Sword rises to the cloud

Chapter 126

"The fat man should wake up soon." Wan Yan asked the student sitting next to the fat man.

This student obviously know how to do medicine. He put down the fat man's hand and said, "It's okay. It's just that I've been blocked and fainted. It's okay."

"That's good, that's good." Wei Qing said with a smile.

"Sister Qi, you have to apologize to the fat man later... Hahaha." Li Yuan joked.

Qiyin took a look at the fat man, then looked at Li Yuan and roared, "I know."

"You are so awesome. My name is Liu Yuqiu." Liu Yuqiu walked to Qianqiu and said.

Qianqiu looked up at Liu Yuqiu, and then lowered his head and said, "Qianqiu."

"Good name, eternal." Liu Yuqiu laughed.

"Good Liu Yuqiu, you are abatling with others again." A student next to him laughed.

"Go, talk too much." Liu Yuqiu waved his hand and said.

"What are you doing?" At this time, an old voice came.

The students were shocked, quickly tidying up their clothes and crowns, and then lined up neatly. Under the leadership of Wanyan, they saluted Zhuge Yu together.

"Mr." Dozens of students raised their eyebrows, and their upper bodies bent straight down with respect on their faces.

Huh? What's going on?" Zhuge Yu asked when he saw the fat man placed on the table behind him.

"Uh.. This... Sir." Qi Yin came out timidly and was incoherent.

"Fang Yu, you said." Zhuge Yu looked at Fang Yu next to Qiyin and asked.

Fang Yu looked helpless and walked out slowly, "Sir, it's Sister Yin'er and Brother Wu who are playing..." Then, Fang Yu said the reason for the matter.

"Mr..." Qiyin looked at Zhuge Yu pitifully.

Zhuge Yu was expressionless, walked to the fat man and looked at it, and then said, "Go get a glass of water."

"Yes." A student answered.

Soon, a glass of water was taken over, and Zhuge Yu opened the fat man's mouth and poured water into it.

Soon, there was a burst of white smoke from the fat man's mouth, and then the fat man opened his eyes.

Ah.... Sir." The fat man was shocked and quickly got up to salute.

"Hmm." Zhuge Yu nodded and smiled, "The meal hasn't been made yet. Make it more. Everyone is still hungry."

"Yes." The fat man answered and quickly turned around and got into the kitchen.

For Zhuge Yu, all the people here are really admirable. When he was the prime minister of the State of Chu, under his governance, the whole State of Chu was prosperous and peaceful, and no one dared to violate it. Even the Lu family and Zhuge Yu were not afraid. Therefore, respect for Zhuge Yu is the psychology of the whole state of Chu. As for their emperor, it is more awe.

Zhuge Yu turned around and the students quickly made way. Suddenly, Zhuge Yu walked to the place where Qianqiu sat down.

"Qianqiu." Zhuge Yu shouted.

Qianqiu got up and said, "Old uncle."

"Ha ha, you don't have to do that. Just call me sir." Zhuge Yu laughed.

"Mr." Qianqiu nodded and shouted, but he didn't sit down again, because Zhuge Yu hadn't sat down yet.

Zhuge Yu slowly sat down and said, "You are awesome. It seems that I have to make a new lock."

"It's better to eat without a lock." Qianqiu also said.

"Hahaha, that's right. Then there is no need to close the kitchen door in the future. With that, Zhuge Yu turned his head and looked at several of the students, and the students also smiled understandingly.

Those students naturally knew why Zhuge Yu looked at them and quickly came out and said, "Sir, forgive me."

Zhuge Yu stroked his beard and smiled, "It's natural to drink water and eat. Although it's said that you eat sometimes, you can't force yourself too much. Do you think you come here every night to find food? Do you think it's a coincidence that you can find hot food every day?

"Yes, several brothers, the master found that you would be hungry in the middle of the night, so he asked the fat man to leave you some hot dishes and hot rice." Wan Yan laughed.

Several students looked at Zhuge Yu, and their eyes couldn't help blushing. They quickly knelt down and said, "Sir."

