sword array

Chapter 23 The Virtual Step Method

Yan Jia kept running all the way. When she rushed back to Jianzhai, she was so tired that she was panting and sweating. She plugged the door of Jianzhai back, ran up to the second floor, then took out the ring and moved Yan Song to **. At this time, the face of the young man in white was still very pale, with no spirit in his eyes, and he looked sleepy.

"Take a break first, and I'll boil some elixir for you!" Yan Jia said and wanted to turn around to get the medicine.

Yan Song grabbed her, the corners of his mouth trembled, and said very weakly, "No, I'm not energetic. I'll be fine after a while." Although his consciousness is a little vague, he still remembers his mother's last words to him in the letter: Xuanxiu, the most taboo elixir, is three poisons of medicine. None of those top strong people in martial arts ginseng can achieve it by taking elixir.

Seeing that Yan Song's eyes were firm, Yan Jia had to give up. She went downstairs, soaked the towel with warm water, then applied it to Yan Song's forehead, and poured a glass of water for him and put it beside the bed. After everything was cooked, she sat in front of the bed and guarded it.

Yan Song's spiritual power could only control the object within three meters, but this time he forced himself to move the object at four or five meters. The mental loss was extremely serious, even weaker than when he broke the Xuanzhi Qixuan before. After lying on ** for a day, he could get out of bed and walk around.

Presumably, Yan Yan and Yan Li told all the experiences of the family members. The next day, the head of the Yan family and the financial elders hurried to Jianzhai to express their condolences to Yan Song on behalf of the family patriarch. Seeing that Yan Song was weak, they doubled their concern and told him to take good care of his injury and leave reluctantly. A few hours later, he ordered people to send 10,000 gold and a lot of elixirs. Although Yan Song was weak in spirit, he still accepted it soberly and generously.

The teenager knew that after the family knew that he had the talent for spiritual power, it would definitely cultivate him into a swordsmith. Those gold were just to express the family's attitude towards him first.

During this period, other elders, as well as Yan Yan and Yan Li, also came to visit one after another. They were invited out by the weak Yan Song without saying a few words. After all, he was too tired.

On the third day, he barely recovered his strength. At that time, he was still unable to practice, so he had to try to enter the virtual realm of Jade Bodhi. After observing for a while and feeling that his spirit had almost recovered, he put the beast Dan of the third-order fierce beasts bought with 5,000 gold coins into the Nihun Tripod. In an instant, the golden light in the Nihun tripod flashed, and then a consciousness spread to Yan Song's mind.

Although the spirit is very poor, Yan Song feels that this memory in his mind is particularly clear, which is the secret of the swordsman. To Yan Song's surprise, the most indispensable premise requirement in the imperial sword style is spiritual strength. It can be said that one of the imperial swords is how to cultivate spiritual power!

Yan Song was naturally excited about this. He was worried that he didn't know how to improve his spiritual power. At that moment, he carefully filtered all the tips of the sword style in his heart and firmly understood it clearly.

In the following days, Yan Song began to close the door again. This time, the main purpose of his cultivation was to shift from the abated gasification of the lower Dantian to the Meijian Niwan Palace in Shangdantian. Because he can see it in advance, he can clearly feel the small structure of his body, which is much more convenient for the control and practice of spiritual power in the Yintang.

More than ten days later, his mental strength improved quickly, spreading from the original distance of three meters to more than ten meters. He closed his eyes, and the structure of half a Jianzhai could be clearly reflected in his brain. In the later stage of practice, every time Yan Jia sat down in the kitchen downstairs and took it upstairs, he could feel it spiritually, and then carefully controlled the food through the air, picked up the stairs, and sent it to the second floor room by himself.

On this day, Yan Jia followed Yan Song's food floating in the air and walked happily to the second floor. As she sat down to eat, she said proudly, "Progress is very fast!" How about our comparison? I can shoot five arrows in a row now?"

Yan Song smiled and was about to answer. Suddenly, his expression calmed down and he said vigilantly, "Someone is coming."

"Who?" Yan Jia suddenly stood up.

"It's okay. It's the elder who passed on." Yan Song said, stood up and walked downstairs.

When the elder of Chuangong knocked on the door, Yan Song had already walked to the door, opened the door with a smile, and saluted the other party. When the elder Chuangong saw this, his eyes were shining and praised, "Kid you realize me in advance?"

Seeing Yan Song's nod, he laughed and didn't hide his excitement at all. After drinking a cup of tea brought by Yan Jia, the elder Gong said no more, looked at Yan Jia, and then gave Yan Song a winking and motioned him to follow him. Looking at that, there must be another baby who wants to arm this family genius.

Yan Song nodded to Yan Jia and followed the elders of Chuangong out of Jianzhai. The two tortuated in Yan's house for a while, and finally walked to Xuanwu Pavilion. Yan Song was a little surprised and asked, "E elder, I've been here before--"

The elder raised his hand and interrupted his words, and didn't say much. He just decided to follow him. In this way, Yan Song followed the elder and entered the Xuanwu Pavilion without registration, passing through the first floor, the second floor and the third floor, and then went up to the fourth floor.

Walking to the stairs on the fourth floor, the elder of Chuangong stopped and said to Yan Song, "Go, the highest floor of this Xuanwu Pavilion is specially prepared by a swordsmith. There is a spiritual boundary here, which can only be opened by relying on spiritual power. We mediocre people are powerless to enter. Due to the limitations of spiritual boundaries, you can only take out a magic formula and a weapon after entering.

