Extreme Hero

Chapter 6 ?

Please collect, please collect, please collect, roll all over the ground for collection!

Shanghai's late autumn night blows a breeze from time to time, and you will feel a little cold when blowing on your body. There were not many vehicles coming and going, and Lin Feng walked alone in the direction of the hospital.

Although he did not drive the car to the hospital, he was afraid that Tang Kejia would be worried about him. The reason why he went to the hospital was not because of his physical condition, but that Chen Fei, who was kicked away by him, was so powerful that it was difficult to recover in the hospital. Among other words, in terms of his injury, the hospital would operate to break him. The ribs are connected one by one, and no one will find that there is a slight deformation in his chest cavity, so he will lose the treatment of the chest cavity. In the end, no one will know what Chen Fei will become.

Lin Feng is not a good person. He also saw in the police station that the director who was called Uncle Chen by Tang Kejia was unwilling to help Tang Kejia. If it hadn't been for Tang Kejia's sister, the director of Chen would not have appeared in the police station in the middle of the night. Just as he competed with Cheng Yang, Chen Huai'en stood upstairs and watched. The meaning of stopping it seems that he wanted Chengyang to beat himself violently. Unfortunately, his men were beaten by himself. Thinking about Lin Feng, he felt quite comfortable.

The director remained neutral and left-handed. Chengyang was the captain of a team and had no benefit to him, so he had to start from the small role of Chen Fei. As for Xiaohe, he must know that he had caught me wrong. He didn't say anything when he kicked Chen Fei violently. He just looked at him very resently. Maybe Xiao He is also a breakthrough. As his identity, he has to deal with the police. In this case, let's take this opportunity to make friends with a few people.

Lin Feng turned two streets and turned two streets in front of him. Suddenly, he became prosperous. Looking at the sky, there were no stars in the sky. It was almost dawn. This street was next to the hospital, which was slightly narrow. It was just a shortcut to the hospital, just like the back garden of the hospital, but on this street, it was like a gathering with the underworld. The lights are bright, and the crowds are constantly coming and going. There are panicking to buy daily necessities, and there are people who can't sleep at will. There are all kinds of people, but they are not noisy and slightly quiet. This group of people are like tireless stalls and shops fighting at night, let us pay tribute to these 24-hour rich people.

Lin Feng walked over in the crowd and went straight to the hospital hall. On the way back to the hall, he looked back at the three police cars parked in the parking lot and walked in without any expression.

Pudong People's Hospital, the hall is clean and brightly decorated, giving people a clear and cheerful view. In the hall, only sparse doctors and nurses walk back and forth, and few people like family members are seen. There is a semicircular service department in the middle of the hall, in which there are three beautiful nurses wearing white nurse uniforms and thin cheeks. With a slim figure, one is carefully explaining something for the person lying on the table. He puts the twotuos on her chest on the table, as if it can reduce the load. One sits next to the computer and records something carefully. From time to time, he looks at the form placed on the table, and the other is understanding, and it seems to be ** at a distance. But from the appearance of the man lying on the table, it can be seen that his eyes must be fixed on the two pieces of meat on the chest of the beautiful nurse, nothing else, because at this time, Lin Feng's eyes were attracted by the huge chest of the three beautiful nurses. His eyes flashed and kept coming and going. He didn't know which one was better. "How can it be so big! " Lin Feng walked over with exclamation.

"Hey, beauty, ask something." Lin Feng stared at the face of the beautiful nurse lying on the table and asked shyly.

"Hello, sir, what can I do for you?" The beautiful nurse was called by Lin Feng's beautiful woman and had a good impression on him. She asked with a smile.

"What are your measurements... No, no, I mean, which ward is Officer Chen Fei in?" She almost said something wrong. She really didn't know what would happen if she said something wrong. Lin Feng lowered her head and secretly looked at the beautiful nurse in front of her, like a child who did something wrong.

The nurse blushed when she was asked by Lin Feng, but looked at Lin Feng's appearance, "Sneer" and forced herself not to laugh, "Okay, let me check it for you." The nurse covered her mouth and sneaked to the back, grabbed the chest of the nurse sitting next to the computer with a hippie smile, and took the form to search carefully.

"You damn girl." The nurse also laughed and cursed, which did not upset him because of the nurse's behavior. Another nurse also shook her head with a smile. When I walked in, I saw the nurse walking around holding the information from other nurses and handing it to the computer.

"Is she tired with those two pieces of meat?" Lin Feng is worried about the nurse.

