sword array

Chapter 9 Broken Finger

When Yan Song saw this, he was shocked. He shouted, clenched his teeth, and suddenly turned around. Before a wolf landed, he clenched the iron sword and cut it out at the wolf's tail. The ice wolf's body was hard, and Yan Song fell to the ground. He only felt that his hands were painful and numb, and the iron sword had already been shaken out.


Another long roar, the ice wolf's buttocks were thrown a blood gap from top to bottom by the iron sword, and its tail was split. Although he could not die, he would definitely be incontinent in the future. It staddled twice, and its blood-red eyes looked at Yan Song like resentment. Its middle and upper fangs drooled and were extremely greedy, and suddenly jumped up.

Yan Song was frightened. Before he could react, he was thrown to the ground by the ice wolf. Seeing that his fangs were about to bite him, he used his strength to suck and kicked on the ice wolf's crotch.

There was already a blood seam there. On this foot, the animal's voice changed. In anger, it raised its front paws and suddenly exhaled a cold breath in its mouth. In addition to being strangely cold, it was also strangely stinky. Yan Song smelled that he was about to vomit, but suddenly felt a bitter cold. The whole head almost did not respond in an instant.

His eyelids were so frozen that he couldn't lift them up. He was weak in consciousness and faintly saw his fangs in a big blood basin and bite him, but he had no ability to resist.



A few bows and arrows sounded in his ear. Yan Song felt the ice wolf struggling twice, and then tilted aside...


Wake up from a daze, Yan Song found himself falling into the arms of a white teenager and had no time to check the wound. The first thing he felt was that something seemed to be wrong with the teenager, but he couldn't say where it was for a while.

"Are you awake?" The white teenager faded his worry and couldn't hide the excitement in his heart.

He staggered to stand up and shook his head fiercely. Yan Song felt that his head was still numb.

The fair teenager hurried up to hold him and said gratefully, "Thank you this time, otherwise, I'm afraid--"

"Thank you, you saved my life differently. Besides, if it weren't for your arrows this time, I would have died. Yan Song smiled and knew that his head had not recovered at this moment. He didn't want to talk more, and he was too lazy to think too much. The only thing he cared about was the ice wolf who was hit by an arrow on the ground.

"My name is Clip, how about you?" The fair teenager asked with a smile.

"Dumb." When Yan Song spoke, he staggered to the ice wolf's body. His whole head, only his eyes were so excited.

After seeing this, the white teenager took the dagger from his body, took a few steps forward, and then cut off the body of the ice wolf. He turned it over and finally took out a blue beast elixir from a vague mass of flesh, a first-level beast elixir. He took the beast elixir in his hand, turned his eyes, and said with a smile, "I want to say that this ice wolf belongs to you. You must disagree. So--

"Half per person!" Yan Song's words were simple and appratic. He knew that if he wanted to say that the ice wolf belonged to the other party, he would not do it with the other party's temper.

The two hit it off immediately. The clip calculated the price, and then received the ice wolf from its own bag, took out two smaller animal elixirs from the bag and handed them to Yan Song: "These two are ice wolf cubs. Although they are small, they are also intermediate. You can take them."

Yan Song's head seems to have recovered a lot. He smiled richly and put it in his arms cheerfully.

"This bow is a low-level mysterious soldier cast by my father. It is supported by the energy of the beast elixir. It has saved my life several times, and it is also a master, so I won't lose it." The clip clenched the bow in his hand and said to Yan Song, "You are also a good person."

"Your father cast it? Your father is... a swordsmith!!!" Yan Song was surprised, and his excited expression suddenly stunned. You should know that in a small city like Ye Nan, the lowest-class sword casters are like superiors. In Ye Nancheng, there are absolutely no more than two sword casters! And the father of the clip turned out to be a swordsmith. Who will he be? If you are a swordsmith, why let your children hunt here?

The clip seemed to realize that he was too abrupt, so he vaguely smiled.

Seeing that the other party did not answer, Yan Song no longer asked. He thought for a moment, hesitated, and finally said, "Clip, I really need the beast elixir now. Can we cooperate? Just like just now, I will attract the fierce beast, and you are responsible for shooting. You are stronger than me, and what you have gained is six or four.

