sword array

Chapter 127 Second-order Xuanshi

Yan Feng and the elders of the Yan family checked the soles of the feet of more than 40 girls aged 14 to 16 of the Yan family, but did not find blood-red axe-shaped marks. Everyone was a little relieved. Now, they only wait for the elders and others to catch up with Yan Jiayan. If these two girls are not there, then their Yan family can turn to safety. Yan Feng watched Yan Jia grow up. Naturally, he knew that there was no mark on the soles of his daughter's feet, and the financial elders were also very sure that there was no marks on the soles of his granddaughter's feet. Yan Yan Yan's parents were also very sure of this.

Feel a little shocked. Yan Song was relieved. When Yan Feng disbanded the crowd, he said goodbye to Yan Feng again. Yan Feng originally wanted him to stay here for a few more days, but considering the comparison of August 15th and the task shouldered by his nephew, he had to endure the pain and say goodbye to Yan Song. Before leaving, Yan Song had never seen his uncle nag so much.

He came to Ye Nancheng that afternoon and continued on his way that night. Yan Song didn't want to do this, but there was nothing he could do. There was less and less time left for him. Yan Feng personally sent them out of the north gate of Ye Nancheng. On the way, he asked about Xiaowei and was greatly moved by Xiaowei's trip to the imperial capital alone. Before leaving, Yan Song's heart suddenly sank and remembered another thing, so he asked Yan Feng to go back and then check the maids in Yan's house. Maybe Yan Hong didn't want to be noticed, so he hid his eyes and ears.

Yan Feng also patted his forehead and felt that this statement was extremely true, so he reassured Yan Song that the family would definitely deal with this matter. Even if it was true, it would be hidden from the world and not be discovered by the imperial army. Due to Xiaowei's presence, the two's words were relatively obscure. Finally, they said goodbye again and again. In Yan Feng's surprised eyes, Xin Tianying circled down from the sky, then picked up Yan Song's Xiaowei and raised it up again. On the way back, Yan Song was finally relieved. No matter whether there was a princess in the family or not, at least, the family knew about it. There was no better thing, and they could defend in advance. In short, a big difficulty in the family was able to avoid it.

At a high altitude, Yan Song still did not waste any time. Just like when he came, his legs were coiled around the neck of the skyhawk, his hands were connected, and he was constantly restrained. Yan Song, who has entered the realm of Xuanshi, is no longer the Xuanqi liquid of the Xuanshi period, but constantly absorbs Xuanqi to form a cyclone, wrapping the blue pearl, constantly nurturing and warming it. Although this Yuanzhu can't see any difference in the early stage of the Xuanshi Realm, in the later stage, the inside of the Yuanzhu will slowly form an inherent shape, which is the yuan spirit of the Xuanxiu.

According to the information presented in the brain by the water attribute skill, Yan Jian now only knows that the bead changes, the level rises, the yuan spirit comes out, and enters Xuanzong. As for what the yuan god of Xuanzongjing is and what it is useful, he still knows very little about it. What he is most concerned about now is the change of yuan beads and the rise of the level. As the name implies, through the mysterious practitioners constantly absorbing the aura of heaven and earth to conceive and nourish Yuanzhu, Yuanzhu will begin to grow and change slowly because of absorbing pure energy. Each change is upgraded to one level. After the seven changes, the yuan god takes shape and enters Xuanzong.

And this change is also different. Some people's yuan beads will continue to grow, and finally appear internally. This kind of egg-laying and breastfeeding is a little bit. In the end, most of the yuan gods are mythical beasts and birds. Some people's yuan beads will be directly deformed, just like a seed sprouts and blossoms, and this kind of final transformation is the spiritual grass fairy. Another type is the purest mysterious attribute, and the bead will turn into corresponding attributes, such as water, fire and wind. The nature, energy, defense, attack and other attributes of these three types of Yuanzhu are different. As a junior Xuanshi, Yan Song is not qualified to peep so far.

Five days later, Yan Song returned to the imperial capital. Due to the continuous cultivation for more than ten days during this period, coupled with the most pure mysterious spirit in the Star Hall, it was inexhaustible and inexhaustible, he actually stepped into the first level of Xuanshi. Yan Song was not surprised by the fact that he had entered the first-order metaphysics in about ten days. He was surprised that the water-attributed bead in his body turned into two identical beads. One of them still sank in the abdominal Dantian, while the other rose autonomously to the middle of Dantian's acupuncture point between the two breasts and stopped there. Come down.

The acupuncture point is a sea of human vitality. After the blue bead reached the acupuncture point, its shape changed slightly and began to become hazy from the original pure and smooth. Yan Song can feel that there is a reason for that phenomenon, because since the bead reached the sea of gas, the Xuanqi in his body began to run automatically. In a very subtle way that he could hardly feel it, he kept gathering to the sea of air, and then entered the blue beads. At the same time , the Xuanqi in the Yuanzhu is also released in equal amounts, thus forming a very subtle Xuanqi cycle in his body.

