Sword rises to the cloud

Chapter 292 Competition

"That's just that you feel cold." Looking at the cold teacup in his hand at this time, Qianqiu still took a leisurely sip and then drank it down.

"It's not cold, the temperature is just right." Qianqiu put down the teacup and said.

Leng Su Xin's face darkened, and Qianqiu did so that she really couldn't force him to take action and know his real strength.

Suddenly, Leng Su Xin looked at Liancheng, and an instant a strong cold air covered Liancheng in it. Liancheng shuddered and looked out. The dazzling sun shone on the ground, and the pedestrians wiped the sweat on their faces.

"Brother Qianqiu, I feel so cold." Liancheng's face turned blue, and he looked at Qianqiu with trembling all over and said.

Qianqiu stretched out his left hand, patted Liancheng on the shoulder, and said, "You have hallucinations."

Liancheng only felt a warmth flowing into his body, and the chill disappeared in an instant.

Leng Su Xin looked at Qianqiu who easily broke his two temptations and was not convinced. This time, he simply turned his eyes to Qianqiu.

In a moment, a strong consciousness bombarded Qianqiu's head, and Qianqiu suddenly hit the table with a trembling teacup, attracting waves of eyes around him.

Qianqiu still underestimated Leng Su Xin's determination to test himself. There was a tingling in his mind, and there was a faint anger in Qianqiu's heart.

"You don't know how to advance or retreat." Qianqiu looked at Leng Su Xin and said.

And Leng Su Xin ignored Qianqiu at all and kept pressing Qianqiu with divine power.

Qianqiu condensed his consciousness and constantly resisted the divine pressure from Leng Su Xin. The two violent divine pressures became stronger and stronger, and even enveloped the whole restaurant.

"Ah..." Suddenly, with a scream, Liancheng turned his head and saw that all the mortals who were eating on the other side suddenly knelt in place, trembled all over and turned pale.

"Ah..." Then, there were bursts of screams from the whole restaurant. After a while, there was no one in the whole restaurant who could stand.

"This..." Liancheng's face changed, and suddenly, he seemed to feel a strong pressure falling on him.

"Hmm." Lian Cheng hummed, but did not kneel down, but ran his spiritual power to resist the pressure with all his strength.

The seat of Liancheng suddenly made a loud noise, and then turned into wood chips.

And Liancheng also bent his legs and persisted.

The owner of the restaurant was pale. Looking at the abnormality of the guests of the whole restaurant and his body that he could not move, he only felt extremely afraid in his heart, "Fight, damn it." The owner of the restaurant kept shouting in his heart.

All the tables and benches in the restaurant suddenly shattered, and even the pillars began to bend slowly.

The faces of those who kneel on the ground are a desperate fear. Looking at what happened in front of them, they don't know what's going on, and they can't know what's going on.

At this time, hundreds of people had gathered outside the restaurant, looking at everything that happened inside, and there was endless panic and helplessness on their faces.

Suddenly, the whole restaurant shook, and the pillars began to bend.

"Go away, the restaurant is going to collapse." Outside, many people shouted, and the people inside turned pale after hearing it.

Qianqiu noticed this scene, frowned, and all his consciousness was taken back.

The 'bang' Leng Suxin's consciousness was unstoppable and bombarded into Qianqiu's sea of knowledge in an instant.

Qianqiu spewed a mouthful of blood and his face turned pale, but the pressure covering the whole restaurant disappeared in an instant.

Those who knelt on the ground found that they could move and immediately got up and rushed out.

"Go, get out." Qianqiu grabbed Liancheng, and a dodge has appeared outside.

The whole restaurant collapsed at this moment, and the dust and smoke rose and sounded like thunder.

"Brother Qianqiu, that sister is still inside." Liancheng suddenly said with a worried face.

Qianqiu shook his head and looked at the dust and smoke. A white figure came out, with white light all over his body, spotless, like a fairy.

All mortals look straight, even the city.

"Why did you suddenly withdraw your consciousness?" Leng Su Xin asked coldly.

"They are mortals, and they will die." Qianqiu replied faintly.

