sword array

Chapter 227 Trance for months

The sea ape in his body climbed on the cliff of the flying peak and couldn't move. Yan Song ordered the sky eagle to fly over the monster, jumped to the top of its head, and then used the magic skill.

The memory of the sea ape was mobilized by Yan Song. The teenager found that the monster's residence was in a cave under the water. When he was hungry, he came out for food. Fish in the water, birds in the air, and land beasts ate everything, and it was amphibious. If it was not afraid of the sun burning, it could live on land for a long time.

In the memory of the sea ape, except for the cave at the end of the month, there are all kinds of fish and dolphin food. He can feel that the monster is a little afraid of the sun. As soon as fear was found, as Yan Song's mind moved, the relevant fears also appeared one after another. After searching in the monster's record for a long time, he finally found the scene of that day.

At that time, the sea ape sank in the moon sea. Looking up through the water, the figure flying above looked faint because it was too far and small. Through this memory, Yan Song saw the scene where he saved Long Ruoxi at that time, and then saw the scene of his rapid descent. At this time, the sea ape moved. When it saw Yan Song fall into the sea, it went to hunt for food.

Seeing this, Yan Song was a little puzzled and regretful. He wondered what would happen next when he fell into the sea. Unfortunately, the sea ape only cared about predation and did not observe the above scene. However, what excited him was that at the next moment, there was a strong light on the top of the sea ape's head, which made him afraid. After a long time, he saw the white and red figure in the sky, fleeing in the opposite direction.

Yan was relieved and saw that the monster rushed in the direction he fell. Soon, he saw that he was in the moon sea and kept falling. The sea ape suddenly rushed up. When he was about to swallow himself, a white light above was split, and the sea between the ape was split open, and the huge energy made the two go Back retreated, and there was extreme fear in the ape's mind. At the same time, its eyes were still observing the prey in its hand. It saw that behind Yan Song was the underwater part of the flying peak, where it was suddenly trembled by the huge force and cracked a big crack. Yan Song was directly swept in, and the crack was closed again...

"Is the eldest sister gone? Is she all right? Yan Song stood on the head of the sea ape and said to himself, "If so, who cut the last sword? If it is the eldest sister, will she go down to find me or wait somewhere?"

After thinking about it, Yan Song couldn't think of a reason. He carried the mysterious spirit very carefully and pulled the three-foot wandering dragon out of the body of the sea ape. Then without waiting for the sea ape to react, he jumped on the sky eagle and flew to the peak again. He sat on the top and practiced in the blue scroll for half a month. After waiting for half a month, he still didn't see Long Ruoxi. Now I had to leave the flying peak, jump on the sky eagle, and fly in the direction of the ruler tree.

Flying all the way south, Yan Songyu City is around. Generally, he does not plan to stay in that too prosperous place. The highest grade is just to stay in a small town at night. Under normal circumstances, most of them are eating and sleeping in the wind or staying with farmers. That day, he came to a small town. Although it was dusk, people on the street still saw Yan Song's burnt and horrible cheeks and let go away.

Yan Song has met many times along the way. At first, he was quite uncomfortable, but slowly adapted to it. He ignored the surprised crowd on both sides. As if there was no one around, he walked straight to an inn and planned to stay overnight and leave tomorrow. By the way, after running around for more than ten days, the teenager was really tired. Even if he had reached the realm of Xuanzong, he was physically and mentally exhausted and dizzy.

After cooking with the shopkeeper, Yan Song followed Xiao Er directly to the guest room. At this time, he suddenly heard a singing girl below singing: "April in the world is full, and the peach blossoms in the mountain temple are beginning to bloom..." Yan Song was stunned when he heard the words. This period of time was confused. In addition, the four seasons in the south are like spring. He really doesn't know what it is now. At that time, he asked Xiao Er next to him, "Little brother, what month is it now?"

The little brother was afraid of Yan Song's horrible cheek. As soon as he heard the other party's words, he immediately trembled and hurried forward a few steps forward. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, pretended to be indifferent, and said very politely, "It seems that the objectivity is really hard all the way. I forgot the time. It's April. It's April. Finally, today is April 29th, and May is coming soon!"

Although Yan Song's horrible cheeks did not have any expression, his eyes still showed surprise. It's strange that the opposite little two are not afraid of this reaction. Really? Now... it's almost May?" Yan Song asked again. At this time, Xiao Er walked to the room booked by Yan Song and helped him open the door. He made a gesture of invitation and said, "How can the little man lie to you? Of course it's true." There was a little impatience on his face. If it hadn't been for Yan Song's happy action, he really wanted to say a few words to the other party. He didn't even know which month and day. His face was burned like that. I guess his brain was a little familiar. Idiot!

Yan Song didn't know how he came to the room. He sat at the table and stared at the table without blinking, and his thoughts had already floated out of the nine nights! In his impression, it is January now, because it was New Year's Eve when he and Long Ruoxi went to Feilaifeng to look for the martial soul. He stayed in the sword pool for nearly half a month. Later, he experienced the situation of killing the disciples of the heavenly cave to avenge the fishermen, and then was chased by the five-elves of sword masters of the heavenly cave to Feilaifeng, back and back and back. One more month.

But now it is said that it is almost May, and depending on the attitude of the other party and the situation in the lobby downstairs, it should not be fake. Yan Song is confused because he can't find Long Ruoxi these days. He didn't care about this at all, but now it's clear that he doesn't know how to get through it for several months!" Where have I been in the past few months? Is it..."

He thought that when he was probably sucked in by the cracked peak in the moon sea, because of the strong energy around him, it led to some strange situations. He had never heard of it. In the strong energy flow, many people could travel through. He suspected that he might have traveled to the future for several months! Therefore, Long Ruoxi didn't find him. But when he thought about it, something was still wrong and suddenly realized the greater possibility: "Have I been dizzy at the bottom of the peak for several months? But... I don't eat or drink. How can I suffer for so long? Does it have anything to do with breaking through the Xuanzong realm..."

Thinking that the latter is more likely, Yan Song is relieved for the time being.

Xiao Er served the meal and saw that Yan Song's attitude was much gentle. He was so bold and asked the latter, "Objective, your face..." He knew that it was disrespectful to ask the guests, so as soon as he spit out a few words, he suddenly realized the seriousness of the situation and quickly closed his mouth and retreated out.

Yan Song didn't say anything. When Xiao Er came out, he sighed. His face was not that he had not tried to treat it. His Aoki fingerprints were a very magical healing technique, but for this face, it had no effect. He had also thought about using elixirs to cure it, but when he thought that the injury was caused by the fire cloud sword master of the five elements of the heavenly cave, how could it be cured by the ordinary ancestral medicine shop?

So he also gave up healing. He planned to find the last ruler wood, and then went to the Tianxue Sword School to practice the four-year agreement with Xing Taiyue! At that time, if there is a dragon martial soul, he will not believe that he can't defeat the sword master of the heavenly cave. It is much more chance to win by taking the antidote in this way.

As soon as he ate half of the meal, Yan Song heard the noise from the street. He vaguely heard something, so he went to the window and pushed open the window. Suddenly, the sound he had just heard doubled. Those people on the street shouted, "Come and see. The most outstanding female disciple of the Tianxue Sword School has come to our town. Go and see it!" It won't be a thousand years!" Yan Song frowned slightly (in fact, his eyebrows have been burned long ago), and he said to himself who would be the most outstanding female disciple. As expected, there was another shout on the street: "That female disciple is a talented girl in the imperial capital..."