianqiu's voice sounded in Lu Xuejian's ear. Lu Xuejian didn't have time to speak, but saw that the tip of the sword had come out of her neck.

After seeing a cry that was no longer human, Lu Xue closed her eyes and blood flowed from her mouth.

"No!!!" Lu Wen and Lu Yong's eyes immediately widened, and their eyes turned bloody. They couldn't imagine what Lu Ba would look like when he saw Lu Xue's body.

Qianqiu pulled out the green sword and then turned around and swept out dozens of meters.

Lu Yong and Lu Wen hurried forward and hugged Lu Xuejian, who was about to fall, to investigate the situation of Lu Xuejian.

"The tip of the sword passes through the throat, not an ordinary sword, but a heavenly soldier!" Lu Yong said, now he has a regretful face. Why don't you hurry up? Now it's all right. How can I explain it when I go back?

"The only way is to catch this person and go back to let the owner fall." Lu Wen said.

"You look at the young lady's body here, and I'll take him down." Lu Yong said and then stood up.

And Lu Wen took out the same jade as Lu Xuejian took out before, hesitated for a while, and finally sighed and crushed it.

There was a cracking sound in the Lu family's ancestral hall. In addition to the cards of the ancestors of the Lu family, there are also jade cards of the living people of the Lu family. These jade cards are the life cards of the Lu family. Since the Lu family was born, they have been made of refined blood and good spiritual jade. Once the jade card belonging to someone is broken, it means that the person is dead. It's easy to make life cards, so basically people who cultivate immortals will make life cards for their children.

"What's the sound?" The person guarding the ancestral hall walked into the ancestral hall doubtfully and looked left and right. Nothing has changed? Suddenly, the man's face changed, and he suddenly saw that one of the life cards was broken.

"It's not good..." The ancestral templekeeper's face is extremely ugly. This kind of thing is what every ancestral templekeeper does not want to see, because once someone in the clan dies, they must inform the owner, and this kind of thing is obviously very dangerous, because no one knows whether the owner of the family will be angry with you.

Seeing the location of the life card, there was a burst of despair in the hearts of the ancestral temple. I hope not..." The shrinekeeper muttered, but even he didn't believe it himself. According to the behavior of the whole Lu family, she was the one who deserved to be killed...

After entering, the shrine guard picked up the broken life card and took a look at the name on it. Suddenly, blood surged, dizzy and fell to the ground.

"Hurry up and inform the owner." Although he was very afraid, he also knew that he could not hesitate about this kind of thing. If the notification was a little late, the crime would be greater.

"It's not good, it's not good." The guard rushed out of the ancestral hall crazily and rushed to the Lu family's lobby.

"Who the hell are you?" Lu Yong asked with a green face.

"A passerby." Qianqiu answered faintly.

"Bulls, which passer-by dares to kill the Lu family and say, who are you?" Lu Yong asked, he doubted whether this person was sent to kill the Lu family. After all, everyone has an enemy, the Lu family is no exception.

Qianqiu's left arm has been bleeding. It's the kind of needle just now. I didn't expect it to be so harmful.

"No, okay, then I'll take you back today, and you will naturally explain." Lu Yong said, and then jumped up and patted Qianqiu with his palms.

Qianqiu looked at Lu Yong, who was slapped straight at him, and couldn't help but wonder that he was holding a sword in his hand.

But Qianqiu doesn't care so much. Since you want to kill me, why should I be polite to you?

Qianqiu raised a sword and stabbed Lu Yong in the palm of his hand.

Unexpectedly, when Qianqiu's Qingfeng sword touched Lu Yong's palm, Lu Yong's palm actually lit up a faint golden light, and the Qingfeng sword stabbed on it as if it had stabbed a very hard one.

"What?" Qianqiu was stunned and looked at Lu Yong's golden palm, which was actually a little familiar. Shaolin King Kong Palm?" Qianqiu blurted out.

