Extreme Hero

Chapter 72, it's a big deal

As Zhu Yanlong expected, as soon as they finished wearing, there was a crackling sound of fighting outside the door, and the sound came from far in the corridor.

Zhu Yanlong was shocked. He didn't expect this man to come so fast. He didn't have time to think too much about it. He grabbed the black windbreaker and kicked open the ceiling. With a bang, a dark hole appeared in the ceiling. He climbed into a cabinet by the bed and got into it without any big brother's demeanor.

As the saying goes, once I was bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of the well rope. This is not bad. After being knocked down by Lin Feng for the first time, I couldn't help shudder every time I heard Lin Feng's name. Who would dislike his life and decisively got in.

In fact, the ownership of this hotel is still in his hands, but it is claimed that there are two hotels and bars. As long as it is mixed on the road, not a fool can guess whether it is or not.

So the third floor has been specially decorated. The room where Zhu Yanlong is located is at the end of the corridor, and there is a strong cement wall in the direction. In the surrounding rooms, there are Zhu Yanlong's bodyguards to prevent the latter from being in danger. Every once in a while, a group of bodyguards will be on duty to ensure that everyone has sleep quality. Quantity, not to be confused.

There is a walkway above the smallpox, which is welded with steel, so there is only one way to walk on the whole ceiling. If you leave this road, you will naturally fall down. This is also the way Zhu Yanlong came up with.

This road is connected to the skylight, which can go up to the roof, and there is almost no danger when it reaches the roof.

Mingyan looked at Zhu Yanlong who had penetrated into the black hole. She wanted to get into it, but she looked at the dark hole and retreated again.

"Let's go!" Zhu Yanlong looked at the retreating Mingyan and hurriedly asked.

"Go away, I won't get in." Since the hotel was decorated, almost no one has entered it. No one knows if there are mouse cockroaches in it, or even what it will look like inside. Mingyan is a quiet person, and naturally he will not get in.

Zhu Yanlong looked at the resolute latter, sighed and drilled into it.

"Bang!" With a huge force, the door of Zhu Yanlong's room was kicked open by a big man and looked at the smoke standing quietly. He messed up his hair when he was sleeping. A low-cut long skirt was so long that his feet were naked, and his chest was white. His white feet were outside, and he grabbed a date red windbreaker with his hands and draped them on his shoulders. .

The big man had no intention of pitying Xiangxiyu at all. He stretched out his big hand and grabbed Mingyan's wrist and suddenly exerted his strength. The latter exclaimed and lay down on **. The windbreaker also fell to the ground, revealing her exquisite and enchanting posture.

The big man pointed a pistol with a muffler in his hand and pointed at Mingyan. He looked up at the dark hole in the ceiling. He frowned and turned outside the door and came in a batch of black-dressed unified muffler pistols. Looking at the man standing in the middle of the room, the group of people made the hole big and got in one after another. No After a while, they fell out of it one by one, and their bodies were stained with dirty spider webs, mouse shit and other things.

The Mingyan lying on ** looked at everyone, his stomach turned upside down, and his body turned over. "Wow" spit out a mouthful of gastric juice with milky **.

The big man looked at Mingyan's uncomfortable appearance as if he had nothing to do with him. He took out his mobile phone in his pocket and said, "At the roof." Then he grabbed the smoke and walked out.

Walking in the corridor, Mingyan saw the bodyguards lying on the ground with less air intake and air. The demeanor of that day had long ceased to exist. They lay on the ground with a common point, that is, there was a ball of blood on their chests. Mingyan also followed Zhu Yanlong for many years, knowing that this was the power of bullets.

In the 1982 bar, Lin Feng was still drinking vodka happily. Wang Yang stood beside Lin Feng and poured wine for the latter like a bodyguard. Song Yuandong sat opposite Lin Feng, and Huang Mao and others stood like this.

The sound of fighting on the third floor can't be heard on the first floor, and the heavy metal music on the first floor has already drowned the sound. Even so, Lin Feng guessed that the upstairs was over based on the vibration frequency of the ground, but he didn't know whether it was going well.

Lin Feng felt that the time had come and drank all the wine in the glass. He stood up and said to Wang Yang, who stood aside without knowing why, "Thank you for your company. I'm very happy tonight."

Wang Yang didn't know what Lin Feng meant. He hurriedly said respectfully, "Sir, you're welcome. As long as you are happy, we are also very happy."

"Okay, then don't bother me. It's time for me to go." Lin Feng was about to walk forward when suddenly the phone in his pocket rang. When he pressed the answer button, he heard a strange voice saying to Lin Feng, "Zhu Yanlong is on the roof."

Lin Feng was stunned and hurriedly greeted Song Yuandong to walk out quickly.

