Sword rises to the cloud

Chapter 291 Encounter Leng Su Xin again

When I came to that town, the crowd was bustling. Qianqiu walked on the Qingshi Road, with thousands of thoughts in his mind.

Immortal practitioners will never know where they will appear tomorrow, nor what their fate will be tomorrow, let alone where their end point will be.

Or keep going? When will it be considered to be the end? Or is it the end of Shouyuan and returned to the loess? But many people will not be reconciled.

To become an immortal may be the dream of many immortals. It can also be said that this is their goal. Maybe becoming an immortal is the beginning and a permanent destination.

But what about after becoming an immortal? Some people will say that in the free world, some people will say that they will live a long life, and some people will say that they have strong strength and dominate everything.

So all the people began to work hard in this direction, just like Feng Wusheng. They just pursued powerful power, proved what they wanted, and then walked quietly in loneliness and unremitting.

Qianqiu looked at the river in the center of the town, "Even if you see through it, what can you do? Just like water, you know that the final destination is the sea, but you still have to drift with the tide until you really integrate into the sea. Where do these practitioners want to integrate into? Heaven and earth? Or yourself?"

There is no real liberation in the world. Even if you die, you will experience the next cycle. Some people say that real liberation is to see through everything. No, that's not liberation. It just makes you go further and safer in this cycle.

Like those truly enlightened monks, they still have to follow the footsteps of fate and go their own way back.

People are afraid of death, and there is nothing to die. They are not so much afraid of death as afraid of losing. If they lose, they will come back. Not many people will have such perseverance.

"Perhaps, my Kendo is to find the truth, understand myself, understand heaven and earth, and understand fate." Qianqiu's heart fluctuated, thinking that he was on the earth, but he came to this cloud world, but in the cloud world, he seemed to find the trace of his long-dead master.

All this is like the arrangement of fate, which brings Qianqiu into a huge fate step by step.

"Fate can't avoid it. Unless you can transcend fate, you have to go on with fate. No matter how difficult it is, you have to go down and see what the end of fate is." Thinking back on Li Yunhe's words in his mind, Qianqiu seemed to be a little strange in his heart. For a long time, Master's words have dominated himself to find out the root of this fate.

"Brother Qianqiu." Suddenly, Liancheng's voice came to my ears. Qianqiu suddenly woke up and found that he had suddenly entered a fixed state and forgot that he was looking for Liancheng.

"Hmm." Qianqiu nodded and walked to Liancheng.

"Brother Qianqiu, let's go to dinner." Lian Cheng said that although he was a monk in the Danhua period, he did not have to eat to maintain his health only in the refining period.

"Let's go." Qianqiu naturally understood this and slowly walked through the streets and alleys with Liancheng and came to a restaurant with a strong fragrance.

"Wow, it smells so good." Liancheng closed his eyes intoxicated and took a deep breath. Although he was at the bottom of the immortals, even the lowest level of the immortals could still live a life in the mortal world. However, Liancheng had experienced many things before he met Qianqiu, and had suffered a serious injury, so he became greedy as soon as he smelled this fragrance.

"Let's go." Qianqiu took the lead in walking in.

"Uh-huh." Liancheng also followed in.

"Yo, two sons, please sit down. I don't know what they need to order?" A familiar voice sounded, Qianqiu and Liancheng sat down at the table on one side, and Xiao Er came over enthusiastically.

"What do you want to eat?" Qianqiu said to Liancheng.

Liancheng nodded. Although it is very small, at least there are many things to understand. The silver of mortals is not too valuable for immortals, just like stones to mortals.

So Liancheng took the menu and slowly ordered one dish after another.

"Shiguo chicken, brown sugar abalone, black bone chicken, white venison, field crane meat, wild wolf meat." After reading these in one breath, Lian Cheng said to the second child who had been there, "Hurry up and put on the food. I'm hungry."

With a crack, Xiao Er suddenly woke up and saw that Qianqiu had taken out a bank of silver and put it in front of him, saying, "Hurry up and bring the food. We don't want to wait."

