sword array

Chapter 208 Serialji

Several elders stood still and watched the ruffian dean being taken away. After a long silence, Yang Bing suddenly said, "How could this happen! Those little bastards gave them a holiday and didn't go home well, and they still drank and made trouble in the city. They really lost face to Jianyuan!" Several other elders also complained one after another. Only the elder Haiyue next to him sneered twice. Everyone asked about the reason. She said lightly, "Although the dean has to take responsibility for such an accident, in the past, the imperial capital just talked to him. Such a thing has not happened before. But this time it's different. Look at those people just now, all of them are serious and don't know. They really think they are fair and honest lavish. Humph, who doesn't know the behavior of those people!?"

He Lie heard the meaning of Elder Haiyue and asked, "What do you mean? Did they have another purpose this time, or did they deliberately take the dean away? Elder Haiyue nodded: "You didn't pay much attention just now. What did the leading guard say? He said his name was Qin Chi, that is to say, he is from the Qin family. As we all know, we offended the Qin family two or three months ago because of the matter of Long Ruoxi and Yan Song. That's what I said, right?" Several other elders nodded one after another, all looking surprised. At the same time, they were still thinking about how to make the dean come out early.

"Let's go to the Tai family?" The elder in the black robe rarely spoke. This time, I'm afraid he thought of where to hold back and had to speak. Elder He Lie is very agreeable, because only the Tai family can confront the Daqin family, and only by relying on the Tai family can the ruffian dean come out as soon as possible to avoid their difficulties and framing. However, Yang Bing, an elder in blue robe, disagreed with this move. He said, "Although the Dantai family is powerful, they are basically not involved in the imperial capital regime. If you want them to save the dean, it is better to find an official family." As soon as he finished speaking, Elder Haiyue turned around and stared at Yang Bing with a very complicated look yesterday. Yang Bing was confused again: "Did I say something wrong?" Elder Haiyue's face was expressionless and said lightly, "Don't you think this is too coincidental?"

He Lie was very puzzled: "What a coincidence? Why don't I think it's a coincidence?" Other elders were also puzzled and didn't know what Elder Haiyue meant. Elder Haiyue's eyes still stopped on Yang Bing. She smiled slightly and said, "What I said is because the whole thing seems to be related to Elder Yang." Seeing several other elders at the same time, he was surprised and said, "Uh?" With a sound, he was still puzzled. Elder Haiyue had to point out, "The dean was arrested because he announced that the college would have an early holiday. Who put forward this idea? It was Yang Bing. In addition, it is necessary for me to think about the current situation again about what happened last night. The mysterious man ran away when he saw me, but he wanted to talk to Elder Yang Bing. This can only be explained by one reason. Yang Bing and we are not in the same position. From this perspective, everything was solved. It was Yang Bing who secretly conveyed the matter to the Qin family last night, and then the Qin family came here early in the morning. As for whether our students really caused so many things, there is no way to prove it just by their verbal words! But now these are not important. What matters is that the dean was arrested, that is to say, he is now in the hands of the Qin family, not in the hands of the judicial department.

Several elders said by Haiyue's words were creepy. These old guys looked at each other and then retreated half a foot at the same time and surrounded Yang Bing. Elder Yang Bing was about to go crazy at this time. He looked around and motioned everyone not to be impulsive, saying, "Ever Haiyue The inference sounds reasonable and there are no shortcomings, so I just quibble and can't say why!" Elder Haiyue entered in looking for a gap: "So, you admit it!" I admit what I am!" Elder Yang Bing shouted angrily. He suddenly found that several elders around him were mysterious, as if they were afraid that he would escape or fight. He had to be relieved and shook his head, and didn't know how to explain: "What should I say, ah... I... I really don't, whether you believe it or not! I still say that. If we do this, we may hit the enemy's way. Their only purpose is to let us fight internally, and then stop us from starting the dragon and sword array!"

"Does the thief shout to catch the thief?" Elder Haiyue replied to Yang Bing coldly, "Do you think we won't doubt you if you analyze the stakes so clearly? Regardless of the lack of evidence, I think it is necessary for us to detain you first and listen to it. When Elder Yang Bing heard this, he was directly anxious and shouted, "Haiyue! How can you be so impulsive! Think clearly, if you lock me up, you can't use the dragon sword array. In this way--" "In this way, we seven elders can still participate in the war alone! We are not afraid. With you by our side, we are not only unable to open the Panlong sword array, but we are afraid that we don't even have the strength to participate in the war alone!" With that, she winced with several elders around her, and then took action together to restrain Elder Yang Bing and escort him to the lonely hut in the center of the sword courtyard.