From beginning to end, Huang Mao stayed next to Lin Feng. He clearly agreed to beat Zhu Yanlong tonight. Why did he come to drink? He secretly said that it was not good. Huang Mao realized the seriousness of the problem. If the latter just pulled him here to drink... When the money was not able to answer his phone for a long time, he would definitely send it. When people come here, their lives will be unmancipated by themselves. Looking at Lin Feng walking out quickly, Huang Mao and others also followed him, but their eyes were looking around and looking at the mobile phone secretly reporting with a number, which unfortunately disappointed him.

Lin Feng and others walked out without being blocked by anyone. They walked out of the door unimpeded. A cold wind hit. Huang Mao and others all felt a chill and couldn't help trembling. Only Lin Feng and Song Yuandong were like iron men and didn't feel it.

Lin Feng waved to Song Yuandong and pointed upward. Song Yuandong understood and suddenly ran to the side of the road, like an unmanned Hummer, blowing a gust of wind to lift Le and Xiaomei's skirts, but the two of them looked at Song Yuandong, who was running fast, and their eyes radiated surprise and greed. The eyes. They themselves like to pursue excitement. Looking at Song Yuandong's appearance, and then looking at the wild donkey and others on one side, their eyes directly turned into disdain.

Just as everyone was still confused about what was going on, Lin Feng also suddenly rushed out, his feet suddenly kicked on the ground, jumped up, jumped a few meters high, and grabbed the anti-theft net upstairs. Like a civet cat, a few jumps disappeared into the night, leaving a few stunned and confused yellow hair and others.

"It's so handsome!" Lele and Xiaomei looked at the disappeared Lin Feng and Song Yuandong and couldn't help admiring. Presumably they were so brave in **?!

"Well, it must be!" The two said in unison. After saying that, they were stunned at the same time, wiped a touch of red glow on their faces and laughed. The yellow hairs standing beside them did not know what they were thinking, but suddenly remembered and quickly called Qian to inform them again.

There is a reason why Lin Feng asked Huang Mao to come here. He used Huang Mao as bait to seduce the force behind Huang Mao, the Tianma Gang, and strive to take two gangs in one fell swoop. However, just as he expanded his power, someone had come down to investigate the 33 deaths at Haitong Pier.

The matter at Haitong Wharf spread quickly. Only after Xiaohe rushed to the dock and watched the three bodies being carried away, he learned about the situation. None of the people who appeared with him in Xiaohe's case should leak out the matter, otherwise it would be bad for everyone, and then took out his mobile phone to call Director Chen Huai'en. The phone call told the general story of the incident. Of course, the reason why she came to Haitong Pier was that she received a report call. There was a car collision at the intersection of the Shaanxi-Shanghai Expressway, and Xiaohe took people there.

I don't know why there will be unnecessary trouble every time he goes on vacation, and after the statement of the police in the warning room, team leader Chen Fei took people out, and no one knows where to go. This is also Chen Fei's selfishness. He thought that he could kill Lin Feng with so many people, but he didn't expect to encounter such a result.

No one would have thought that a truck would suddenly rush over before everyone was shocked, and the truck would explode in an instant, so that people would be swept into the fire without even the idea of hiding, and finally there were no bones left.

When Xiaohe finished calling Director Chen Huai'en and arranged for the brothers to burn all the bodies on the dock, although it was dark in the middle of the night, Chen Huaien could not sleep safely. He had arranged Xiaohe to silence this matter, but the riot brigade had already known what happened here, and And I also know the situation here.

33 deaths were a huge blow to everyone, and it was also on international territory. When they learned about the incident, they hurriedly responded to their superiors. After layers of reporting, the event has finally reached the center and shocked the old man in Zhongnanhai.

At this moment, Haitong Pier seemed to become a huge bomb and suddenly exploded, and the whole country went crazy about it. At this moment, all media and TV received news. Journalists living in Yanjing went to Shanghai in the middle of the night to report the news as soon as possible.

Then, the central government issued another notice that no media was allowed to report the matter privately, so the case became an underground incident.

Although the above has been notified not to report, and the reporters who have been on the trip have frowned, as noble people, they still did not swear in the end.

Since it is already on the way, there is no need to go back. The reporters all came and went for inspection with a try attitude.

Just when everyone was surging, Chen Huaien, who had just been neatly dressed, received a phone call from Shanghai Police Station. At this moment, fine sweat appeared on his forehead. Knowing the seriousness of the matter, it seemed that there was no way to hide it, so he told the information Xiaohe reported to his superiors again. Third, he stressed that he did not know about this matter, and he was asked to stand still for review. Chen Huai'en, who was neatly dressed, sat down and was frustrated. He knew that he was finished at this stage.

Drive your own car, go to the police station, and sit and wait for the approval from your superiors.

At this moment, the chairs in the office seemed to become cold.