sword array

Chapter 15 Ultimate Ratio

Many people have been looking forward to the comparison of the top four for a long time, but no one expected that Yan Song, a dark horse, would break through the thorns all the way and miraculously out of the siege. The middle-aged man shook the wooden box and shook out two notes for a moment. He took it in his hand and looked at it and shouted, "Four strong comparison, the first scene: Yan Li vs Yan Ke."

There was a burst of boos from the people under the stage. They didn't care what Yan Ke beat Yan Li like. What they were concerned about was that the latter pair was naturally Yan Song's to Yan Yan Yan. Yan Song's previous revenge emotions were obvious to all. They didn't know whether this fierce character would show mercy to Yan Yan's men.

In the center of the martial arts arena, Yan Li blinked at Yan Ke opposite him and whispered, "Brother Ke, you are the first one. Don't hurt me. We have other tasks!"

Yan Ke nodded and looked at Yan Li with deep meaning. The two then set off their posture and competed for 20 or 30 rounds. In the end, Yan Li lost to Yan Ke. When the middle-aged man announced the result and announced the next comparison between Yan Yan and Yan Song, the descendants of the Yan family outside the court sighed.

Looking at their expressions, some want to see the match between the two strong men, and some want to see the excitement of the two of them. Whether Yan Song lost to a girl or Yan Yan was broken by a broken arm, of course, more of them are still with male heroism and never forget to protect the safety of women. Some teenagers even ask for it directly with sissy. Yan Song mercifully.

Facing the comments around him, Yan Song turned a deaf ear and looked at the void expressionlessly.

Yan Yan was dressed in pink and floated like a fairy in a flower. At this moment, she put away her smile, walked to Yan Song, looked into the other party's eyes, and said solemnly, "I'm not afraid of being abolished by you. I just want to sincerely apologize to you in front of everyone. In those years, I had different experiences and different mentality, so the way of dealing with things... Yes I can't afford it."

Yan Yan said and bowed deeply to Yan Song. Yan Song looked disdainful. He didn't know which song the other party sang and stood still. And Yan Yan lowered her head and bent down motionless, as if waiting for Yan Song's answer.

There was an uproar outside the field, and he opened his mouth to look at the almost static scene in the field. For a long time, someone really couldn't stand it and shouted, "Brother Song, Song, you forgive Sister Yan, right?"

After the words, it seemed that a spark had ignited a gunpowder barrel, and the harmony outside the field suddenly came one after another. For a moment, the descendants of the Yan family pleaded for Yan Yan. In the face of this group of powerful people, Yan Song was speechless. He would like to see what else they could do.

Seeing everyone pleaded for mercy, Yan Song was still indifferent, especially his granddaughter who still bent down and bowed motionless to Yan Song. The financial elder in charge of the operation of the Yan family could no longer help it. He suddenly got up and the old-fashioned Long Zhong's voice came to the scene: "Yan Song, you don't appreciate my granddaughter for apologizing to you like this. Is it? Do I, the old man, bow to you, too?"

Yan Song has been compared all the way until now, and his anger has gradually subsided, but when he heard this, he was immediately full of anger and turned to the financial elders and said, "Apity? Then let me ask first, why did you apologize to me? If I am still a loser, will she still apologize to me?

When Yan Yan heard the words, her bowing body suddenly trembled, and then stood up straight to express something, but when the words came to her mouth, she suddenly saw her grandfather, that is, the elder Caizheng, was winking at herself. She immediately felt it and continued to bend down and bow.

Yan Song took a panoramic view of this scene, snorted coldly in his heart, and said to Yan Yan Yan faintly, "My recovery of strength can bring greater benefits to the family, so you don't hesitate to take a step back and let me vent my anger and let go of the past today, right?"

Yan Yan's heart trembled, raised her head with a smile, and smiled at Yan Song, "It turns out that Brother Yan Song knows Yan'er's intention, and Yan Song can put the overall situation first--

"Fuck the big picture!" Yan Song was furious and cursed. He pointed to Yan Yan and said, "Only the strength is the head. For the interests of the family, you can ignore people's words. You don't even have the most basic principles of life. What qualifications do you have to apologize here openly!? I want to ask, how can you be worthy of an apology!"

Yan Yi didn't swallow a mouthful of water and choked out all of a sudden. He couldn't help getting angry and was about to attack. The elder Gong next to him quickly persuaded him and said, "Half a year of six-fold quenching body, can't such strength explain the problem? Take a step back. We used to be clumsy, and we really need to focus on cultivating this child! Stop it, stop it!"

I don't know how many times the martial arts arena has been so quiet. For the descendants of the Yan family, they only want to improve their strength, and they don't have the courage to think about the overall situation. Therefore, Yan Song said that they are not angry, but have a resonance in their young and frivolous hearts. Compared with those adults, they want to be free and think more about themselves. There is nothing wrong with them.

Some people think that if the members are strong, the family is strong, while others think that if the family is strong, the members are strong. Neither is wrong, but there is a moral problem, a character problem.

After all, the silence is coming to an end. Looking at the granddaughter who was still bowing her head and endured Yan Song's scolding for the benefit of the family, the financial elders could no longer care about their identity. They stood up and bowed to the field and said, "My old bones have nothing to ask for. There is no need to look at anyone's face, including the patriarch. After all, the reason why I apologized to you today is for the benefit of the family. In recent years, the family has few people and the business is weak. If there are few strong people, the Yan family will not go far away! You are dissatisfied and angry, and you vent to your heart's content. I just hope that you can quickly integrate into our big family.

The financial elder's words were pertinent and quickly infected the off-site teenager. Even when they heard Yan Song's ears, their anger subsided. At this time, Yan Yan, who had been enduring Yan Song's abuse, also said at the right time: "It's not only me. I apologize to you today on behalf of all the descendants who have made mistakes. I just hope that we can abandon the past and work together. Guangyao family.