Yan Song looked at the fourth floor without a door and couldn't see any boundary or anything like that. Looking at the elder's serious face, he walked forward doubtfully. As soon as he reached the threshold, he was bounced back by a soft force.

He couldn't help but be shocked: "Damn, I didn't feel it!"

Seeing this, the elder almost laughed and said solemnly, "This boundary requires a certain level of mental strength to break. Try it. If it doesn't work, you can come back later. I have ordered the gatekeeper, and you can enter here at any time in the future. However, you can only enter this space on the fourth floor once, and you must choose your skills carefully.

Yan Song heard it happily and said that he could get more mysterious skills and skills for Sister Jia in the future. But he didn't show much excitement on his face. He nodded, then turned around, faced the invisible boundary again, and then slowly closed his eyes.

At the beginning, he still didn't feel anything. After about a quarter of an hour, his spiritual power vaguely sensed that there was indeed a translucent silver boundary at the empty door frame. He tried to control his spiritual power to communicate with it, but after several attempts, the boundary reacted, but still could not be opened.

Half an hour later, Yan Song said helplessly to the elders, "Go back first. I think I will follow it for a period of time, maybe several hours."

The elder was not surprised to hear the words and said, "That's good. Yan Feng didn't succeed overnight. Try a few more times by yourself, and I'll go back first." After saying that, he walked down the stairs.

Listening to the footsteps of the elders gradually fading away, Yan Song turned his head and began to try again. He found that this layer of boundary is not very powerful, but is composed in a special way, just like a profound mystery for ordinary fists and feet. Although Yan Song now knows how to control spiritual power, this can only make him understand that the boundary on the door frame is a technical spiritual structure, and as for how to resolve it, he still needs to figure it out through various attempts.

The elder passed on for several hours, and Yan Song kept trying in the Xuanwu Pavilion. He didn't know when it was now. After more than ten days of practice, his mental strength has been quite good. In the past, he must be as unsistful as last time, but this time it will be much better. A few hours later, he just sweated and was slightly tired and sleepy, but it did not prevent him from continuing to explore.

Slowly, he found some ways. He gradually sensed that there were several different spiritual streams on the left and right sides of the boundary. Once he connected the symmetrical spiritual streams with his spiritual power, the boundary may be opened.

Looking for this principle, he continued to try. This time, he worked harder than before. Slowly, he connected the first spiritual stream, followed by the second and third... As the boundary became more transparent, Yan Song connected the seven spiritual streams with each other and finally walked into it.

In view, the fourth floor is bright, which is the light of the night pearl around the corner of the room. On the jade bookshelf on the left, there are all kinds of thin and thick threaded ancient books, and on the jade shelf on the right, there are all kinds of weapons. Although the number of books and weapons is far less than downstairs, and even can be counted at a glance, there are only a dozen books and more than a dozen weapons.

But Yan Song can see that the books here are old, and at the same time, the weapons belong to Zhenwu purple-level Xuanbing. Generally speaking, although the higher the level of Xuanbing, the more difficult it is to know the master, once he knows the master, the power will be greatly increased. For the swordsmith, after Xuanbing knows the master, it is easier for him to use his spiritual power to control Xuanbing and kill people in the air, which is no longer a legend.

Yan Song first went to the bookshelf and looked at more than a dozen ancient books on it, including primary sword casting, water and fire separation and other sword casting techniques. Yan Songxin said that these tips must be mastered and let him pass them on to me. He continued to look down and saw that the next few were still this kind of swordsmanship. Until the last book, his eyes lit up, because this ancient book had nothing to do with swordsmanship, and it seemed that it was specially written to improve the defensive ability of the swordsmith, called Yuxu Step Method.

As the name implies, the virtual footwork is to use spiritual power to control your own body, so as to fly away from the ground for a long time. This skill is really good. Yan Song felt that he couldn't put it down. He opened the boundary of the book with his mental strength and took this book.

"The family stipulates that only one can be selected. Before me, swordsmithsmen, including my uncle, must have attached great importance to this book, but they know very well that the method of sword casting is related to the rise and fall of the family, which is more important than this. Well, it's a pity that my uncle was dedicated to the family, but..."

Yan Song thought of this, his nose was sore, and he shook his head quickly. He stopped thinking about it. He hurriedly put the imperial walking method into his chest and turned to the Xuanbing place on the other side.

There are more than a dozen mysterious soldiers here, including three daggers, six or seven kinds of dart needles, a flying knife and a kind of flying disk. Because most of the swordsmith's weapons are controlled by spiritual power, they generally focus on long-range attack. In response to this point, there are almost no heavy large weapons, swords are daggers, and darts and so on are the most.

Among the three daggers, one of them has exquisite shape and fine workmanship. At first glance, it is top-quality, and Yan Song took a fancy to it at first glance. But when he wanted to use his spiritual power, the overflowing spirit suddenly captured a special feeling in the rest of the mysterious soldiers. It's not the feeling of the spiritual category, but more like the feeling of something he has experienced before. As for anything, he can't remember for a while.

Looking along the place perceived by the spirit, it is not a sword, a plate, or an ordinary dart, but nine purple needles, twisting like a thin snake, about a foot long. These nine purple needles are arranged parallel to a silver cloth, with the slogan: Purple Dragon Beard.

As soon as he saw the word "dragon", Yan Song's eyes tightened, and his mind suddenly remembered the white marble plate dragon guarding the sword tomb in the virtual world of Jade Bodhi. The nine purple dragons must give him the same feeling as the dragon gave him! A shock of life!

Yan Song took a deep breath and looked at the exquisite dagger next to him again. Finally, he gritted his teeth and chose the nine purple dragon whiskers.