Xiao Er's pupil shrinks, and a whole silver ingot is a salary that he can't earn in ten years. A ingot of silver is 1,000 taels... One thousand taels... Xiao Er took the ingot silver with trembling hands. With so much money, why did he have to do this dirty work again?

However, the two people in front of me have to take good care of them now. After taking care of them, I will leave immediately and go back to buy a house to marry a wife. Thinking of this, the corners of the second child's mouth cramped with a smile.

"What are you laughing at?" At this time, the owner of the restaurant came over, and Xiao Er hurriedly put Yin Liang into his arms and said in a loud tone, "It's nothing." So he took the menu and said to Qianqiu, "Wait a minute, the dishes will come soon."

Then he ignored the shopkeeper and walked into the kitchen by himself.

The shopkeeper looked ugly. After laughing at Qianqiu twice, he walked back.

"B bastard, how dare you talk to me like that? I must show you something powerful today." The shopkeeper thought to his heart.

Soon after, there was a noise from the kitchen. Listening to the noise from inside, Qianqiu quietly turned his face and looked out of the window, feeling unprecedentedly calm.

"Did you deduct my wages? Let me tell you, I don't want it. I'll quit now, but I have to serve these two princes. Xiao Er came out arrogantly, holding a quarrel with the shopkeeper and urging the chef to cook the dishes in his hand. This kind of thing will not be stopped by the shopkeeper. After all, the quarrel is a quarrel, and the dishes for the guests still have to be made.

"Hey, isn't this boy stupid? If you don't want to leave, do you have to help me take care of the guests before you leave? The shopkeeper was funny and didn't pay attention to it. He just thought that the little two had been stimulated in his mind and left. In case something went wrong, he would be responsible for it.

"Two gentlemen, your dishes." Xiao Er still knows how to repay kindness. No matter what the reason is, at least his character is not bad.

In fact, Qianqiu didn't have to give Xiao Er so much money, but he used to save a lot of silver when he was in Xiaohe Village. He thought it was necessary for cultivation, but he didn't expect that there was really a thing to cultivate immortals in the world, so he couldn't use this money until he arrived in Xizhou, where the silver really took up space in the storage ring, so Qianqiu went to Qianzhuang to exchange it for a whole silver, a thousand yuan for a taels of silver, and a thousand taels of silver for a whole silver. Because the currencies in the cloud world are the same, these are the same in Dongzhou.

"Money is not used to do evil. Evil must be punished by God. I hope you can remember it." Qianqiu said lightly.

Xiao Er was stunned and then nodded and said, "Yes, thank you for teaching."

"Go and eat." Qianqiu said.

"Yes." Xiao Er answered and then walked in.

"Well, brother Qianqiu, look, that sister is so beautiful." Liancheng suddenly pointed out of the door and said to Qianqiu.

Qianqiu took a look at Liancheng and just thought that Liancheng's child's heart was normal, but who knew...

"Brother Qianqiu, which beautiful sister looks at us." Liancheng said again.

"Maybe they are here for dinner." Qianqiu didn't say anything back.

"No, she looked at you and came towards us... Her breath is so cold..." Liancheng suddenly shivered.

"Hmm?" Qianqiu also sensed this breath and felt a little familiar.

"Sister, sit down." Liancheng looked at Leng Su Xin who came to him in a daze. Although his mother was also very beautiful, she was still far worse than Leng Su Xin.

Leng Su Xin took a look at Liancheng and sat down on the side of the table.

Qianqiu looked at Leng Su Xin sitting down, turned his head and poured out a cup of tea from the teapot.

The tea was steaming, and Qianqiu picked up the teacup with his right hand.

"The tea is already cold, do you still drink it?" Leng Su Xin's cold tone came over.

"How can you say it's cold when it's hot?" Qianqiu Road.

"It's really cold." After Leng Su Xin finished speaking, a chill instantly covered the teacup from Qianqiu's hand.