She said that the young people who had been infected by the words of the financial elders before had a faint resonance, and their eyes suddenly became wet. Yes, they have confrontations and contradictions, but they also have common interests, and they still have to fight for the future of the whole family.

Yan Yan still bent down and bowed her head and did not move. The whole audience was dumb for a long time before some descendants reacted and shouted, "On that day, I was ignorant and ignorant. Please forgive me, Brother Yan Song!"

"On that day, we were young, ignorant and clumsy. Please Yan Song's elder brother Yuan Liang!" This time, the voice is louder, almost the voice of most people.

I have to say that Yan Song was also infected by the atmosphere on the field. From the standpoint of the Guangyao family, they did not have any contradictions. At this point, he also saw the other side of the group of teenagers with poor character around him, so he signaled everyone to be quiet and said, "People are not saints. Xian, who can be at no wrong? I forgive everyone."

When everyone heard the words, they were immediately relieved: "Thank you, Brother Yan Song."

"Thank you, I... admit defeat." Yan Yan finally raised her head and smiled at Yan Song. She walked out of the court without asking for anything in return.

The descendants of the Yan family outside the field were in an uproar again, but they immediately calmed down and praised Yan Yan's broad-mindedness. Many teenagers who were not familiar with Yan Yan were completely impressed by her demeanor and temperament at that moment, and their eyes were full of worship and admiration.

Sarolds also nodded meaningfully, and the elders were even more pleased to praise the financial elders: "Old man, your granddaughter, know how to think about the overall situation, for the family, admire and admire." The financial elder brushed his beard. Just now, he felt that what he had done had fallen off, but now, he has set a good example for the younger generation and is very proud.

Yan Li looked at Yan Ke and said with a complicated expression, "This boy seems to be very popular. That little girl actually--" Before Yan Li finished speaking, Yan Ke raised his hand and stopped the other party's conversation. At this moment, all his attention was focused on Yan Song, and his eyes were murderous.

The middle-aged man announced Yan Song's victory, and then said, "The third game: Yan Li chose the third and fourth place against Yan Yan Yan."

Walking to the scene, Yan Li stared at Yan Yan with a reproachful expression. And Yan Yan didn't explain. Everything just now showed that she did the right thing, and then she put on a posture and prepared to make a move. Seeing this situation, Yan Li gritted his teeth and took the lead in making trouble. The two went back and down in the martial arts arena, and the mysterious skills were shown one after another. In the end, Yan Yan was superior and defeated Yan Li in the 70th round.

Although he lost, Yan Li was still unconvinced: "If I can't beat you, it doesn't mean that I can't beat that waste. Wait. Sooner or later, I will teach him a lesson!"

When the middle-aged man announced Yan Yan's victory and reported the final duel between Yan Song and Yan Ke, the surroundings were absolutely quiet. The descendants of the Yan family outside the court half opened their mouths and looked at the two people on the stage without blinking.

The financial elder had not recovered from the excitement just now, and his granddaughter won again and was even more happy. He asked the elder Gong, "When Yan Song fought against Yan Mang, he had already reported that he was six-fold. What do you think of this comparison?"

The elder Chuan Gong sighed and frowned, "What else can I see? Yan Ke has been quenched seven times. No matter how strong Yan Song is, he can't fight beyond the level. It's already a miracle of the family to win the second place."

Yan Yi was happy to hear this and picked up the teacup and tasted tea. Although he knew that Yan Ke would win, Yan Song was also his own son after all. The martial arts competition of such a big family finally fell on his two sons, making no one proud of him.

Yan Ke is dressed in black gorgeous clothes and Yan Song is dressed in white cloth, one black and one white, with sharp contrast. Standing in the field, he is particularly conspicuous. Seeing that Yan Song didn't say a word, he walked in vain. Yan Ke touched the corners of his mouth, which seemed to imply something. He smiled and said, "I won't show mercy." With that, he slapped out, cold and unstoppable.

is the true martial arts Huangjie mystery skill: green frost palm.

Yan Song was not afraid. He met Qingshuang's palm and pointed out: "Breaking Xuanzhi, Wuxuan!"

With their palms facing each other, with a bang, the two of them stepped back three steps, both with a slightly white face and a cold sweat on their foreheads.

Yan Ke gasped, his eyes narrowed, and his evil spirits were awe-inspiring. He didn't make a move, and then he became more fierce. He put his right hand on his back and suddenly pulled out a cold and awe-inspiring knife from his back. The people around him were surprised that they dared not speak.

It's Zhenwu Huangjie Xuanbing: Dragon Slayer!

In the family martial arts, weapons can be used, but among the 100 descendants of the Yan family, there are less than ten Xuanbing. Up to now, only Yan Liyan and two or three of the top seven have used Xuanbing.

There are fewer Xuan soldiers and fewer people practicing Xuanbing Xuan skills. If you take an ordinary sword on the stage, it will only hinder the performance of bare-handed Xuan skills and draw snakes to add feet, so most of the comparisons do not use weapons.

Yan Ke fought empty-handed all the way and easily won. In this ultimate battle, he showed Xuanbing in only one round, which was already surprising, but what's more shocking is that his own quenching body is seven times higher than his opponent.

Someone outside the court felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere and said in surprise, "Xuanbing's mysterious skills, coupled with his own cultivation advantages, is Brother Ke going to abolish Brother Song?"

In the face of Yan Ke's action, Yan Yan's expression was also nervous. She covered her mouth with her little hand and said in surprise, "Although I admit defeat, he may not be able to beat me, let alone Yan Ke? Did I hurt him..."