sword array

Chapter 160 Dead Wood Beads

The next morning, Jianyuan held the sixth to 20th ranking competition. Yan Matsumoto, who has reached the top five of Jianyuan, intends to take advantage of this time to make good adjustments to meet the real battle of the strong. But since he met the big bald Chen Xuan yesterday, his head has been haunting the set of bodhi swordsmanship played by the other party all the time, which made him subconsciously think about it all night and can't fall asleep. As a result, he got up in the morning and was very weak. In order to make up for the afternoon comparison, he had to take a nap, but early in the morning, the dean and elders of Panlong Sword Academy sent someone to invite him to talk. The teenager didn't even sleep for a while and was quite unhappy. He felt that all his plans had been disturbed by the bodhi swordsmanship!

Yan Song came to the dean's office sullenly and said that the young master was not sure about the strength of Yanlong Ruoxi and others in the Tai. Now he would rather study them than come here to listen to you old guys! I don't want to think about it. I must have played well and reached the top five. I'm ready to give me some more fairy weapons to help you completely control Long Ruoxi!

Thinking about this, Yan Song pushed open the door of the dean's room with a gloomy face and walked into the room. He was about to worship one by one, but he found that there were no nine elders here, only the old ruffian dean, who was lying on the master on his back, with his head resting his hands and his feet directly on the wall, looking like a copycat king. . Yan Songhong was in a bad mood. Seeing that the old ruffian didn't know what to do, he didn't say anything. He just stood quietly beside him and waited for the arrival of the nine elders.

What about hemp? Why didn't you say hello to the president!?" As soon as the ruffian opened his eyes and glanced at the door, he saw Yan Song looking around the room, but he didn't pay attention to him and said rudely. Seeing that Yan Song was unmoved, he still didn't say a word. The anger that had just floated up suddenly dissipated. He sat up familiarly and bowed his waist and said, "Xiao, I heard that the nine elders have given you two fairy weapons. Take them out and show them to me."

Yan Song was stunned: "It's the same. Who said the same thing?"

"Bullshit!" The ruffian dean said angrily, "I gave you a piece of green clothes before, but not long ago, Haiyue secretly gave you something. Why don't you admit it? Do you think this can escape my eyes?"

Yan Song said "Oh" and said to himself that the ruffian dean did not know that the Qing Xuanyi was swallowed up, so he had to nod and say yes. Seeing this, the ruffian dean snorted coldly and asked Yan Song to take out the second fairy weapon. Yan Song has not known what the ruffian dean is going to do so far, and he hasn't thought too much about it now. He took out the cyan dead wood beads from the ring. Dean Ruffian's expression was originally very calm, as if he didn't see it or not. As long as he knew that it was a fairy weapon, but when he saw the bead, his face suddenly changed greatly. He jumped directly from the master and came to Yan Song with an arrow step. Yan Panasonic consciously retreated and held the dead wood beads in his hand. "What are you doing?"

"Dead wood beads! Did Haiyue give you the dead wood beads? The dean of the ruffian was shocked. At this moment, he didn't care about Yan Song's inexplicable expression. He suddenly turned around, crutched in one hand, held his chin in the other hand, bowed his waist, and said gloomyly, "Thanks to my more mind, otherwise, he will lose a lot!" He suddenly turned his head again and said to Yan Song with a serious face, "Give me the dead wood beads!" Seeing that Yan Song subconsciously took a step back, he raised his voice again and said, "Give me the dead wood beads, do you hear me!"

Although Yan Song did not know the purpose of the ruffian dean, from the attitude of the old man, Yan Song generally understood that this time he was not the nine elders at all, but the ruffian dean tricked him to come here in the name of the nine elders! Moreover, the ruffian dean didn't know anything about Elder Haiyue's handing him withered wood beads. Yan Song doesn't know what the contradiction between the nine elders and the ruffian dean. These two strengths are sometimes combined, which makes people unable to figure out at all, but one thing he knows in his heart that the ruffian dean is an old friendship with Yan Hong. This old guy will not hurt him, but he will not treat him well, and the nine elders are very good to him on the surface. The real purpose of the future is unknown.

Yan Song kept measuring the pros and cons in his mind and considering whether to hand over the dead wood beads. At this time, he suddenly thought that the old ruffian would not deliberately revenge me because the young master injured his grandson! Thinking of this, he shouted badly, made a sudden mistake under his feet, and directly hit the window of the dean's room. Seeing that his body was about to fly out of the window, he didn't expect that the ruffian dean was faster than him, as if there was a prophet. He had known that he had fled here for a long time. He moved his body before him, and then hooked his ankle with the crutch in his hand and pulled him back.

Yan Song's body was unbalanced. He ploped on the ground and said angrily, "Old ruffian, you are not playing with me!" Let me tell you, if you dare to teach me a lesson this time, I will definitely transfer it to your grandson a hundred times after going out!"

"Bight my grandson? I--" The ruffian dean suddenly realized something and slapped Yan Song, and Yan Song subconsciously overflowed the protective sword light to protect himself. The ruffian dean showed surprise again. His old eyes like eagles turned in the sunken eyes. Suddenly, beyond Yan Song's expectation, he actually helped the latter up. "Mang Dan, I'm looking for you for business. If you don't mention it, I have forgotten this long ago. May my grandson deserve it!" His words made Yan Song confused. Seeing that Yan Song relaxed his vigilance, he added, "I came to you today to check the number of fairy weapons in the Fairy Pavilion. Do you know what level of fairy artifact this dead wood bead is? Can I not check it!"