When Lu Yong heard Qianqiu's words, he also had a burst of doubts, and then came: "Well, it's not bad. This is the King Kong palm, but what is Shaolin?"

"Trouble." Qianqiu sighed in his heart that this kind of King Kong palm is the best skill in close combat, and it is also used by immortals. I don't know what will happen.

"Ky, let me take you back. It's useless to resist." Lu Yong laughed.

"Hmm." Qianqiu snorted coldly, quickly separated from Lu Yong, and then raised his sword "no reply".

The sword spirit shot out quickly, and Lu Yong's face began to be solemn. He knew the strength of this sword spirit.

Raising his hands, Lu Yong shouted loudly, and the palms of his hands emitted a fierce golden light.

'Bangbang''''''''s sword spirit was blocked by Lu Yong's King Kong's palm, and Lu Yong just retreated a little.

"No reply." Qianqiu shouted gently again, and the unre Returned sword spirit continued to emit, and this time his strength was stronger.

"Hmm, King Kong is broken." Lu Yong saw the sword spirit coming again, pushed his palms, and two huge golden lights shot out.

The golden light and the sword spirit collided, making a violent roar, and the surrounding flowers and trees were suddenly destroyed by the golden light and sword spirit.

"Close to defense and far away to attack, this is the King Kong palm." Qianqiu said.

The atmosphere in the lobby was extremely solemn. All the children of the Lu family who were still at home gathered together, and all of them stood there obediently, saying nothing and did not dare to say anything.

"Bomb." Lu Ba's fists were gently pinched together, and suddenly an extremely powerful spiritual power appeared and spread around.

'Hu' is like the wind. This spiritual force shocked everything in the room away, and even those people were shocked to retreat a few steps.

"Who is it?" Lu Ba opened his mouth, his tone cold, hiding absolute anger.

Just now, the ancestral templekeeper came to report the news of Lu Xuejian's broken life card, and the news of Lu Wen was also sent back, and Lu Xuejian died.

Hearing Lu Ba's voice, a trace of cold sweat gradually appeared on the forehead of the people present, but no one dared to say a word.

"Why is no one talking? Isn't it very lively to scold when distributing benefits? Lu Ba looked at the people present and said that there was also his son and daughter in it.

"Brother, this must be someone our enemy found to kill our son of the Lu family." Lu Wei, the younger brother of Lu Ba, said with red eyes that in the whole Lu family, except for Lu Ba, Lu Wei's favorite is Lu Xue, because Lu Wei doesn't know what's going on and can't be born and raised. It's useless to find countless medical masters, and it's useless to find someone to refine elixir. So Lu Wei, who had no choice, became the head of the Lu family at ease. Old, I also love Lu Ba's children very much.

"enemy? Do you mean Nangong Ping? Lu Ba's voice is getting colder and colder.

Nangongping, the head of the Nangong family, has had a grudge against Lu Ba since he was a child. He often met in an endless situation. Nangong is the largest immortal family in the State of Jin next to the State of Chu. There are often wars between the two countries, and the two families have blood feuded accordingly.

"Nangongping is impossible. If he sends people, he will definitely find a master and will never find a Danhua period. I guess it is some people who have a grudge against us, but they are not strong, so they have to hire people..." Lu Wei said slowly.

"No matter who sent me, I sent the whole Chu people to find the people behind the scenes, and then grabbed the little bastard to ask who instructed him, and then I asked him not to survive and die." There were bursts of cold light in Lu Ba's eyes.

"Yes." Everyone responded respectfully and then slowly retreated. When they withdrew, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but their faces remained extremely sad.

Who dares to laugh at this time? Don't want to live?

Those young ladies who are also from the Lu family are very happy. For them, it is extremely bad for Lu Xue to see that they are loved by Lu Ba and Lu Wei. Moreover, Lu Xue saw that it was not only delicate outside, but also very rampant at home, which made them extremely jealous and hate.

Now that you are dead, it is naturally a good thing.