sword array

Chapter 236 dan tai yue

Someone asked, "If you don't look at the mountains and rivers, is it possible for an old woman to participate in the heavenly cave to change owners?"

The man nodded when he heard the words: "You can't look good. Maybe it's true! Don't those horror-level masters on the Xuanqi continent all wear this kind of non-mainstream dress?

At this time, there was another person next to him, who seemed to know more about it than the two of them, and said lightly, "I've asked about it. The old woman is just a sweeper of the Tianken Sword School. How can it be so mysterious as you say!"

Hearing these people's words, Yan Song suddenly felt speechless. The three big men talked about a beautiful woman's words as a topic. They pulled out an old woman and talked about it for so long. The taste was really unusually heavy. He shook his head, and the teenager continued to walk forward. After another distance, a sky stack connecting Huoyunfeng and Zichenfeng appeared in front of it. This sky stack is a narrow bridge connected by some pointed boulders, but it is a magic work and naturally generated.

Yan Song was about to walk over and have a look. He heard several rapid footsteps behind him. At the same time, he said with the voice, "I heard that there is the first beauty of the Tiancave Sword School on Zichen Peak, Han Taiyue. This beauty is a talented girl in the imperial capital. I haven't seen her face. Isn't it the greatest regret in my life! ?"

Yan Song turned around and saw several young people with long swords. Looking at their appearance and dress, as well as the momentum they exuded all over their bodies, they should also be regarded as disciples of famous families. At this time, another person said, "I heard that Taiyue secretly promised her brother Ruo Junchi on Ruoshui Peak. Fortunately, that guy It's dead. I'm not ready. With the qualifications and appearance of several of us, we can take advantage of it and win our hearts!" Later, the man's voice became smaller and smaller. Obviously, he didn't want to be too swaggering, but he couldn't help but feel excited.

At this time, the third person said, "This is not good. Let's just go and see the fairy. I, Peach Valley, know a little about the murder of Ruan Junchi. Tan Taiyue had no feelings for Ruan Junchi in this incident, because his brother used her as a stepping stone at the critical moment of life and death, ignored her life and died, and only fled for his life. She is heartless!"

Seeing several people next to her listening and a "just right time" expression, the man turned his face and said, "But there was another person who saved her that day, so she has been thinking about this person. We have no chance." Several people lowered their voices, passed by Yan Song and went towards Zichen Peak.

"Peach Blossom Valley?" Yan Song has heard of this name, which is also a famous faction of the Rosefinch Empire. He has always regarded himself as broad-sighted and well-informed. In fact, they do have this strength. At this time, several young people, who also talked and laughed, passed by Yan Song. The teenager thought for a moment and simply followed the flow to meet the beauty with them! This night, Yan Song only visited Zichen Peak next to Huoyunfeng. Except for some guests like him, he didn't see any old women or the Xingtaiyue he wanted to see. As for the five-emerged sword master of the heavenly cave, he didn't see it.

The next day, Yan Song had nothing to do and went to visit several other peaks. He swam last night in Huoyun Peak, the earth-based Zichen Peak. In addition, the three peaks on the other side, in order, he walked towards Ruoshui Peak.

The teenager estimated that today, after observing the three peaks, he devoted himself to Xuanxiu for seven or eight days, so that he had waited for four years to change his master. After a few bamboo forests, through a row of palaces, and the frightening sky stack connecting the two peaks, we arrived at Ruoshui Peak.

If the water peak is in the middle of the five peaks, although gold is the first in order, water is indeed respected according to the prestige strength. Therefore, every four years, the change of owner of the heavenly cave is also arranged on the largest sword test platform of Ruoshuifeng.

Yan Song looked left and right, turned a few corners, and soon came to the sword test platform. This platform is leaning against the peak body, with three sides empty, empty in the middle, with a radius of 100 feet, and the ground is a whole piece of blue stone. It is said that this is the five-line sword cast by Ou Ye's predecessors. He tried its sword with the mountain front. As a result, a sword splitsped out of this platform, hence the name of the sword test platform.