Several elders left the hut, acted separately, and went to the Dantai family and the Shangguan family to find help. They planned to rescue the ruffian dean as soon as possible, but before they separated, they saw a figure from afar. When the figure saw them, the figure turned around and ran away. Seeing this, He Lie cursed and suddenly turned into a fire and flew away. Rushing forward, he took the lead, and the other elders also found a good direction and planned to ambush them. The eight elders were so fast that they quickly surrounded the place in the distance. They approached little by little. Suddenly, a black light jumped out of a road between Elder Haiyue and Elder He Lie, and then jumped into the sky and suddenly turned into a sword light and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"The combination of man and sword! It's Long Ruoxi's means! This effort is so domineering. I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to catch up with him!" Elder Haiyue bit his red lips and stamped his feet in a hurry. The elder in black robe next to him said, "Long Ruoxi is the moonlight sword light, and this purple sword light is not her!" Elder Haiyue nodded: "Is there anyone else, as the dean said, Long Ruoxi's brothers have helped her?"

"What is that?" At this time, Elder He Lie, standing in the front, suddenly glanced at it inadvertently and saw that something had fallen off the ground just now. He rushed up and saw a letter with several folds. There was no envelope. The crease was very new, and the depreciation was not neat, which looked very hastily. At this time, several other elders also gathered around and asked what was written on it. He Lie quickly opened the letter and read, "It's a great move to win the rest of the elders with Yang Bing! The second step is to take advantage of it and rescue Yang Bing. You two work together to design and make the scene of what they are doing, so that they will not doubt you. Kill He Lie first."

After reading, He Lie trembled suddenly and saw that the people around him could hear it. He read it again quickly and loudly, and then looked at Hai Yue: "The person sent above, but you?" Haiyue looked surprised: "How can it be? I don't know what it said?" He Lie said angrily, "You are so smart that you don't even know it. I understand! You and Yang Bing deliberately designed to deceive us, and then threw him into Laurie. You took advantage of our unpreparedness to save him, and then you two killed us and used the scene of killing together, so that we could not suspect you. Because we thought that Yang Bing was still in prison, and you were alone, how could you do such a thing! So cruel, you woman!" He Lie said, his arms were cut, and his red mysterious spirit suddenly overflowed all over his body, like a blazing fire.

Haiyue was shocked and immediately stepped back two steps. Her action didn't matter. The rest of the elders thought she was going to resist or escape, so they hurriedly surrounded her like besieging Yang Bing. It was not until this moment that Elder Haiyue suddenly realized that she was likely to wrong Yang Bing. She looked around and shouted, "We have all been fooled. Yang Bing is right. He was wronged. We were designed! Hurry up and save him, the enemy is gradually dividing us!" Elder He Lie laughed and shocked Haiyue. He only heard him say, "Save Yang Bing, this paper is very clear. You and Yang Bing are in the same group. Didn't we want to help you kill us when we rescued him?"

After all, Haiyue is a woman. She tasted the feeling of being wronged, and also tasted the feeling of being played with applause. For a while, her heart was chaotic. Her expression, which had always been calm, seemed to be crazy at this moment. She suddenly pulled out her long sword, lay on her shoulder, and shouted: "I'll say it again, listen and wake up!" She shook her head and stamped her feet in a hurry, and tears were about to flow out. "I know you won't believe what I said. Now, I would like to break my arm to show my innocence. I just hope you can believe me." As she spoke, the long sword pressed hard on Xiang's shoulder, and a blood stain had stained the white robe.

He Lie laughed and said, "Your city is so deep. It seems that you are now working for the Qin family! However, no matter which family you work for and want to persecute me, He Lie is the first to refuse! You broke an arm to make us believe you, and then we didn't even want your life? Joke! Go!" He said that he took action with the other six elders at the same time. In fact, Elder Haiyue did not resist at all, allowing several people around him to tie up their arms and then escort them to a lonely building. The elders locked her with Yang Bing to prevent them from escaping from prison and ordered the acupuncture points on them. Although the two of them had the ability to communicate with heaven, if there was no one within three days, they could not rush away.

Yang Bing is a smart man. In a blink of an eye, Elder Haiyue was also arrested by them. He immediately thought that he had been framed and hurriedly defended several people for help. But how could He Lie and others believe his words at this moment because of that paper letter? Even if the two of them tear their throats and shout, they can't get their rationality and sympathy back. Finally, several elders still left here. Haiyue's eyes turned red, and she couldn't move. She couldn't turn her head to look at Yang Bing next to her. Suddenly, she burst into tears and cried: " Elder Yang, I'm sorry! I wronged you!" Yang Bing couldn't see Haiyue, and he couldn't move. He could only express his inner thoughts with his voice: "Who are they? They are so powerful! Unexpectedly, the nine elders of our Panlong Sword Academy were played with in the palm of their hands! Although you and I are not first-class, we are also some smart people in Panlongjianyuan, but we have been caught here together, and we are still our own people!"

Just as the two talked to each other and analyzed the situation, there was an open light above the stone building. They couldn't look up and naturally couldn't see who it was, but soon, two people fell from above and fell to a place where both of them could see - it turned out to be Yan Song and Qin Shou! Haiyue and Yang Bing were stunned directly!