sword array

Chapter 34 Rotten

"Sister Juan, beat me hard and destroy this bastard of the Yan family!" Once Di Linger, who won, saw that the person facing Di Juan was the enemy a few months ago, she couldn't help but ignite a fire and couldn't help scolding.

Di Juan looked at Di Linger in the crowd speechlessly and said that you really didn't feel back pain when standing and talking. Is it possible that you forgot how embarrassed you were that day?

"So you are 38." Yan Song raised a very flat arc at the corners of his mouth, looking as if he was thinking deeply.

When Di Juan heard this, she was immediately furious, and her fear was immediately replaced by anger. His words were like knives, scratching people's hearts and lungs: "I don't know what you are alive, I see you--"

However, before she finished speaking this time, Yan Song on the opposite side rushed up with an arrow step and shouted, "You bitch, you should be sold to Fengyue Building to eliminate your arrogance! Broken mysterious finger——”

When he spoke, the tip of his right little finger flashed and took advantage of the situation to point to Di Juan's lower abdomen. Di Juan was furious when she heard the words, and waved Chi Ling in her hand to meet her. She originally planned to block the opponent's attack with Chi Ling, but when Chi Ling was in front of her, she suddenly found that one of the other party's little thumbs was infinitely powerful, like an iron diamond, and she rushed up against Chi Ling.


Yan Song shouted loudly again, and the little thumb wrapped in Chi Ling suddenly rose again. The light flashed, and the speed and strength of the broken Xuan finger suddenly increased several times. With a click, he stabbed Chi Ling and did not stop. In one night, he directly broke the Dantian under Di Juan's abdomen. At this time, Yan Song's heart softened and stopped attacking. .

Di Juan fell to the ground with a "ah" sound, covered her bleeding abdomen with her hands, and looked at Yan Song with resentful eyes. Yan Song's face was calm and he said slowly, "I have mercy, and you can start practicing again. But remember, don't be so arrogant. Next time, you won't be so lucky!"

"Yan Songsheng!"

Looking at the strong girl in red on the field, she fell to the ground in a blink of an eye, and finally had to be carried out of the court. The crowd couldn't help but burst out with a shout of bragging: "Who is this guy? Is he so cruel to the beautiful woman?"

When someone heard the scene, he suddenly felt unhungrate and hurriedly retorted, "It's right to fight like this. My family was slapped by that woman, because after she scolded us, my little brother scolded her."

Another person thought that he had been very angry and was quite excited. He said, "Yes, that woman is too arrogant to bully others a lot. She deserves to be abandoned!"

After a brief exclamation, there was another burst of appreciation outside the audience, and some people began to talk about the white teenager who originally injured the girl in red was the former waste of the Yan family, and now it is the return of genius. Listening to the admiration after the scene, Sima Feng smiled and looked at Di Lu not far away: "Pir Di, your juniors are also too careless. How can you let the Yan family's waste wood plot? Pay attention to it in the future!"

Di Lu's face was blue and purple. He scratched his short hair with his big hand and said to the people behind him, "Di Rendi Ba, stay for a while. If you meet someone from the Yan family, you must be ruthless and don't be tricked by them!"

After this round of high tide, the next comparison became more and more calm. Until all 34 advanced players were finally selected, no one saw the previous happy and emotional fighting scene.

At this time, Ye Nancheng came to the stage again and announced loudly, "The first round of competition is over. Next, the 34 players who have been promoted will draw lots. The rules of the competition will remain unchanged."

Thirty-four young talents, including Yan Song, queued up again to go to Taichung, draw lots, and then returned to their original position in turn. After a glance, Yan Song saw that the draw was No. 33 this time, and he was the last round of appearance.

The first to play was Di Kuan and Sima Zhao of the Sima family. The two were equally cultivated. After a fierce comparison, Yan Kuan's skills were better and narrowly defeated their opponents.

In the second scene, Di Ba played against Yan Yun. Yan Yun was also one of the members of the competition between Di Yan in the Dragon Gate Hotel that day. As soon as he saw Yan Yun on the stage, Di Linger, one of the people in the Di family recognized him at a glance. Regardless of the expressions of others, he raised her voice and cursed, "Brother, kill that Yan family bastard for me. He has been a few months. The dog who was looking for trouble in the Longmen Hotel!"

The brother and sister were of one heart and there was no suspense. In less than three rounds of fighting, there was a frightening sound of broken bones on the court. In the daytime, the scalp of the people who listened directly was numb. Inside and outside the field, they watched Yan Yun break a leg by Di Basheng, and most of them took a breath of cold air and didn't say a word. But only Di Linger, with an arrogant face, seemed to be not happy, shouted, "It's right to fight like this. Some dogs have to teach a lesson like this! Let's see if they dare to scream in the future!"

These words are extremely harsh in the ears of those who support Di Ba outside the court.

In the next few rounds of comparison, Di Ren, Di Linger, Di Guang and Di Yuan of the Yan family were viciously. Whether it was against the Yan family, the Sima family, or other unknown small families, their victory also won the applause of outsiders, but it was obvious that although the atmosphere was very warm, those The applause is mostly from the excitement, not from the bottom of the heart.