Yan Song looked at the smooth green platform under his feet, and couldn't help imagining the scene of the old man Ou Ye's sword test that day. Deep in his heart, a touch of spiritual light suddenly gushed out, and the four words of Bodhi sword were reflected in the bottom of his heart. For a moment, he couldn't help but be stunned... After a while, Yan Song suddenly felt someone shaking him behind him. He suddenly woke up and turned around and saw an old woman with a turban, bowing her hunchback and her face full of folds.

Yan Song suddenly realized that although he did not hear those people introduce the appearance of the old woman in detail last night, Yan Song also guessed that this person must be the old woman who asked this and that. However, to Yan Song's slight surprise, the old woman looked at Yan Song and did not pay a bow and turn away as others said. On the contrary, she couldn't take her eyes off Yan Song and tried to recognize his original face.

Yan Song was puzzled, but when he saw that the old woman's eyes were as clear as water, he knew that she must be an extraordinary person. Just as she was about to speak, he suddenly heard someone behind him shouting "Chai Fei!" Yan Song's first feeling was that the old woman's hands holding his arm suddenly withdrew, then picked up the broom and turned to the side to sweep the floor. .

Yan Song didn't care about this. He turned around and saw a girl in purple with a long sword on her back. She stood two feet away from him and looked at herself quietly. Her expression was a little excited, and there seemed to be tears in her eyes.

"Tiantai girl!" Yan Song knew that the other party was Tan Taiyue. He suppressed his anger and tried his best to keep calm, but he didn't know why the other party had such an expression!

"You still remember me!" Taiyue lost her voice. Her eyes were full of tears, but with a smile on her face. She came to Yan Song in a few steps and looked at the latter quietly as quietly as just now. Yan Song asked himself that he was far from reaching that state of sitting in peace, but for the woman in front of him, even if he stood naked in front of him, he would not look at her!

He behaved extremely calmly, and suddenly remembered the conversation of those people last night. He couldn't help thumping in his heart: "The buddy said that she remembered a person who saved her. At that time, it seemed that I saved her! Is it possible..." Last night, he thought that the guy would render it casually in order to make others give up their love for Taiyue and enjoy it alone. Now it seems that it is obviously not the case.

At this time, there were also a lot of people around the sword test platform. Many young teenagers looked here. Among them were disciples of the Tianxue Sword School and excellent disciples from other foreign sects, but no matter where they were, it can be seen from their eyes that they all fell in love for the Taiyue!

It's just that Xing Taiyue didn't look at them at all. All the girl's attention was on the person opposite, dressed in white and with a very horrible face. This can't help but make people around talk about it, and most of the foreign guests are relaxed, because in their opinion, such an outstanding beautiful girl as Taiyue will not have a good impression on such a horrible guy in any case. It should be something else to find him.

But there are also some disciples of the Tianxue Sword School. They know very well that Xingtai has been silent for more than ten months since the failure of the last mission and returned to the mountain. This is the first time they have seen her so excited and so energetic that they can't help wondering who the guy opposite is.

Yan Song paused and saw the strange eyes of the people around him. Fortunately, he couldn't show it. He calmly hugged the boxing and said, "Miss Taitai, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Xing Taiyue hurriedly nodded her head, and then looked at Yan Song's horrible face with excitement, as if she were looking at the Prince Charming in his mind: "It's really, it's really great that you're still alive..." With just a few words, she couldn't help lowering her head and twitching, and then suppressed her excitement. Two charming big eyes asked, "Tell me how you survived!"

Yan Song's eyes half blinked and looked aside. He originally wanted to find a suitable reason to solve this problem, but he suddenly saw the old man not far away. She bowed her back and her face was full of wrinkles, but she had a pair of pure eyes and looked at herself without blinking.