Zhuge Yu got up and pulled up a few disciples and said, "You don't have to do this. I know that you will not be hungry until midnight, so I leave you a hot meal. If you are lazy, it won't be like this.

"Disciple, please remember Mr.'s teachings." Several students worshipped.

Sometimes, the best education is not regulation, but let it go.

"First... Sir..." At this time, Qiyin came over, holding the corners of his clothes with his hands and was embarrassed.

"Hmm?" Zhuge Yu looked at Qiyin.

"Mr... I... I was wrong. Please punish me." Qiyin bit his lip and said.

"What is the punishment? It's normal for you to joke between yourselves. There's nothing wrong with it. Why should I care about you? But remember, sometimes jokes don't go too far. Today you just made a mistake. There's nothing wrong. Zhuge Yu said.

"Thank you, sir." Qiyin smiled happily.

"If you have to punish..." Zhuge Yu's words changed.

The face was pulled down again, and a pitiful expression appeared on his face again.

"Then punish you for giving your braised pork today to the fat man." Zhuge Yu said that eating here is also regular. Except for some special dishes that everyone eats together, each person has the same meal.

"No problem." The girl didn't like to eat meat in the first place, and Qiyin readily agreed.

"Alas, come in and give me a hand." The fat man shouted in the kitchen.

"It's coming." The students who had been waiting all morning couldn't wait and rushed into the kitchen to bring dishes.

Qianqiu is a little puzzled. Is the food of more than 70 people only limited to the fat man? Can it be done in one morning?

As if he saw the doubts in Qianqiu's eyes, Zhuge Yu said, "Xiao Wu will go back to rest every day after noon and get up to cook in the middle of the night, and I arranged the students to wash those dishes when he was rested, alas... The whole disciple, thanks to him.

Qianqiu sighed in his heart that this is the real college, and this is the real place to learn. There is no comparison, no luxury, and no vulgar rich and noble ideas. There is only the simple heart of Xiangxue and the faint but long-lasting friendship between teachers and students.

In a short time, all the tables were full of dishes. Somehow, Qianqiu, who no longer needed to eat, suddenly had the idea of eating. Even if he was an immortal, he was still a part of mortal, because he was just cultivating immortals, not immortals.

"Let's all start." Zhuge Yu said that he did not return to his table, but sat with Qianqiu.

Fang Yu and Qi Yin also sat at the same table with Qianqiu. They were very restrained because Zhuge Yu was here. Even eat carefully for fear of losing etiquette.

"Fat..." Qiyin blurted out, Fang Yu patted her head, and even the people on the other tables laughed.

Qiyin glanced at Zhuge Yu next to him and saw that he was eating slowly. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as if he didn't hear it.

"Brother Wu, your meat." Qiyin brought his braised pork to the fat man's face and put it down and said.

"Did you give it to me?" The fat man said with shining eyes.

"Yes, Brother Wu, I'm sorry today." Qi Yin said.

Fatty Wu waved his hand and said, "It's okay. If you don't eat it, I'll eat it."

Qi Yin laughed and said, "Eat it."

After eating, everyone cleaned up the plate in front of them and took it to the leftmost sink paved with white jade to clean it. This kind of white jade is called 'water jade', which is not very precious. It is very clean and convenient to make a sink, so it is used by many people to make utensils to hold daily water.

The disciple lives on the mountain. There is a clear spring on the mountain. The clear spring is led by the craftsman to the disciple's house with a water jade pipe. Behind the disciple's residence, there are three water tanks made of water jade as big as a house. One is connected to the kitchen for washing dishes and cleaning. One is led to the men's bath room and a women's bath room. The last one is for drinking water. The water jade is born in Water has a good water nourishing function, and the water will not be broken for a long time. What's more, the mountain springs here are circulating back and forth, alternating between the old and the new.

"Bear, have you copied the book you asked you to copy the other day?" A student asked a student next to him when washing dishes.

"It's over. I've been busy for a long time." The student replied, and suddenly, they saw Qiyin's face on the side was extremely ugly, throwing out the plate in his hand and beating people.