Similarly, Sima Yan, Sima Xing, Sima Jiang and Sima Yun of the Sima family also passed the comparison smoothly. For other families, they fought normally, while for the Di family, they also retaliated fiercely. For the Yan family, I don't know whether they are using it or for some other purpose, they are very polite.

And what they couldn't imagine, this time, Yan Ke, Yan Yan and Yan Li of the Yan family all passed the comparison smoothly. Similarly, they also made cruel to the Di family one after another.

"The last game, No. 33 and 34!"

As the middle-aged man's voice fell, Yan Song and Yan Linger walked to the scene. Suddenly, it was like an explosion outside the venue and discussed it again: "My God, buddy, what do you think this time? It's that guy again, and you bumped on the Di family's unknowingly hurt girl--"

As soon as the words fell, someone suddenly answered and said indignantly, "Don't be vague, just waste it directly. Oh, no, this girl is even more arrogant. I suggest that the guy directly explode this girl's Dantian hole!"

The sultry who has been silent next to him doesn't seem to be able to suppress the excitement in his heart: "I agree."

Seeing this situation, Sima Feng's expression was a little complicated and said, "The top 17 people, four members of our Ma family, six members of the Di family, three members of the Yan family, and the rest of the forces are three. Whoever wins this time is very unfavorable to us. But it doesn't matter. The first place is already in the hands of the Sima family.

The Di family was also a little uneasy at this time. Di Lu dragged his chin with one hand and muttered, "Linger is in danger this time..."

When Yan Ba next to him heard the words, he immediately said, "Father, don't worry, if that man dares to touch his sister and wants me to meet him, he will definitely waste him!" Di Ren looked at the father and son, and a look came out of his eyes and looked at the field.

At this time, Di Linger also seemed to feel danger. Although she had not begun to fight, she was not unimpressed by the slap a few months ago. At that time, she didn't even see the figure clearly and was stunned by the other party's slap-

At the thought of the insult of that day, Di Linger was furious. Her small breasts fell together, and her eyes were annoying again. She scolded, "Dog, aunt must avenge the day this time!"

Yan Song's expression was calm and his voice said coldly, "You are a bastard with a wrong birth, I really want to send you back to the animal kingdom!" After saying that, regardless of how Di Linger reacted angrily, she threw a whip leg at the other party.

Dier wanted to scold when she heard the words, but when she saw that the other party suddenly stepped out, she had to quickly withdraw a few steps. She pulled out the short knife in her hand, danced all the way, and shouted, "Look, I interrupted your dog's leg! Zhenwu Green Level Xuanji: Whirlwind Knife!"

"From now on, if the thing under your nose can still speak, I won't be Yan!" Yan Song's dark eyes suddenly became fierce. At the same time, he took a step forward with his left foot, grabbed the blade of the other party with his left hand, and slapped his right hand in the posture of a swordsman. He rushed to the right half of Di Linger's face with the momentum of thunder.

With the wind in the palm of his hand, it was like a broken bamboo. Everyone outside the field stared tightly, but they couldn't keep up with the palm shadow. Under the sky, they only heard a crisp sound of "pa--", like a thunder on a sunny day. The head of the Di family stood up in terrration.

Di Linger's body was suddenly covered. When she idled seven or eight times, she suddenly fell to the ground. This time she did not faint, but when she looked back, her whole mouth was full of blood, cracked and swollen.

Someone outside the court was as happy as avenging his father's murder, and shouted, "I-my son, this slap is really enjoyable. Just now, I heard that girl fart there, and my pelvic cavity resonated!"

Yan Yan and Yan Li saw this, looked at each other and muttered, "Although I didn't feel dizzy this time, I feel more ruthless than the last slap."

The Di family felt greatly insulted and went crazy. They all stood up and pointed to Yan Song and scolded. Di Lu stared at Yan Yi, the head of the Yan family. However, at this time, Yan Yi, had long been used to not looking at the two families, and he was still discussing with the family elders about Yan Song's slap.

Soon, the thunderous applause and shouts outside the venue overshadowed the voice of the Di family. Seeing so many people around them shouting, they were so angry that they looked at the Yan family and even the Sima family, all showed murderous intent.

"Yan Songsheng!" When the middle-aged man spoke, Yan Song had moved away and walked back to the array of Yan's family. At this time, the owner of Ye Nancheng came to the stage again and announced loudly: "This round of the test is over, and the next round is 17th Jinjiu. The competition rule is still to draw lots, and No. 17 is directly promoted. At the same time, this round begins to add challenges.

The 17 players who were promoted queued up to draw lots for the third time. After returning to the seat, Yan Song took out his signature and couldn't help but look stunned. Yan Yan and Yan Li next to them looked at it and were stunned and said, "Why are you so lucky every time? When the family can do martial arts, you just promote directly..."

PS: At present, it is updated 10,000 words a day, and the fixed update time is before 9:00 a.m., 12:20 p.m., and 6:30 p.m.