Leng Su Xin was suddenly stunned. She only thought about the ability to test Qianqiu, but forgot that this was the mortal world.

"Ah... My restaurant." At this time, a wailing came. Qianqiu looked at it and saw the owner of the restaurant suddenly kneeling on the ground and crying.

Qianqiu walked slowly over and walked to the restaurant owner.

"This is compensation for you." Suddenly, a plain hand handed a whole silver to the restaurant owner.

The owner of the restaurant raised his head blankly and looked at a piece of silver in front of him, as if he couldn't believe it.

"This... This.. This girl, you... Why did you give me so much money..." The owner of the restaurant looked at Leng Su Xin's face and was a little stunned.

"Go and build a new restaurant." Leng Su Xin never talks nonsense. She just compensates, so she won't have more words.

Then, Leng Su Xin turned around and left in everyone's stunned eyes.

"This time I'm reckless. Next time I'll wait for you in Sanzong Dabi." Leng Su Xin's voice came into Qianqiu's mind. When Qianqiu came back to Dongzhou, she would not be curious, because she knew that Qianqiu would definitely come back.

And she also knows that Qianqiu will definitely participate in the three big comparisons, because they are all the same kind of people.

Qianqiu turned to look at Liancheng and said, "Let's go to the next restaurant."

"Hmm." Liancheng nodded.

The owner of the restaurant watched Qianqiu leave and didn't catch up with him. The woman in white should be friends with the prince. Looking at the money in his hand enough to build several restaurants, he suddenly said, "Today is our fault. The restaurant has been in disrepair, which has made everyone suffer so much. I'm really sorry for today's meal. Please, when the restaurant opens next time, you must come again.

There is no need to pay for this meal. Of course, everyone is happy. Although they are frightened, nothing big has happened, right?

"Okay, okay, I will definitely come again next time." Everyone said.

The owner of the restaurant looked at the enthusiastic people with a smile, but thought in his heart, when to hire a mage to clean up this area, today's thing is really strange.

Qianqiu took Liancheng to another restaurant for a meal, but Qianqiu did not eat, because those greasy things, in Qianqiu's view, will only add unnecessary impurities to the body.

And Liancheng's appetite is not very big. He ate a table of meat and all kinds of meat. Qianqiu felt very normal, but others were surprised.

"Is the food in this restaurant really so delicious?" With this mentality, a lot of people came to the restaurant, and the owner of the restaurant was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

"You two, did you have a good meal?" The boss came over and asked.

"Well, very good, very good." Lian Cheng stroked his bulging stomach and said.

"Boss, this is the money for the meal. Do you think it's enough?" Qianqiu took out the silver he had just exchanged in Qianzhuang and asked 500 taels.

"What did the prince say? Today's meal is mine. You two don't have to pay." The boss said generously.

Qianqiu frowned and looked at the guests who kept coming in at the main door behind him. He seemed to understand something and said, "Well, there will be more shopkeepers."

Qianqiu and Liancheng came out of the restaurant and flew all the way. The scenery along the way became, and Qianqiu became more and more familiar, but Liancheng became more and more strange.

"Brother Qianqiu, where are we going?" Liancheng asked again.

Qianqiu replied without looking back: "Go to a really quiet place."

"Really quiet place?" Liancheng is puzzled.

Soon after, the two arrived in a continuous mountain range, and in this mountain, there was a path that followed the river to the outside of the mountain, and Qianqiu was about to come here.

"What is this?" Lian Cheng looked at the abandoned village in front of him and said doubtfully.

"This is Xiaohe Village." Qianqiu said.

"Xiaohe Village?" Liancheng was stunned and then said, "Is it Brother Qianqiu's home when you were a child?"

"Yes... It's a family, although there are only two people. Qianqiu said.

Two people? Which two?" Liancheng seems to be very interested in Qianqiu's affairs.

"Me and my sister." Qianqiu said.

"Your sister?" Lian Cheng looked at Qianqiu walking into the village and asked.

"You will see her later." Qianqiu looked at the village that had been covered with weeds and said.