The clip frowned slightly: "Yes, it's just..."

"Just what?" Yan Song has thought that as long as he can cooperate, he will try his best to meet the requirements of the other party.

The clip smiled and said, "Just don't let my father know."

"No problem." What a big deal? Hearing the words, Yan Song agreed.

Seeing that Yan Song seemed to have a special preference for the beast elixir, the clip pouted and his expression was embarrassed: "There is still a little..."

"What?" Yan Song can let it go. He has thought about taking a few steps back, not to mention that the other party has just begun.

The white face of the clip suddenly smiled: "If you want to share equally, you and I will."


In the depths of the forest, a figure blatantly held a torch and broke into a cave. As the torch flew in like a parabolic, there was a sea of fire and howling in the cave. A first-level black civet had two or three cubs in its mouth, walked out of the cave with resentful eyes, and then pounced on the figure with four claws like swords.

A hand-to-hand fight, blood splashed everywhere, the periphery of one person and one beast, several bows and arrows broke out of the air and successfully solved the black beaver...

Such scenes are constantly staged in the depths of the Valley of Love, from black beaver to Firefox, from ice wolf to golden snake. Since a month, these first-level fierce beasts have been restless day and night, facing the destruction of this horrible combination at any time.

In the bloody battle with the fierce beast again and again, Yan Song first successfully opened the foot Shaoyin meridian and broke through the quenching double, and then successively opened the hand Taiyin meridian and the foot Taiyin meridian, quickly breaking through the threefold of quenching body.

The compaction and practice of Xuanwu skill is already very fast, and with the assistance of the internal vision function, it is even faster. The breakthrough of the triple quenching body in March is inseparable from Yan Song's desperate efforts. In a sense, this speed was exchanged for his life by dancing with the beast.

The clip is a professional hunter. He doesn't want to kill all the fierce beasts. At the same time, he is also worried about Yan Song's physical overexpendation. Yan Song also feels that the beast elixir has almost the same, and he should go back to practice his mysterious skills, so the two suspended their cooperation.

Yan Song felt very happy about this cooperation and gains. He first went to Yenancheng Elixir Shop, Beast Dan Pavilion and other places to exchange all the things he had obtained into metal animal elixir, and then excitedly rushed back to the cabin of Love Valley.

"20 first-level intermediate beast elixir is equivalent to hundreds of low-level elixir, which should be enough for your appetite." When he said this, he was still uncertain. I'm afraid that the little jade tripod in front of him could even swallow a mountain.

He exhaled gently and relieved his worry. Yan Song paused, then poured 20 beast elixir into the nirvana tripod, and then stared at the jade tripod without blinking, looking forward to it. A moment later, the light of the Nihun tripod flashed, and Yan Song's eyes also tightened. Fortunately, all the information of the broken mysterious finger came into his mind.

Breaking Xuanzhi: With the right little thumb alone, it can break people's protection of the body. Sanxuan can respond to the enemy, Wuxuan can defeat the enemy, Qixuan can leap the level, and Jiuxuan can exert force through the air.

"Can the weakest thumb be so perverted?" Questions go to doubt, but the young man's little face is full of excitement.

At the same time as Xuanxiu broke the method of practicing qi, Yan Song began to strengthen his little finger.

First of all, he considered that if the little finger wants to exert strength, the arm must be difficult, and the strength of the right arm is necessary. This is trained by one-arm push-up. The little finger is practiced by poking the sand table.

For ten days in a row, Yan Song insisted on practicing push-ups with one arm. At first, he could only do ten at a time. In the process of doing it, he paid great attention to the operation of Xuanqi in his body. Slowly, he could do 20, and then 30. Ten days later, he could do 50 at a time.

At the same time, the weakest little finger in the ten fingers kept poking the sand table, grinding the skin and bleeding non-stop. Similarly, every time he took action, Yan Song considered the operation of the mysterious spirit in his body.

