sword array

Chapter 184 Escape!!!

Yan Song saw that Tai Su wore immortal shoes and went up to the virtual. Without saying a word, he destroyed the blue eagle and shook his wings again. For a moment, thousands of blue arrows flew down and pressed on the face of the Taisu. At this time, the ruffian dean on the small building suddenly stepped into the air and saw him leap to the top of Taisu's head and suddenly pushed his hands up. Suddenly, the surging cyan Xuanqi came out of the body and swallowed the blue arrow flying down in an instant. Then it surged up like an explosion. The blue eagle was inady and was hit on the abdomen by the cyan Xuanqi. He couldn't help sighing, and his huge body suddenly rose five or six feet high. I don't know whether he was hit or hit by the blue Xuanqi of the ruffian dean.

Yan Song fell on the back of the Xintian Eagle and felt that it was a little difficult for the Xintian Eagle to fly, so he angrily said down: "Old ruffian! You are a wish to do these despicable things! And you nine elders, who don't even take their personal actions and talk about the interests of the Sword Academy! Wait for me to escape this time, and you will suffer in the future!" As he spoke, he did not stop much and drove the skyhawk to fly far away.

"Chasing me!" As the dean of the ruffian said, his spiritual power surged out, and he took eight steps under his feet, and then jumped up and walked. Behind him, the nine elders jumped up almost at the same time. Although most of them did not know spiritual power, the master of cultivation at the Xuanzong level naturally could not be underestimated. Some of them were flying high in the sky. Some left shadows on the ground, and in this open place, they lit treetops and buildings of varying heights, and continued to chase forward.

At this time, there were suddenly more than Taiyan, Zhao Xiang, and other top 20 students next to Taisu. I only heard Taisu say, "That rotten bird has been sprinkled with fairy magnetic powder by me. His position is completely under my control. Everyone has a chance to make contributions to the sword academy. Follow me!" With that, he crept and rushed out first. Zhao Xiang and others also raised their arms and rushed forward. At this time, thousands of people have come around the small building. Some of these people still don't understand what's going on, but when they see the dean and elders stepping away one after another, some students catch up with them. Everyone also heard that the wind is rain and rushing with the wind in a vague situation.

However, Qin Shou and several people didn't think so when they saw Yan Song's message at noon yesterday morning, thinking that he went to the sword yard as usual. The reason why he wrote that note was that he was afraid that everyone would worry about his injury. But all day yesterday, Qin Shou and several people did not see Yan Song's figure. It was not until dark that they saw that there was still no news from Yan Song that they found something was wrong. For this reason, Qin Shou went to the dean and elders to inquire about it, but there was still no news. At that time, they didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse, but their hearts were hanging. This morning, when Qin Shou and his wife saw that Yan Song had not come back yet, they complained that Yan Song had disappeared without clarifying the matter. At the same time, they made a decision and planned to find him.

As soon as they walked out of the house, they met Liu Yun, who came in a hurry. Before Qin Shou asked, Liu Yun told them the scene he had just seen in the lonely building. Several people couldn't help but be shocked when they heard the words. Sun Kai said puzzled, "Who is right and who is wrong? Brother Song did stay with Long Ruoxi the night before yesterday. Won't he really be confused by that woman?" Lin Feng, who has never talked much, was also surprised: "What the dean and elders said today is very different from what they said yesterday. I don't think it's strange. There must be something strange about it." Liu Yun looked at them impatiently and said anxiously, "The most important thing now is not to talk about the truth or not, but to save people!" Most of the students in the Sword Academy followed the dean and the elders to chase Yan Song. We must find a way to save him!" When he spoke, he looked eagerly at Qin Shou without saying a word.

Qin Shou was very calm, but his eyes became very deep at this moment. He pondered for a while and finally looked at Liu Yun: "Which direction did they escape? I'm going to the family to transfer soldiers and take the masters to save people!?" Liu Yun nodded solemnly and said, "East! They flew east! I want to go back to my family and bring a group of people. Can you do it at your convenience? Qin Shou was supposed to turn around and leave, but his footsteps retreated. He looked at Liu Yun, took off a jade pendant from his waist and handed it to her hand. He said, "Keep in touch at any time," and then hurriedly left.

"We'll go with you!" Sun Xianer's sister and brother and Lin Feng said to Liu Yun. Liu Yun nodded, and the three also rushed to the other side of the street.

Besides, Long Ruoxi and Yan Song, riding on the back of the blue eagle one after the other, could have shaken up and shake off the people behind them by 108,000 miles away, but the nine elders of the rear ruffian dean are superb. Coupled with their resourcefulness, they are simply comparable to human elites. They know tactics, contain, and know how to shoot people first. Shoot the horse. Xin Tianying was just hit by the ruffian dean and was not ready to fly out of the Panlong Sword Courtyard. As a result, it was jointly opened by the nine elders in the rear to open the partial sword array in the Panlong Sword Courtyard.

Although Panlong Sword Array is only aimed at the ground and has few attacks on the air, the power of the sword court of the largest sword courtyard in the imperial capital can be imagined. Even if there are more attacks on the ground and few attacks on the air, it is still strong and sharp, making people unable to dodge. As a result, the blue eagle, which was dozens of feet high, flew like electricity. As a result, it was indeed blocked by hundreds of sudden sword lights below, and there were continuous strong sword light shooting into the air. It shuttled between sword lights, not only two swords in two wings, but also one claw was penetrated by the sword light. While being surprised by the dragon sword array below, the two were more fortunate to have the help of Xintianying. They should be lucky that they were not injured by the main sword array because of their air superiority. If they were not in such a high air, even if it was lower, they would have to get a result of ten thousand swords through their hearts.