While looking at the beautiful woman, Lin Feng also took a look at the young man standing next to him, in his early 20s, 1.82 meters, wearing clean sportswear.

"I found it." The beautiful nurse said happily, and then put the form back. When she turned around, the sitting nurse put down the mouse and pinched the latter's upturned buttocks, making Lin Feng and the animal beside her open their eyes. "How can it be so bold? If you put it on **, will it still be so bold, plus the one standing, The three of them are really excellent. The two people are dry and uncomfortable, thinking about it.

The nurse was not embarrassed to come to Lin Feng and said, "Chen Fei lives in Room 308." Then she continued to put her two pieces of meat on the table, opened a cut in her chest, opened the nurse's clothes, revealing a large area of white and tenderness inside, and chatted with the man.

Lin Feng listened for a moment and ran away as if he had fled. The two were lovers, and they only said numbing words.

Lin Feng walked around on the first floor, observed the arrangement of the room, and then went out. He didn't forget to look back at the young man lying on the table.

Looking at the layout of the hospital's room, 308 should be on the back of the hospital. After going around the hospital building, this area is much more desolate and gives people a cold feeling. There is no light, but the light from the front of the building and the beam of light in the room are also darker.

Lin Feng looked up at the dark rooms, like a fierce beast growing up and swallowing everything. Occasionally, there was a room with lights on. With many years of military career, he instantly found Room 308.

The light is not on in the room, so there should be no one inside. Lin Feng thought, jumped, and his body flew high. In the night, he was as flexible as a civet cat. The two bounces came to the third floor. Everything was so quiet.

At this time, Tang Kejia returned directly to his club and was in a surprisingly good mood. He parked his Ford and had an impulse to drive the Cadillac GS400 limited edition sports car he had been collecting to race. Thinking about it, I don't know when I came to the hall. Although it was almost dawn, the hall was still full of people. With the sound of heavy metal music, Tang Kejia also burned himself in an instant and gave his close windbreaker to a little brother. He entered the dance floor and swayed with the music.

Lin Feng did not come directly to 308, but grabbed the water pipe and put his body against the wall, like Spider-Man in the movie. He listened for a moment and made sure that there was no movement inside. Then he stretched out his head and looked inside. In the dark room, Lin Feng's eyesight was very clear. There was a man lying in the room, covered with a white quilt, an oxygen mask, hanging a hanging bottle, and several instruments were running next to him.

After a closer look, it was indeed Chen Fei. Lin Feng jumped in, looked at Chen Fei, and sighed, "Alas~~ What a scapegoat."

Lin Feng lifted the quilt. Chen Fei put on a hospital patient's trousers, but his upper body was wrapped in white gauze like an Egyptian mummy. His eyes were closed and his breath was weak.

"It seems that this foot is indeed heavier." Lin Feng said and didn't forget to glance at the latter's little brother, "It's so quiet!"

Stretch out his hands and begin to knead Chen Fei's chest to massage the latter.

This made Lin Feng depressed. He, a normal old man, came to do such a thing to an unknown person. If it spread out, it would affect my reputation. Finish it quickly and leave this place of right and wrong. In case someone sees it, he will really lose his reputation.

"It's so flat, it's just a bone, a little muscle, and it won't be so hard when rubbed." Lin Feng pinched and scolded angrily.

After more than ten minutes, Lin Feng sweated all over, and his hands appeared in the latter's chest like magic, dazzling and overwhelmed, but the latter's breathing was obviously heavy, which showed that his treatment was effective.

After a few minutes, Lin Feng finally stopped his work. He didn't look tired and was too tired. Lin Feng took a deep breath and wiped his forehead with his sleeves. In order not to let his efforts go to waste, he put his head against the latter's ear and whispered, "Chen Fei, I know you can hear it. To tell you the truth, I was wronged. You are also a scapegoat. In fact, it's all this is a person's fault, then It's your captain Xiaohe. Now I'm here to help you to make up for the guilt in my heart. When you wake up and get out of bed, the truth of the matter will naturally come out. At that time, you will know which is right and wrong..."

Just as Lin Feng said, Chen Fei's hand moved slightly, and Lin Feng also felt it, which showed that everything he said was audible to the latter, but whether he could remember that was his own business. Anyway, he was also his lifesaver.

With a "squeak", the door of the room was quietly opened. Xiaohe opened his mouth wide and looked at the two men in the room snuggling together in horror. Chen Fei's quilt was raised high, and Lin Feng's hand was still placed on Chen Fei's chest. The atmosphere in the room ignited in an instant. Xiao He shouted in surprise, "Are you guys doing it?"