When the little thumb first became powerful, Yan Song turned to poke the sand bag. At the same time, the one-arm push-ups continued to increase the number of times and tried to do it with four fingers, three fingers, or even two fingers, including the little finger.

Ten days later, the sandbag was safe, but Yan Song could do push-ups with his thumb. Although it was difficult, he could insist on doing more than a dozen. Each time the operation of the mysterious spirit in the body was increased by one or two, and the quenched four-fold hand solar meridian actually rushed out in the push-up of two fingers.

At this time, his right arm was obviously thicker than his left arm, and even when he walked, he felt his body leaning to the right.

Continuing to insist on Xuanxiu and finger practice, and half a month later, Yan Song has initially mastered the practice of breaking Xuanzhi. Under the operation of Xuanqi, he can even do 20 or 30 push-ups with a little thumb.

Countless times poked on the sandbag, and the mysterious energy in his body kept running. At a certain moment, the mysterious energy in his body surged, and his thighs to his chest and abdomen, a tortuous meridians flashed slightly, and the solar meridian broke itself.

Yan Song knows that such intensive training is more tiring than individual Xuanxiu, and only he knows the pain. There was a burst of self-pity in his heart, but there was no strength in his hand. His right hand broke the mysterious finger, like thousands of times before, a little bit at the sandbag, and the tip of the tip of the little finger appeared slightly, and suddenly punctured the sandbag.

"Breaking the mysterious finger three mysteries! I can fight against the enemy!"

In four months, he broke through the four-fold quenching body and initially practiced to break the mysterious finger. Although Yan Song was surprised by the abnormality of this Xuanwu skill, he was also worried that his speed was a little too fast, and it was time to slow down. Xuanxiu emphasizes that Zhang Chi is moderate, fast and slow. If he pursues speed and breakthroughs, his body will not be able to withstand it sooner or later, but he will not lose.

"With my current broken mysterious finger and a better weapon, I should be able to deal with a first-level fierce beast." At the rusty iron sword on the table, Yan Song secretly had an idea in his heart: "Fish some fierce beasts and go to the city to buy a decent weapon. There are still two months before the family can practice martial arts, improve their strength, hunt more beast elixir, and strive to get another mysterious skill.

After making up his mind, Yan Song picked up the iron sword and walked out of the hut.

Two days later, he took five or six first-order primary beast elixirs and more than ten primary spiritual grasses, took iron swords and left his residence.

came to Ye Nancheng and sold all the things he had hunted in the elixir shop and the Beast Dange. In a blink of an eye, there were 200 more copper coins in his empty red crystal card. Although this money can't afford Xuanbing, better ordinary weapons are still OK.

Yan Song was quite relaxed and was looking for a sword shop on the street. Suddenly, two people behind him pushed him away and then scolded, "Good dog is not in the way. If your clothes are rotten like this, you still come to the city!" With that, he continued to rush forward.

He was speechless.

People in the world are following a very intuitive physical phenomenon: when you stand higher than them, they will look up to you and admire you. When you stand lower than them, they will naturally look down on you and even despise you.

The unfairness reflected in this small city represents the unfairness on the Xuanqi continent in a certain sense. More is better than less. Yan Song stared at the two people just now. He planned to leave, but he didn't expect to see an acquaintance at this glance.

Among the crowd in front of him, a thin man with a sharp mouth and cheeks was pushing a teenager in cloth to the ground with the two guys just now. In the cloth bag carried by the teenager, three fine steel swords were scattered on the ground, sharp.

Yan Song's pupils shrank slightly, and he recognized at a glance that the thin man with a sharp mouth and cheeks was none other than Yan Ke's entourage. When he saw this man, the teenager's eyes couldn't help narrowed.

The dog's expression was arrogant, and an evil light appeared in his eyes. He pointed to the teenager on the ground and said, "The little rabbit is so bold that he dares to play with an axe and sell these broken weapons next to the Yan family's sword casting workshop, isn't he?"

"What you have learned is that you will never dare to do it again in the future. Please be graviting!" The teenager on the ground wore a leather hat and was dressed as a hunter. He looked up at the dog left. His white skin and handsome face immediately made Yan Song's heart tremble: "It's a clip!"