They escaped from the Panlong Sword Courtyard and went all the way to the east. Due to the injury of the Xintianying, the flight speed and altitude were greatly limited. In order to relieve the pressure of the Xintianying, the dragon Ruoxi sacrificed the Tianji sword. When the empty man sword was united, it turned into white light and flew beside the Xinying. Because there was one less person on his back, Xin Tianying suddenly rose ten feet under Yan Song's perceptual order, and his flight speed doubled. Suddenly, he pulled the ruffian dean and elders who were about to catch up with him to the back. At this time, the ruffian dean flew in the air, fell every one or 200 meters, and then flew again. Under him, the nine major leaders also showed their magical power, some with swords, some walking, and some left shadows in place, no less speed than the ruffian dean. Looking behind them, thousands of students rushed out from the east gate of Jianyuan and chased east along the two parallel streets. Because of the large crowd, the whole street became a piece of darkness, and the Didu Street suddenly boiled up.

Long Ruoxi and Yan Song kept heading east at a high altitude, and soon came out of an imperial capital. At this time, the people behind delayed a little because they needed a routine inspection to leave the gate. However, after a moment, the black crowd rushed out of the east gate of the imperial capital, and then quickly and faster, quickly lengthened and dispersed. The ruffian courtyard Chang and the nine elders followed closely again. They continued to chase out He Lie, the red-robed elder who was about ten miles and was good at spreading sound. They followed the advice of Yang Bing, the blue-robed elder, and shouted above, "Yan Song, we caught Long Ruoxi. Come back quickly! Come back quickly!"

The sound is like a bell, with strong penetration. Yan Song heard it clearly on the Xintianying. He sneered when he heard the words. No need to guess, he knew that He Lie could not think of this method. This bad trick must come from Yang Bing's mouth. He didn't answer, urging Xin Tianying to continue to fly to the sky. When flying, he always pays attention to the terrain below. If there is a wide road, he will not walk, but picks the wilderness without roads, forests and hills and rivers. However, even so, the president of the ruffians and the nine elders are still chasing after them. As masters of Xuanzong, they go like entering no one's land, like a horse flat river, whipping dust. When encountering rivers, they jump up one after another, flying with water. When encountering a forest, they jump up to the sky and point to the green leaves at the tip of the tree. The speed does not drop, but faster.

He chased 20 or 30 miles away, and the Xin Tianying was a little unrestrained. Instead, the old guys behind him became more and more energetic. Yan Song lay on the back of Xin Tianying, facing the on the oncoming wind, and heard He Lie's words again: "Long Ruoxi, you are so rebellious. Don't hurry to let Yan Song go quickly. You want Yan Song to be with you. Did you die together?" He Lie's words were full of noise in Yan Song's ears. He didn't care, but suddenly found that the sword light around him suddenly trembled, and then he was suddenly left behind by himself - Long Ruoxi obviously slowed down. Yan Song was shocked and let Xin Tianying slow down and walk side by side with Bai Guang. Then he asked Long Ruoxi what was wrong. Long Ruoxi said it was nothing, and then said, "The ten masters of Xuanzong Realm can't be chased. I'm afraid I'm more or less lucky this time. Listen to them and go back."

"I'm going back to die!" Yan Song said directly, and then let Long Ruoxi accelerate, but Long Ruoxi still maintained that speed and said, "Then you can leave with me. They are going to kill me, not you!" This time, without waiting for Yan Song to speak, she suddenly won, accelerated forward, and turned around and flew to the northeast.

Yan Song gritted his teeth and was about to fly to the northeast with Long Ruoxi. Unexpectedly, at this time, there was a sudden wind in the back of his head. Before he could turn back, he felt a violent trembling under his body and almost shook him down. He quickly put his arms around the neck of the Xintianying, but was shocked by the sudden cry of the Xintianying beside him. He subconsciously turned around and looked down and saw that a cyan mysterious spirit slowly faded, and a white sword light was withdrawing. Yan Song stared at the hands of the ruffian dean and Elder Haiyue who were about to catch up below. At this time, he had no other choice. Seeing that Xin Tianying seemed to be seriously injured again and flew slower and slower, he was just about to put it in the discipline. He flew with a teleportation sword array, but suddenly found that the white light flashed around him, and Long Ruoxi's figure suddenly appeared again.

Looking at Long Ruoxi open the ring, Yan Song immediately realized what the other party wanted to do. At present, Long Ruoxi took the Xintianying into the ring, and he began to take a virtual step in the air. As he accelerated forward, he pinched the formula in one hand and shouted, "Sister, go quickly, I can follow you!" At the sound, his body was wrapped in three-color sword light, and then he suddenly disappeared. In the blink of an eye, his figure appeared 100 meters ahead, but the height dropped by more than three feet. When he disappeared again, the figure appeared 100 meters away again, and the height dropped again. It was not until his figure touched the ground that he could rise to the sky again, but after several rises, he would still fall to the ground.

After all, it is at the level of Xuanshi. Although Yan Song's speed of escape with the teleportation sword array is quickly and abnormal to people at the same level, in front of the master of Xuanzongjing, it is simply pediatrics. The rear ruffian dean bowed his waist and did not breathe, so he slowly caught up with it, and its His nine elders also caught up one after another.