Seeing Yan Song's expression puzzled, the ruffian dean said, "This is a spiritual weapon! The only spiritual weapon in the college!"

Yan Song was shocked. He once heard Qin Shou introduce the classification of fairy weapons. The power of the fairy weapon corresponds to the Xuanbing at the level of Xianwu. It is divided into magic weapons from low to high. There are three levels of magic weapons and spiritual weapons. The magic weapon is equivalent to the immortal martial arts red orange-level Xuanbing, the magic weapon is equivalent to the Xianwu yellow and green green-level Xuanbing, and the spiritual weapon is equivalent to the Xianwu blue and purple level Xuanbing. Yan Song originally thought that it was just a magic weapon, but it was a spiritual weapon equivalent to the blue and purple Xuanbing of Xianwu! He never thought of taking dead wood beads to hurt Long Ruoxi, so he didn't care about this bead. Now when he heard the ruffian dean say that the collapse was true or false, he obviously felt the weight of the beads in his hand.

"I can simply control this bead now, so don't mess around, or you will just burn yourself in vain." Yan Song clenched the right hand of the bead.

"This bead is very heavy. Can you and me control it?" Dean Ruffian smiled obscenely and said "you and me". Hearing this, Yan Song's heart trembled and only heard him continue, "Haiyue gave you this bead. I didn't expect you to control him at all. I just saw that your qualifications were a little special. To be more precise, it should be afraid that you would suck up fairy weapons such as Qing Xuanyi, so just in case."

The ruffian is really smart. If he thinks about it boldly, he will consider whether Yan Song has swallowed Qing Xuanyi. Obviously, he hasn't thought about such a bad thing. Although Yan Song doesn't know the exact reason, he understands one thing, that is, he is dealing with Long Ruo. On this matter, the president of the ruffian and the nine elders disagreed. Yan Song didn't intend to tell the ruffian dean about devouring Qing Xuanyi. He turned to ask, "Since I can't control this bead, why did Elder Haiyue still give it to me?"

"Hey..." The ruffian dean smiled very strangely, "The secret of this is not something that a little person at your level can peep at!"

"Since I can't peep, I don't care about these beads!" Yan Song wanted to blackmail the ruffian dean with this sentence, but he didn't want the ruffian dean to say hello directly: "This is the best. I don't want you to get involved in! Bring it here?"

Yan Song was stunned. He suddenly realized that he had just thought wrong. The conflict between the ruffian dean and the nine elders did not seem to be aimed at whether to deal with Long Ruoxi, but whether he wanted Yan Song to deal with Long Ruoxi! The nine elders are optimistic about Yan Song, and the president of the ruffian has been obstructing this matter all the time! Realizing this, Yan Song withdrew his hand with dead wood beads from his right and asked, "Why don't you want me to get in this matter?" You have stopped me more than once. Why does it have something to do with my clan?

"You finally realized!" The ruffian dean clapped his hands and said, "I'm old friends with your grandfather. Naturally, it's for your own good, but some words are still inconvenient to explain now. Since you know it's because of this matter, why don't bring the dead wood beads quickly!" Remember, this must be kept secret!"

Yan Song was suspicious and handed the dead wood beads to the ruffian dean again. Seeing this, the ruffian dean's eyes lit up and was about to reach out to take it. Suddenly, he heard a sound of a sword outside the window. Then, a white sword light flew in front of the two people, and then heard a familiar voice saying urgently, "Don't hand it over!" At the sound, the figure has flashed in. It was the elder Haiyue in a white robe.

Yan Song had already withdrew his hand as early as the white sword light flew over. At this time, Elder Haiyue came here inexplicably, which really made him confused and said doubtfully, " Elder?"

"He knows that you have something different and is worried that he will defeat Long Ruoxi with fairy weapons in this comparison and become the first place in Panlong Sword Academy! In this way, you can take over the martial soul of the mythical beast, and this is exactly what he doesn't want to see, because he also cove of the martial soul of the mythical beast!" Although Elder Haiyue talked to Yan Song, she looked at the ruffian dean on the opposite side fiercely. After that, her expression eased a little and said to the ruffian dean, "Yun Zhongxian, the college has a rule that as long as you are the first, you will have the opportunity to try the mythical beast martial soul. Don't be so unreasonable about everything, okay? ! Yan Song's physique is very strange, and we have discussed it more than once, but after all, he is a student of our Panlong Sword Academy, and he has this power!"

"I defeated Long Ruoxi?" Yan Song smiled bitterly and said, " Elder, I ask myself that I am not the opponent of Lannuo, not to mention Long Ruoxi. Besides, there is also a Taiyan. How can I get the first place so easily?" At this time, Yan Song, influenced by preconceived, was still thinking that the real reason why the ruffian dean did this was related to his family, so he always felt very awkward when he heard Elder Haiyue's words.

"As long as this is possible, he will stop it." Elder Haiyue said.

What surprised Yan Song was that the ruffian dean didn't say a word at this time. In this way, he was more suspicious of Elder Haiyue, so he asked, "However, isn't it okay for the dean to try to fuse the martial soul of mythical beasts? He has been in Panlong Sword Academy for so many years, and he has almost tried it. It is impossible to try at this time. Don't you give up yet?"