What puzzled Yan Song more was that the constantly hovering meridians he had found in his body before because of practicing sword arrays and divine skills. It seemed that he always pulsed inadvertently once, and then Yan Song felt a faint mysterious energy entering the vein... He felt surprised, but he did not feel it. What's the danger of the meridians, so I let it go, because this coiled vein is like a dragon, and Yan Song also gave it a name as the dragon vein.

On the first day of returning to Panlong Sword Academy, Yan Song found Liu Yun and told him that his family had learned about this. Although it has not yet been found out who the real princess of the previous dynasty, once it is found out, the Yan family will definitely keep the secret and protect the safety of the princess of the previous dynasty, and will never let the red sparrow imperial army of the imperial capital catch any handle. After hearing this, Liu Yun was also relieved. At the same time, she was very surprised by Yan Song's speed back and forth. Yan Song just smiled and said that she was charming and good.

However, Liu Yun, who had always been doing things steadily, still couldn't believe it. He asked Yan Song if the eagle was really so magical. Yan Song knew what Liu Yun was thinking. She was worried that Yan Song would coax her and didn't return to Ye Nancheng at all. So Yan Song called Tianying and took Liu Yun to fly in person. This thoughtful girl He believed Yan Song's words and confessed his thoughts and apologized to Yan Song. Yan Song smiled.

The storm suddenly came up and ended suddenly. Yan Songzhong was relieved to practice Xuanxiu at the dead wood elder. In a blink of an eye, 20 days passed in a hurry. While Yan Song tried to practice Xuanxiu, he was always thinking about the Yan family thousands of miles away. It has been a month since it happened. If the Zhuque Forbidden Army in the imperial capital is fast, it should have rushed to Ye Nancheng now and even started to deal with this matter. Although Yan Song believes in his uncle's ability to deal with the world, he can't help but feel lingering in the face of the family's survival.

The closer these days, the more unintentional Yan Song became. Several times, he was forced to wake up from the blue scroll because of his lack of concentration. Looking at a place, he looked at a long time. Not only that, he also had no intention to eat, and even had no intention to sleep. He often fell over and turned and couldn't sleep. He couldn't wait to ride a horse and go home in an instant, so that he could feel at ease.

After a muddle-headed life, Xuanxiu was even more absent-minded. Sometimes when he woke up from the virtual world, he didn't know what he was doing. What's more, he only knew about Xuanxiu, but ignored the set of three-time transmission sword arrays. When he suddenly remembered and planned to practice , and found that although he practiced Xuanshi every day for more than 20 days, he still wandered the first level of Xuanshi because he was not focused. Ten days ago, it broke through the first level, but now it has been in place for 20 days, and the requirements of the three-talent sword array for cultivation are at least the second-order Xuanshi!

That night, he had insomnia for the seventh time. He tossing and turned around in ** and couldn't sleep anyway. He thought about the family's affairs, but delayed Xuanxiu here. For a moment, he had no clue and messed up. He was so angry that he beat his head hard and couldn't wait to drag his hair down. But at this time, because his head was hit, there was a sudden buzz in his seal hall, and then his eyes lit up. An inner light shot out of the abdomen, twisting and flying into his eyes, and then shooting out of his body. He didn't know what was going on, so he forced himself to calm down and look inside.

This inner vision doesn't matter. The teenager suddenly found that he had broken through again, which was a very absurd breakthrough. He didn't know it himself and kept asking himself in his heart: "What is this? Is it possible that this is another village with mountains and rivers without doubt?" However, he didn't think too much, because this breakthrough was the same as last time, which still puzzled him. He quietly watched the blue Xuanzhu in his abdomen declare a breakthrough. Like last time, he once again differentiated an identical Xuanzhu. This Xuanzhu seemed to be conscious. After differentiation, he kept moving up along Yan Song's body and went straight to his Shangdantian Niwan Palace.

At that moment, Yan Song felt that his mind was clear and clear, as if he had seen through all the trivial things, as if he had seen through the whole world. However, that feeling was only for a moment. Immediately, he felt that the blue bead slowly changed from smooth and transparent to a little rough. This was not ordinary roughness, but that there seemed to be some protuberances on the blue beads, and those protuberances, thinner lightning-like silks were constantly released. At first glance, it looks like a glowing blue sun.

At the same time, Yan Song was surprised to find that the 28 heavenly holes in his brain had been opened again because of the blue beads. If a person stood in Yan Song's room at this time, he would see that his eyebrows were as bright as the moonlight. The brightness kept soaring and bright. Finally, the gentle light suddenly dissipated, turning into a brilliant breeze and rushing around. Directly gushing out of Yan Song's room, gushing out of the room where several of them lived, and rushed to the street!!!

Yan Song suddenly opened his eyes. He knew that his spiritual power had definitely improved by a level. Just as he was about to try it, he found the changes in his body again. The beads in the abdomen still maintain the original blue, crystal clear, round and shiny, but the blue beads in the sea of acupuncture point are now white, gentle moonlight white, like thick morning smoke. The blue bead that has just arrived at the Niwan Palace has directly turned into a transparent color. In the world of Yan Song's spiritual power, it is like a pulse, flashing, like lightning drawn from the jade from time to time.