Sword rises to the cloud

Chapter 246

In an unknown place, this is a mountain range stretching thousands of miles, and there are not many other things in this mountain range, but the most... But it's a monkey, a monkey.

The lush virgin forest is full of birds and monkeys.

From time to time, there are bursts of water.

But unlike that, these monkeys here have red and blood-red eyes.

But these monkeys don't look furious at all. They just stay quietly on a tree or by a stream to do their own things.

At this time, a roar suddenly came from the cliff in the distance.

All the monkeys are shocked. Of course, they are familiar with it. This is the cry of the monkey king.

So, the monkeys in the whole forest began to run around and chatty, and the whole mountain began to be noisy for a moment.

But the birds have not been startled, because they have long been used to it, and these monkeys will be crazy busy every day.

All the monkeys jumped up and down, and the water, mountains, cliffs, and even the soil on the ground were dug up by some monkeys.

They seem to be looking for something, and this thing seems to be very important.

Suddenly, a monkey jumped up happily, holding a shiny stone in his hand.

The monkey waved the stones in his hand, causing the monkey next to him to cast envious eyes.

Then, from time to time, a spirit monkey jumped up, holding a shiny stone in his hand.

The roar came again, and all the monkeys stopped. Those who got the stone ran happily to the cliff where the Monkey King lived, while those who didn't get it lowered their heads, some sat down on the ground, and some walked away slowly.

There is a chiseled stone ladder on the cliff, hovering up and straight into the sky.

The monkeys who got the stone ran up the stone ladder, as if something good was waiting.

At the top, a tall monkey with a pinch of golden hair on his forehead, exuding a kind of king's majesty, stood there, looking at the monkeys running up.

When those monkeys arrived at the top, they immediately dared not be presumptuous. They all stood on the platform at the top of the cliff and waited for the monkey king to speak.

The call of the Monkey King is naturally different, much like a tiger.

The monkeys under 'Jiji' took out the stones in their hands and put them in a box next to the Monkey King. A box is like a mortal, and the craftsmanship is also very good, but how can there be human things here?

Looking at the stone full of large boxes in the box, the Monkey King nodded and expressed his satisfaction.

Then, two monkeys appeared behind the monkey king, each holding several wooden bowls made of rough wood in his hand.

Put the wooden bowl on the ground, and the two monkeys proposed something again...

turned out to be a jar of wine!

Carefully poured the wine into the bowl and then retreated.

The monkey king nodded, and the monkeys who handed over the stones suddenly rushed up and picked up a bowl of wine and drank it.

After drinking, his face was still unfinished.

Put down the wooden bowl and look at the monkey king. The monkeys could only walk down the cliff ladder reluctantly.

And the Monkey King gently picked up the box with stones and walked into the cave by himself.

In a cave, a drop of water fell from the top of the cave and fell into the small pool below.

A wooden bowl suddenly entered the pool, stirring up the ripples of a tablet.

A wisp of blue silk drooped down, and the white strap covered the pink forehead, and in his eyes, there was a natural cunning.

The stone door outside 'bang' was knocked. Qianluo was shocked and quickly stood up. After putting things away, he walked to the stone gate.

The 'buzz' stone door was opened and a heavy sound sounded.

The Monkey King stood outside the door, holding the box in his hand.

Qianluo took the box from the monkey king's hand and waved his hand.

The Monkey King stepped back obediently, and then the stone door slowly closed.

Monkey King stood outside and knew that the human beings inside were given to him to get his favorite wine, although he didn't know why he had to close the door every time.

Qianluo quickly put the box aside, then picked up an empty wine jar and walked to the pool. Then he took out a jar of wine from the storage ring, poured some of the wine inside into the empty wine jar, and then poured the water in the pool into the wine jar with a wooden bowl, covered the jar seal, shook it in his hand, and nodded with satisfaction. Head.

The stone door was opened, and Qianluo held two jars of 'wine' in his hand and handed them over to the monkey king. The monkey king naturally took over the wine jar happily and then left.

There is a stone bed in the cave. The stone** shines with gorgeous white light and has been surrounded by arrays. The surrounding aura and the thousands of spirits in the mountains are pulled by the array, and the body of the man in the middle of the array converges.

Qianqiu, lying on the stone** at this time, life is maintained by this formation.

Qianluo took out the spiritual jade in the box one by one and put it into those arrays. Although this array is powerful, it has to be changed several times a day.

Ordinary scattered cultivation can't afford it at all. Qianqiu has spiritual jade, but now if Qianqiu doesn't take it, no one can move.

I've been feeling uncomfortable lately, but I will try my best